None Of Them?!

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On the way down, all Boboiboy could see was lights, until something started scanning him. "Wha-?" he glanced at his hands.

He was now wearing a suit, it was black and orange, and it glowed around the lines, which made it look cool.

His dino cap transformed so that it was a normal cap without spikes, it was kind of like Halilintar's but it was orange and black instead.

The spots disappeared to be replaced by the letters 'Agent Elemental' in glowing, fancy orange handwriting.

Boboiboy's sports shoes became black combat boots, and around his mouth and neck was a knight's metal mask.

Underneath the mask, which could be seen through the holes of it, was an orange bandanna, wrapped around his mouth to conceal his identity.

When Boboiboy came out, he noticed that Ali, Alicia, and Agent Karya were staring at him. Ali's mouth dropped open.

"You look so cool! And... first of all, why do you have a mask? Even though it does make your suit look cooler... Also, why is your suit glowing? And why is it orange?" Ali asked with lightning speed.

"What's wrong with orange? And for the other questions, I don't know," Boboiboy frowned with a confused tone.

"Ali, don't ask so much, he's new, how is he supposed to know?" Alicia warned him quietly, "About that Boboiboy, what we were surprised about is how your suit was orange, you see, there are four cores, I don't really know how to explain," Alicia glanced up hopefully at Agent Karya.

Karya smiled, "There are four very different cores here in M.A.T.A, they are Tekno, Inviso, Neuro, and Combat. Tekno or the red coloured agents are for those who are good at technology. Inviso, white or grey, is for those who are good at sneaking around and being silent. Neuro, green and yellow, are for those that are smart and with good aim. Finally, combat, blue, which is for those who, yes, are good at combat."

"You, however, are none of those, in your test with the pillar leaders, they have found and agreed that you have mastered all of the cores, which is impossible! You are truly one in a million Boboiboy," Agent Karya bowed in acknowledgment.

Ali and Alicia did the same.

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