4.Shawn Mendes

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Shawn's POV

Today is Y/N and I's 1 year anniversary, but the one sucky thing is that I'm on tour, but also a good thing because it's more of a surprise when I go to her house and scare her really badly. For now though I FaceTimed her.

"Hi babe happy 1 year anniversary!!"
"Aww Shawn I wish you were here right now" as she said that she made a sad face.
"Y/N don't be sad but I have to go"
"Okay I love you bye"
"I love you more bye"
*end of call*

After I was sure I had everything packed I got in a taxi and they took me to the airport and about 40 minutes later we boarded.


I miss Shawn so much but I'm really happy for him he's living is dream, touring and meeting his fans.

I got bored so I went on Twitter and tweeted (insert Twitter here)- I miss my baby💘 @shawnmendes

Then 3 minutes later Shawn tweeted back @Shawnmendes- Awe babe I miss you too! Hope too see you soon☺️❤️ @yourtwitter

I got really happy after that and then I decided to take a nap so I went upstairs to my room and laid down and fell asleep to Shawn's newest album Handwritten.

(A/N- quick promo^ but seriously handwritten is amazing go buy it on iTunes or the play-store or where ever you buy your music but anyway back to the story)

Shawn's POV

I walked into Y/N's apartment and looked around trying to find her. I went up to her room to find her sleeping and listening my album. All I could think was awwww. I didn't want to wake her because she's so cute when she's sleeping. So I went downstairs and watched TV until I felt like she was going to wake up which by that time it was 7:00 pm.

I crept up the stairs and went into her room I saw her eyes flutter open and she was so beautiful I'm the luckiest boyfriend alive to have her.

I started recording on my iPhone. She got out of her bed and she saw me and smiled really hard and ran up to me crying and hugged me tight. It was the best hug I've had in a while.


SHAWN SHAWN SHAWN that's all that's going through my mind. He came and surprised me he's sooooo cute what is life! My life feels complete now that he's here for our anniversary.

"Babe I'm taking you out to eat go get ready" he said with smile on his face
"Fancy or casual?" I asked Shawn
"Fancy please like maybe that blue dress you wore on our first date?"
(Quick A/N- dress will be the picture at the beginning of the image)
"You actually remember that?" I asked surprised
"Of course I remember it's the first time I got to take a beautiful girl out to eat." As he said that I blushed.
"Okay give me an hour to get ready?" I asked
"Of course take your time m'lady" I giggled.

I first took a quick shower then I blow dried my hair, then I curled it, and put my make-up on which consisted of bb cream, powder, curling my eyelashes, putting on mascara, then using my naked 3 pallet, then I put on my blue dress and black wedges and went downstairs.

Shawn's POV

When she walked downstairs I was stunned I still couldn't believe this girl is all mine.

"Shawn are we going?" She said snapping in my face
"Yeah sorry, just can't believe how beautiful my girlfriend is" as I said that her cheeks got all pink and rosy.

We walked out of the apartment and she locked the door and put her keys in her black purse.

( another quick A/N- the purse will be the same place the dress and shoes will be)

We went out to eat at her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden.

(A/N- I know it's not that fancy but who cares k back to the image)


My night with Shawn was amazing only if he didn't have to leave in the morning.

When we got back to my apartment we just went to my room and watch dance moms and cuddled. Gosh I love that boy so much. As I thought that I fell asleep in the arms of the guy I'm in love with.

Hia how did you like it it's my first image and spent a long time on it!

Kay-bæ/ Kaylene

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