-Back To School-

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I woke up to hearing my mom yelling at me to wake up because it was already 6:30 and I needed to be at school by 7:00. I rubbed my eyes and then sat up. I brushed my teeth and got ready. I hated this day so much. I didn't want to go back to school. Not just because it's boring but because I get bullied by Jeongin and his friend.

After getting ready I said bye to my mom and then left the house. I liked walking to school since it wasn't so far. It was about a 5-7 minute walk. I go early sometimes because I stop by the convenience store that is near by as well.

I decided to stop by today to just get Hyunjin and Felix(my friends) something. I went in and grabbed a couple of snacks. I payed for them and then placed the snacks in my bag.

I then jogged my way to school because it was getting a bit late.

I sighed from exhaustion as I made way through the school doors. I hate school so much but at least it's my last year in high school. I just hope that this year Jeongin and his friend leave me alone. They probably won't but there's still some hope.

I ran to my class as I checked the clock. When I arrived I greeted the teacher then looked around and saw non of my friends so I just sat at the back of the class. Once the bell rang our teacher started talking. Then a knock was heard at the door.

As our teacher went up to the door she told us to get a notebook out. As I was getting my notebook I felt someone hit my head. I looked up to see...

Jeongin and Han?!?!

They laughed and then Han sat in front of me and Jeongin sat beside me.

Fuck. You have to be kidding me. I rather be dead then have them as my classmates for the rest of the school year. I have to tell Hyunjin and Felix this at lunch.

I then decided to focus back on what the teacher was saying. While that happened I felt a hit on my shoulder. I look to my left and saw Jeongin with a smirk on his face. He then threw me a piece of paper and told me to give it to Han. He then gave me another piece of paper and said it was for me.

I tapped Han's shoulder but he didn't look back. I tried again but got no reaction again. I then just slid it down his shoulder so it would fall on his lap.

I opened the piece of paper that was meant for me.

"Meet me in the bathroom near the library when the lunch bell rings"

Why did he want to me there?

I shrugged it off and decided to pay attention to the teacher again.

After about 3-4 hours the lunch bell rang. I went straight to the cafeteria completely forgetting about what Jeongin told me. I saw my friends and hugged them. We then all went to grab lunch and sat together.

"Seungmin you won't believe it! Me and Hyunjin are in the same class! It's such a bummer that your not there this year." Felix told me as he pretty much jumped off his seat.

"I know right, it would have been better with you there." Hyunjin said as he smiled at me.

"You guys won't believe who's in my class." I said frowning.

I then heard two loud gasp.

"Don't tell me!" Hyunjin said as he placed a hand over his mouth. Felix doing the same.

I just nodded and Hyunjin being the dramatic person he is pretended to faint.

"Why can't they leave you alone. Ugh Han and Jeongin are so annoying." Hyunjin said as he rolled his eyes.

I then widen my eyes hearing their names. I was supposed to meet Jeongin in the restrooms. Oh fuck, I'm fucked.

"You okay Min?" Felix said as he ate.

I just nodded and continued to eat.

Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other then shrugged their shoulders.

As I was eaten I felt someone pull my hair. It was Jeongin.

"I told you to meet me in the fucking restrooms!" Jeongin yelled at he made me stand up.

"Yah! Leave him alone!" Hyunjin and Felix said as they stood up as well.

Jeongin just ignored them and slapped me. I bit my bottom lip as he slapped me again but harder this time. He then grabbed me by my shirts collar.

Hyunjin then tried to stop Jeongin but Jeongin just shrugged him off.

I was then push to floor. I then saw Han as Jeongin backed away. Han then started beating me up.

Jeongin then joined him. My friends and other people tried to stop them but couldn't do much as they were afraid of what would happen to them.

After a couple minutes they both stop beating me up. They got up and Han left. Jeongin then decided to speak.

"Next time listen you bitch."

I just nodded and he walked away. Hyunjin and Felix then rushed over to me.

"Are you okay Min?"

Felix and Hyunjin had a worried look on their face.

I nodded then spoke.

"Yeah don't worry, it doesn't hurt much."

It really wasn't a lie, the most I had was a busted lip and a bruise on my cheek.

They then helped me up and we threw our trash away. We then hugged each other goodbye and then went to our classrooms.

I walked to my class and the teacher looked at me concerned.

"Are you okay Seungmin? You seem hurt"

"I'm okay Ms. Seo"

She just nodded and I walked to my seat.

I laid my head down and fell asleep the rest of the class.

I then woke up to someone shaking me. It was Felix and Hyunjin was by him.

"Let's go, schools over." Hyunjin said as he passed me my bag.

"How did you know I was here? Also there's snacks in my bag for both of y'all"

"Jeongin told us and thanks." Felix said as he took the bag away from Hyunjin and searched in my bag.

He pulled out the snacks and then handed me my bag. I got up and we walked out the school.

"Wait Felix didn't Jeongin give you something to give to Seungmin?"

Felix nodded and I looked at them confused. Felix then handed me a piece of paper.

"Do y'all know what it says?" I asked.

"No, Jeongin told us to not read it or he'll punch us. Now let's go to your house and take care of you."

I nodded and we walked to my house. I entered and we all greeted my mom and dad as he was now back from work. We then went to my room and Felix and Hyunjin took care of my lip and bruise.

As they did that I read the note that was for me.

"I'm sorry for what I did please forgive me Min, I'll make it up to you- Jeongin<3"

My eyes widen in shock. Hyunjin noticed and snatched the piece of paper not caring about what Jeongin had said because how would he know that Hyunjin read it? He read it then dropped it on the floor.

"Oh my gosh Seungmin!"

I hate him ☆ seunginWhere stories live. Discover now