-What The Actual Fuck-

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Felix looked at both us in confusing.

"Ain't no fucking way he's apologizing." Hyunjin said as grabbed me.

Felix then picked up the note and read it. He then grabbed me as well.

"What the actual fuck is going on." Said Felix in shock.

I was speechless. Jeongin apologizing to me?! This all had to be a joke. He can't be serious right now. He has never apologized to me.

"Um anyways, Seung I think I will go now I don't feel well." Hyunjin said as he gathered his things. He then said goodbye to me and Felix and left.

Me and Felix just started talking about random things and then he left around 8.

I then took a shower, put my pj's on, brushed my teeth and headed to bed.


I woke up and checked the time. 6:27. I groaned and then sat up in my bed. I then remembered about the note. Everything was just so confusing. I then snapped back into reality and decided to go and get ready for the day.

I did everything as usual and then left the house. I didn't stop by the convenience store because I was running a bit late. I had wasted a lot of time picking out my outfit.

Once I arrived at school I got a message from Felix saying that him and Hyunjin weren't going to school because Hyunjin was sick and he was taking care of him.

Well great. Not even a week in and I already have to be by myself at school.

I hurried to my class and sat in the same seat as yesterday. After a minute I saw Han and Jeongin walk in. I ignored them but not for long. They walked over to me but this time only Han hit me.

I was shocked, I expected for Jeongin to hit me as well. I shrugged it off thinking he was just in a really bad mood until he handed me something. A teddy bear? Why would he give me this?

I looked at him with a puzzled look and he just looked away. I placed it in my bag while they then proceeded to sit in the same seats as yesterday. Then the bell rang and our teacher shut the door and began to speak.


I ended up zoning out while the teacher was talking. That was until I heard a loud bang on my desk but not so loud to cause a distraction. It was Han. I looked up at him and he gave me a slap on the face.

I didn't even do anything to him. I looked over to Jeongin who had seen it happen and he had a kind of angry look on his face. To be honest he looked cute. As much as I hated to admit it I did think that he was cute and I may or may not have a crush on him.

Yeah I know it's not good because he's my bully but I just couldn't help falling for him.

I then looked away as soon as he turned to face me. I listened to the teacher talk till I heard the lunch bell. I got up and as soon as I walked I fell face first on the floor.

Han had just tripped me.

"What the fuck dude, I haven't even done anything to you." I said to Han standing up.

He just rolled his eyes and punched my stomach. He then walked out the class. Jeongin then followed.

I didn't go to the lunch room as I knew I would have no one to be with. I then headed to the rooftop where some people eat lunch. Unfortunately, Jeongin and Han hang out around here too. I just looked around and found a place to sleep.

I was tired and didn't care about skipping class. Besides it's just one day. Who would care?


I woke up in the same place and position but something wasn't right. I had a jacket over me that wasn't mine. I had left mine in the classroom. I took it off me and my eyes widen in shook as I saw who's name it had.

Yang Jeongin.

Why would he give me his jacket? Ugh I hated this so much. He's confusing me. Does he hate me or not?

I then heard the bell that indicated that school was over. I put on the jacket correctly and then hurried my way to my classroom to get my things. As I entered my teacher asked why I wasn't there and I just lied and said I was in the nurse's office.

I then went to my desk and gathered my things. As I headed out the class I was stopped by Han. Ugh what did this bitch want.

"Why do you have Jeongin's jacket?" He said as he pushed me to the floor.

"I don't know, now can you please leave me alone?"

"Why would I you useless bitch?"

"I don't know but you should."

I stood up and turned my back towards him. I heard Han scoff but just walked out the school.

While looking for my phone in my bag I pulled out the teddy bear Jeongin had given me and looked closely at it. It had also come with a note that I didn't notice at first glance. I opened it and saw his phone number.

What the fuck. I'm so confused with him. I put the note in my bag and held the teddy bear as I looked for my phone. I found my phone then texted Felix and Hyunjin about what had happened today. I then walked home with the bear in my hands. I slightly smiled at the fact he had given me his jacket,a teddy bear and his phone number.

This all seemed very weird tho. Han was still being like before but is starting to mess with me more while Jeongin is doing the complete opposite. Almost like he wants to be friends. I'm not so sure about all of this.

I got home and greeted my parents and then went to my room. I then got the note out my bag and thought about texting him. I then decided to do it but got changed into something comfortable before doing it. As I took off his jacket I looked around on where to place it because I didn't want to get it dirty. I then placed his jacket on an empty chair I had in my room so it would stay clean. I then sat on my bed after fully changing and opened my phone.

I typed his number in and texted him.

"Hi is this Jeongin?"

I then got a reply in seconds.

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