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Olivia’s POV

It's been a week since the villain attacked midtown. Though Mr. Stark has made it so I have had plenty to do. Between working in the lab, and self defense classes with Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barton, my schedule has been full. I've been enjoying it though. Peter had his friends over a few times, though I only saw them in passing. 

Though I have been having fun, nothing is expected, everything is so very loud and bright. Everyday has been a new thing, and I have had nine scenery overloads this week. 

Peter is the only person who knows that I have had issues, though he only knows about four of them. 

Currently I'm lying in our room staring at the ceiling, thinking about how life was before Aunt May left. I know that it hasn't even been two weeks yet, but I'm so done with this. The only thing that is still the same is the good morning text that Austin sends in the class group chat, and Peter's Spider-Manning. 

 To say I'm done with this "adventure" is an understatement, I'm really glad I met the Avengers, I want to be in my apartment, where I have it to myself for most of the day. And there is only ever May and Peter there. Yes I have my room here but I can't sit still so I leave the safety of the room and there loud, and …… 

Ughhhh I hate complaining. I turn to my side, grabbing my phone to stop all train of thought. There is nothing better than the internet to make you forget your problems. I go to pinterest to look at a plethora of cool contraptions, and simple yet beautiful art. There is nothing better to create an aura of fermilority than looking at things related to my never ending game of hobby hoping. 

An hour passed when I got a message from. ,Austin? 

(A: Austin. O: Olivia)

A: Hey I saw you were online 

A: What you doing

O: Can't sleep. Why are you messaging me?

A: bored mostly I'm at work and nothing is happening

O: It's 11:30 on a Monday, why are you at work? 

A: most teenagers don't go to bed at 10 Liv and I get off in 30 minutes anyway 

A: So Ms scheduled what is breaking your habits

O: My brother and I are living with friends of the family while our aunt is out of the country for a work thing.

I'm not sure why I told him what was going on, I'm typically a vary secretive person, but I felt like I can trust him

A: sounds fun unless it not 

O: It is fun, but also overwhelming. I want to go home but I'm stuck here.

A: oh dang that sukes I bet school being out isn't helping 

A: and btw you text like a grandma

O: I do not. Proper punctuation is important. And no, school being out is not helping.

A: . And , waste time 

O: but your message is clearer and easier to read.

A: idc I don't think any one dose 

O: I do. I need to try to sleep. The school sent an email saying classes will resume on Wednesday so I will see you then. 

A: Yeah yeah g night ttyl

O: Good night Austin. 

I put my phone back In its place, snuggled up into my blanket attempting to fall asleep. Only one more free day before class is back. Maybe I can get Pete to do something more nermal.  

A/N) So Hi. It might have taken me this long to actually find out where I want the story to go. But now that I got a general outline I'm going to try to post more often. If there is something you would like to see happen I would love to know and will try to add it in some way. 

I hope you had a merry Christmas and enjoy the last few days of 2022 

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