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(Y/n) was bent over, her hands gripping her knees to keep her from falling over. Her shovel lay abandoned in the fluffy snow that had fallen overnight, and she desperately yanked down the scarf she had tied around her mouth and nose.

Giving a heave and a few burps, she vomited what had been her breakfast. The vile melted through the snow as soon as it made contact, turning it to a greenish sludge. Her eyes teared up in pain; with every batch of spew her stomach squeezed itself shut.

She gasped between the waves, cringing and letting out a small whimper. After one more surge, she let out a loud spit, trying miserably to rid her mouth of its sour and burning taste.

She hadn't been able to keep anything down all morning. Since she woke up, she had been subject to vomiting water and coffee to solid foods. She couldn't even keep two painkillers down. Jack had suggested that she eat saltines, but shut up when she frustratedly scolded him from the bathroom.

After scrubbing her lips with the back of her mittened hand, (Y/n) sighed, picked up her shovel, and turned back towards her front door. There was no point in shoveling if she would just keep throwing up.

"Outdoors didn't do anything for you?" Jack asked, sprawled across the living room floor with a copy of The Shining in his hands. He had just gained (Y/n)'s permission to raid her bookshelves and seemed to be taking advantage of it already.

(Y/n) shook her head as she threw layer after layer of clothes onto the back of a chair.

"Well," Jack paused to turn the page, "I'm out of ideas."

"That one hurt," (Y/n) cringed after she had collapsed into a separate chair, "I almost thought I would see blood in the vom."

"That's normal," Jack muttered, ignoring (Y/n)'s scoff, "Your body's not supposed to emesis this much and this often."

Jack paused to dogear his page and smack the novel closed. He turned his empty sockets towards her, watching her slumped over in the wooden chair before he asked,

"Are you sure you don't want me to look at that bite?"

(Y/n) sighed.

"Even if I let you, there's not much you can do. If you'd like to join me in the present, you'll notice that we're snowed in for awhile."

"You'd be surprised at what I can whip up if you'd give me the chance."

Jack's voice was tired and stern. They'd had this conversation a million times, and both of them were getting tired of it. (Y/n) turned her head to look at him, who intently stared back.

She groaned, shoving the chair back so that it squealed against the muddy wood.

"Fine," she drew out, throwing her head back, "But if you can't do anything I claim 'I told you so' rights."

Jack huffed and shoved himself up from the floor on the other side of the bars. In a few steps, he met (Y/n) on the opposite side before he crouched down to her sitting level.

(Y/n) herself took the bandage and unraveled it, bunching it up in her hands before tossing it on the floor. She grimaced at the air stinging at the rotting bite again, but reluctantly held out her arm for Jack to inspect.

She knew it was never a good sign when even a self-proclaimed doctor groaned.

"(Y/n)..." he whispered, moving his masked face closer to the bars to get a better look, "Oh my god..."

"Stop with the drama," (Y/n) groaned, glaring at him, "Just tell me what to do, this thing is killing me it hurts so bad."

"Go to the hospital!" Jack scolded her, pivoting his head upwards to look at her, "Apologize to Kim and take her up on that offer!"

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