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(Y/n) heard the thud as Jack ran into the doorway, trying not to laugh under her breath. He had walked in and out of that door hundreds of times already, and it never failed to amaze her when such an experienced person slipped up like that.

She only continued to scrub at the dishes in the sink, one sleeve tied up to keep it from getting in the water. Jack stumbled down the hallway, one hand on his forehead and the other reaching out in front of him, a look of pure agony on his face.

"Oh don't be so dramatic," (Y/n) laughed, peeking over her shoulder at him before returning her attention to the dishes, "You're fine."

Jack only whined, following the sound of her voice and the splashing of the water before he reached her. And when he did, he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. Turning her head, she pressed a kiss to his cheek in an effort to comfort him.

"How did the planting go? The weather looks pretty good out there," she asked, giggling as Jack returned the kiss to her neck.

"Mmm, it went well," he sighed, pressing his face to the nape of her neck, "It's hot out there too. Bit of a nice change after all we had over Christmas."

(Y/n) hummed, enjoying the feeling of his large, strong arms around her waist. Even after all the times he had done it before, it still made her heart leap when he slipped his thumb under her shirt to trace her hip.

"That tickles," she smiled, trying to focus on the dishes, but finding it difficult with Jack's actions.

Jack chuckled lowly, kissing at her neck again. (Y/n) only made a poor attempt to shove him off, which proved difficult when her hand was occupied in the sudsy water.

"Calm yourself, big guy," she laughed, "Kim and Hank are coming over to help out soon. You better behave."

"I only have to behave myself when they get here," Jack claimed, but still listened and rested his head on her shoulder again, facing forward, "Do you want me to help you dry?"

(Y/n) nodded, and passed a dripping cup to Jack's outstretched hand. As she watched him carefully dry it, as to not drop it, she smiled. She reached up and quickly pecked him on the cheek, laughing when his face went red. Surprising him with affection had become her new favorite pastime, and from the looks of it, Jack seemed to be enjoying it just as much as she was.

Compared to the life she would have lived had he never shown up that cold fall night, she would have picked this one over it in a heartbeat. Even if it meant losing a limb and risking her life, she would do it all over again if it was for him. And she never had to question if he would do the same for her.

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