The Prologue: The United Nations

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Today is going to be historical, at least for India. India is going to get a chance to rectify its most controversial mistake ever: the decline of the United Nations' permanent membership by Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India

After a few decades of struggle, India was able to convince the UNO to relocate its headquarters from New York. India is hoping for the headquarters to be relocated to Kolkata. China is not making it any easier for India. China is fighting for the headquarters to be shifted to Shanghai. The United States of America, the permanent member, is totally against this.

 The United States of America, the permanent member, is totally against this

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The other permanent members: China, France, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom, and the non-permanent members: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates voted that the United Nations should reconsider the location of its headquarters in the UN General Assembly which happened six months ago.

In a few hours, the UN General Assembly will commence. In this assembly, the members will vote for the frontrunners: India, China or America

The power to vote is limited to permanent members. The votes can be cast after the presentation of their respective proposals to the assembly by the representatives of the frontrunners: the prime minister of the Republic of India - Siddharth Singh; the president of the People's Republic of China – Ye Shihong; and the president of the United States of America – Joe Callaway.

img src: Wikipedia

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