get to know me

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october 31 2022
julia's pov

"monday halloween doesn't make any fucking sense." i mumble to myself while putting my backpack on the floor since i just got home from school.

hi, i'm julia urie daughter of dickhead urie and sarah urie. my bad, asshole urie. oops my bad let me try again, fuckboy urie. oh whoops! hold on, brandon urie.

ah would you look at that. it's brendon urie.


anyways, i'll introduce myself to you so you actually know me. my names julia, i'm 17 years old turning 18 on christmas.

my hair is thick, dirty blonde, straight, and reaches above my waist, i have brown eyes, i'm 5'10, my lips are pink, and when i smile i show my teeth. i have anxiety, depression, and alongside all that adhd.

i love music, if i get hooked on a band do not doubt that i will research everything about this band and everything about the lead singer or the bassist or drummer or guitarist.

i learned to play guitar and bass when i was 9 and spencer taught me drums a couple of years ago.

i really like the bands/singers ice nine kills, megadeath, five finger death punch, and avenged sevenfold.

one of my other favorite things is football. i like the buffalo bills, but i'll watch any game that's on.

"julia, what're you doing for halloween?" mom knocks on the door before coming in, she's pregnant and due very soon so she's got her bump going. "i dont know maybe cry a bit, think about how shitty you guys are to me." i shrug "we're not shitty to you julia." she sighs "whatever you say." i nod "what're you actually gonna do? dad's going out to pete's and kala's coming over. he was wondering if he needed to drive you anywhere." she asks "can he drive me to awsten's? awsten was gonna get me but his apartment is on the way to pete's house." i reply "yeah i'll tell him." she goes back down.

awsten's the lead singer of waterparks, also my best friend also my favorite person ever. i'm also friends with all his friends and just people he knows. it's so cool, since i know awsten i know the band ice nine kills and have met them and have them in my contacts. their lead singer and guitarist, spencer and ricky, constantly text me and check in on me and it's so fucking cool.

"julia, what time do you need to be over to awsten's?" dad comes up asking "around 6, we're going out to dinner at 7:30." i reply "alright, also can you stop with the attitude with your mom?" he sighs at the end "can you both stop being shitty? but i know you can't do that because it's just like you're so fucking stupid that not being shitty to me is like impossible for you. i dont know what to tell you except suck it up, don't treat me like i'm shit and i won't treat you like your shit." i snap at him "i don't have to drive you to awsten's y'know." he says "then don't! i'm not making you! i can literally walk or drive myself or awsten can come pick me up. i know for a fact he would." i laugh "can you stop with the attitude, julia?" he sighs "stop being shitty." i retort "never once have i been shitty to you! you've being nothing but rude to me for so long. you think it's just some joke but i'm not joking!" he yells.

it's always the fucking yelling. i hate the yelling.

"are you kidding? you have to be kidding, right? you are the fucking worst, you're the worst dad sarah's the worst mom, you guys are shitty parents. i don't care about you guys and i know you don't care about me. i literally could fucking run away and you would move on in days." i reply "you know that's not true. we're not the worst either, you're not giving us a chance." he sighs "i have given you a chance! multiple actually." i look up at him "maybe you think you have, but julia, you haven't." he replies "then that's too fucking bad, i dont know what to tell you." i shrug "you're so fucking ungrateful!" he yells at me slamming my door shut on his way out.

a little dramatic but alright.

i'll just text awsten that i'm gonna walk over now because i'm not sitting in the house waiting to get yelled at again.

california gurls
(awsten, gracie, zeph, jawn, daphne, geoff, lucas, kay)

i'm walking over now because i don't feel like driving

girl you are NOT walking, i'm picking you up. i'll be there in 10 minutes

no i wanna pick her up

but i want to

shut up jawn

but what about me and daphne

zeph, awsten, jawn, daphne and i carpool era?

i'm down with that era

slay ✨💕😊


if juli's coming over early should we?


i set my phone in my pocket while grabbing my wallet just in case, even awsten insists every fucking time we go out to pay for me. i pull on my converse on and sit down on the edge of my bed waiting for one of the two text me that they're here.

i'll just post something on twitter for the fuck of it.

@djmoneysnak better step on the gas 😟
liked by @zephanijong and 12046 others
@awsten that's why i should've driven you, i woulda been speedy. but i'm currently sitting in the backseat because someone stole shotgun.
@underscoregeoff where are we going out to eat?
@daphne.danne some italian place
@juliaurie lasagna!

a few minutes later awsten texts me that they're here. i go downstairs "are you gonna say bye?" dad asks while i'm going down the steps "bye." i roll my eyes "i dont know what your problem has been for the past few years with me, but can you please just stop with the attitude." he raises his voice "vienna's behind you." i say and he basically whips around so i keep walking to the car. vienna wasn't behind him but she's his favorite so it's easy to call that shit.

i'm her favorite though, so suck on that bitch.

i heard the car door open and shut, it's probably jawn. "can you stop being a bitch for once?" he says to me "do you realize how much of a dick you are to her?" jawn asks "i'm not." dad replies "you literally just called your 17 year old a bitch. i think that would qualify. i dont know what your problem is, even she doesn't know. but i dont know why you have to project it." jawn shakes his head "go have fun, please." sarah hands me my phone and wallet since apparently i didn't grab it.

i gave dad a dirty look before walking back to the car, jawn next to me.

"he is such a fucking dick to you oh my god." gracie sighs while pulling out of the driveway "are you really shocked?" i ask "yeah." zeph and gracie jinx "this is old news." awsten shrugs "but he's still a fucking dick." he nods.

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