"what's a girl doing on the field"

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november 5 2022
julia's pov

"win on three! one, two, three, win!" james yells in our pit of smelly boys and a girl. we're out at bel-air. just saying, i didn't know bel-air got a team.

we run out on the feild hearing some cheering but not a lot, lots of boo-ing. boo's over rules the cheers but that's alright, it just makes our team want a win even more.

"what's a girl doing on the field!?" some fucking old guy yells like usual "she's winning the game!" eric yells back making the people near us and the old guy hear.

we set up our play and get down after their kickoff, they're letting me run the ball at the 25 yard line on bel-air's side. i love this team so fucking much.

james calls omaha set and i'm fucking off.

getting past tall bulky guys isn't easy but i can do it. i have the tall part just not bulky.

i stiffarm one of their safety's and i go in for a touchdown then getting shoved to the ground by the cornerback, number 7. the shove was after the touchdown. hm. odd. that's unnecessary roughness, 5 yard penalty. i get up shoving the guy back only for me to get another shove back. he grabs me by my face mask and nico finally notices pulling me away along with the refs.

"shove me again!" number 7 yells, i try to push myself through nico but logan pulls me back. "guys, guys, guys!" their number 78 yells over us.

i hate guys.

"let her be, for fucks sake you know better. she's going farther than any of us in life. don't get her fucked up." even their qb came onto the field.

that was sweet.

"unnecessary roughness on the offense, number 24, 5 yard penalty." one of the refs says "wait what? are you joking?" i laugh even more upset.

"he shoved me first." i tell nico "i know he did but go sit down because you know how refs are." he says.

"that doesn't even make sense." i throw my helmet on the side of the feild sitting down on the bench "he shoved you first, i dont know why they called penalty." coach mike sighs "get the girl off the field!" someone yells "can't take a hit!" another one laughs. that shit makes my blood boil.

"dude shut up, she's amazing." finally someone sticks up for me, not that i need it but it's nice to hear it happen.

while our defense goes on and does their shit like nobody's buisness, i get up and grab my helmet. coach sean puts his hand on my shoulder "don't let 'em get to you. how many times have i had to tell you that? you take that hit, get up, and play it even better. they're gonna give you shit but you just have to take it." he says to me and i nod "how're you feeling?" he asks "i want a touchdown." i answer and he smiles "that's what i like to hear." he pats my back.

"girls shouldn't play on the field!" someone says.

bel-air fucked up the fourth down so i'm back out to get us some points. "hey, 24, be there." james hits my helmet, that's been his way of saying 'hey juli, i love you but don't start a fight, just get us a win'. good words of wisdom, i guess.

he hands me off the ball and i push my way to the 10. so now we're 1st and goal. "your families here," nico says "right behind our bench."

james hands me off the ball and i get our touchdown. "that's what i'm talking about." nico, james, and logan pat my shoulders and helmet.

our lord and savior, aiden, gets the field goal and then we're set for our defense to go in.

i sit down on our bench "false start, 45." gabe and i jinx, the refs call it thankfully and it's 5 yard penalty.

later we go into overtime because we're tied 14-14 and we have the ball. we do our setup and it's all up to me, james isn't throwing the ball and we aren't going for a feild goal. times like these in games are when i'm focused on two things, get the ball, get the touchdown. everything and everyone else goes silent for me.

james hands me off the ball and i go on the outside sprinting my life away and into the end zone. "god damn right!" nico yells while they're all patting my helmet or shoulders pads, "thank you!" james laughs.

we go back to our bench and go to the locker rooms. we're all taking off our jerseys and pads, i always wear an under armor shirt so i'm fine. i take off my game pants which leave me in compression shorts so i put on a pair of grey sweatpants. i also change my cleats for slides.

so i'm in a white underarmour compression long sleeve shirt, grey sweatpants, my game socks, and nike black slides.

"i'm really proud of you guys. find a way to just find a way. my hair and my heart would appreciated a cleaner game but we'll take it." coach sean says, the baldest man on earth, "what hair?" the team says laughing getting the coaches to as well. "what hair? more than you think." he shakes his head making me laugh "alright, you guys did great, that's 7 wins in a row. we're 7-2 now." coach sean smiles

"bring it up. there's no other family i'd rather be with tonight. family on three, one, two, three." coach mike tells us "family." we all say.

we all grab our stuff and walk out to the bleachers finding our family.

i walk over to my people, "girls shouldn't play football." a lot of people say "can you enjoy football somewhere else? thanks." i reply "i'm just saying girls shouldn't play football." he says once again "and i'm just saying you should leave, nobody wants you here." i laugh "what did i say earlier?" coach sean messes my hair up earlier.

"love you too sean!" i yell since he's already walked away "coach sean." i hear him laugh making me smile, along with spencer and awsten.

spencer, awsten, andy, nicole, dan, dad, mom, and vienna are here.

i put my helmet on vienna making her laugh but also keeping her busy trying to figure out how to take it off. "good game, kid." joe says "thank you." i smile "that little shoving contest?" spencer teases "i won." i smirk "alright." andy hugs me, i haven't seen him in forver.

we all talk for awhile but i'm the carpool king and i have to take spencer and dan. i unlock my car so they can get in while i throw my bags into the trunk.

"where to?" i ask grabbing my phone once i've buckled in so i can bluetooth some music. "i'm hungry." dan says "spence?" i look back "sure!" he smiles. "text people and see if they want to come with. we can just go to reunion." i say since that's the restaurant i work at, they'll give me a work discount.

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