rainy days in la

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november 1 2022
julia's pov

it's supposed to rain while we play our football game. i love it.

i get up out of bed and get dressed and ready for school also making sure i have everything in my football bag.

with the three jobs i work, i have my own car so it's an easy reason not to take the bus to school. i head downstairs and grab a banana before getting in my car i put my bags in the passenger side and then i'm off. i have a 2017 white subaru outback and it is the best fucking thing ever.

when i get to my high school i spot james whose our quarterback, i'm a running back. running backs are like quarterbacks righthand man.

"well somebody looks good today." he says while we both get out of our cars since i parked next to him. "you wanna be my camera man for instagram?" i ask "oh it'd be my pleasure." he laughs making me as well.

quarterback cameraman and running back model
📸 @james56

liked by @jakechams and 19092 others@james56 we're literally the best@aidenwest you're missing the best wide receiver out here🫢🫢

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liked by @jakechams and 19092 others
@james56 we're literally the best
@aidenwest you're missing the best wide receiver out here🫢🫢

later on we land at the last class of the day which is science. aiden, james, landon, and eric are in the class so it makes it better. "you guys are just gonna have a make-up day, and if you're done with all your things you can just talk. i have to get in grades and all that." mr.stocklin says "sick." aiden says. the five of us move close to each other since our desks are spread apart, mr.stocklin learnt the heard way of why not to put people next to teammates.

"i have to finish my spanish assignment but i don't get it. who understands spanish?" eric asks "i gotcha." i take his paper and pencil doing his work while we all talk.

"who are we playing later?" i ask "gardena, thankfully it's a home game too. gardena from here is like an hour." landon says and i hum.

soon enough the bell rings and i grab my backpack before finding some of my team. "hey don't screw up today running back!" someone says while walking by, i never said being a girl football player was easy, "fuck off." i say "what'd you say?" of course it was jack arnold and his little group. he's the biggest try hard known to man kind, also the biggest man whore, also the biggest asshole in this school. the team and i are also pretty sure he's jealous of me and also just has a crush on me. morally because jack was talking to logan about how hot i am apparently.

"i said fuck off. i'm gonna go and actually do something with my life so buh-bye." i smile "are you seriously talking to her like that?" james asks "i am, what're you gonna do about it?" jack laughs "i'm assuming you're cheering for gardena?" nico asks "i am." jack nods "that's unfortunate." james chuckles "he's just messing with us." jack says to his friends.

if that isn't the biggest irl disney moment, i dont know what is. what the fuck was that, i'm gonna laugh so fucking hard.

"coaches called a meet." landon jogs by, his locker's on the other side of the school. i start walking backwards to the stairs but still waiting for my guys.

we head down stairs passing teachers who either wish us good luck or just pat us on the back. then there's mr.ayres who has a certain sequence of high fiving us, it's a good luck thing. if it doesn't go the right order then we end up having a bad game.

he didn't mess it up today.

we get to the locker rooms and we all change into our gear, i change in the big stall of the bathrooms next to the locker rooms. "alright, are we all here?" coach sean asks, there's coach sean, dan, and mike. "i think so." james says.

they end up going through the roster of a rough 45 teenagers.

"alright, so logan told me that someone's saying shit about juli. anybody want to tell us about it?" coach mike asks, wait shit about me? i look up scrunching my eyebrows together "that's alright if you don't want to tell us. you'll just have to run suicides." coach dan nods "whose talking about me?" i ask james "landon told me that it was alex." he whispers in my ear "you wanna tell us?" coach mike looks over at the two of us.

"don't make me run suicides." nico huffs "logan told me that he heard alex talking about how it's shitty having a girl on the team and that it's not fair to have somebody too fragile. alex talking to jack arnold." james says "dude." alex sighs "so why? why'd you talk like she's a bad player because i can tell you guys once again, she's been put through hell and back while playing on an all boys football team but she's still plays for us. she's one of your best teammates." coach sean says "jack was saying stuff about her and kinda pushed me into it so i said stuff that wasn't true just so i could get him off my back." alex replies.

"alright grab your bags and whatever you need, we're going to the feild early." coach sean says and i grab my bag. i walk in front of landon and behind nico.

we get up to the field and put our stuff down, it is fucking downpouring. "juli you can set up the cones for his suicides. he's doing 50 suicides." coach mike says. i grab two cones putting one at the goal line and the other at the 20 yard line.

"you guys are just gonna stretch out and warm up." coach dan says to us and we do our warm ups. "32 to go!" i hear coach mike yell. he's covering alex while dan and sean are on us.

"fuck it." i shrug, i leave our circle of doing crunches and take off my helmet "your crunches aren't done!" coach sean yells over at me "and his suicides aren't either." i reply.

"how many more?" i ask waiting for alex to get back to goal line "30." coach mike says. once alex is back i start the suicides with him. "hey don't slow down on me, i'm not doing this for you i'm doing it with you. there's a difference." i tell alex "sorry for that." he says "fuck the past, we're in the present right now alex." i reply "juli the wise." he says making me laugh.

this is all while sprinting our lives out by the way.

after a long 4 hours of nonstop football against gardena we won 49-6. today we learnt that they're a very bad team.

nobody showed up to see me but i got my coaches, that's the usual so i'm not shocked. people either are working or just busy or don't want to come and i get it. i have to go home take a shower and then be at the auto shop by 9pm and currently it's 7:43pm. working at the auto shop job #2, #3 is waitressing at reunion. anyways. after we're done with our team stuff they all start to head out but i do my cool down like usual.

i use my helmet as my 10 yard mark so i can stretch my legs out. "hey juli, i gotta go home early. i can't stick around." coach sean says, he usual stays while i do my cool down "okay, it's fine!" i reply in the middle of lunges. people are still here though.

"hey, 24, you played great." someone says and i turn around seeing elyse holding a black umbrella over herself. "i'd hug you but i'm all sweaty and soaked." i laugh, she smiles "i can live without one hug."

"do you need a ride home?" i continue doing my streches "if you don't mind." she says "'course not. just give me like two more minutes." i reply and she nods.

after i'm done we both head to my car, we both threw our bags in the back of the car. i take out my pads from my jersey and get into my car. "i texted you my address if you forgot it." she says "thank you, el." i open my phone putting it onto waze.

i get her to her house safe then head to my house quick.

i run upstairs taking a quick shower then change into black skinny jeans and the 'midas international' t-shirt because that's the name of the place. i put my hair into a bun and head back downstairs "how was the game?" dad asks "we won, 49-6." i say while grabbing my keys off the table in the hallway to the front door. "where are you off to?" he asks "i have to work tonight, like every tuesday and thursday i'm at midas." i say and he nods.

"where you going?" vienna asks me "i have to work, vee. i'll be home later." i say and head out.

i get into my car driving off.

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