Chapter 9: Better Than Revenge

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Giselle smiles to herself realise today was going to be a great day. She gets up out of bed and gets ready for the day.

Giselle comes down and smiles happily and welcomes her brother Damon.

Giselle: good morning Damon!

Damon: uh... morning, why are you so happy today?

Giselle: -avoids his stare and smiles down happily- no reason -sighs happily- no reason -sits down at the island table and rest her chin are arm sighing happily again-

Damon: -looks at her strange- okay then. Where's Stefan?

Giselle: why do you care? I thought your humanity was turned off.

Damon: I can't just asked?

Giselle: usually when someone ask they care, and that shows a bit if a humanity. I can see it to Damon.

Damon: -roll eyes- whatever.

Giselle: hey don't act like you don't care for Stefan. If I can forgive Stefan for what he did in the past so should you. -takes a banana out of fruit bowl and starts to peal it off-

Damon: you think there's still hope for me

Giselle: yeah... I never once gave up on Stefan like you did.

Damon: well that doesn't make a difference anymore because it looks like from last night that he didn't give a damn about me. You heard what he said, he wished that people knew about him so he would end up dead and not have to worry about me anymore.

Giselle: you know normal people with their humanity off would have let that girl run off screaming vampire. Why didnt you do that Damon? Do you still care a little? because that prove you do. And dont go with that bull shit lie saying you want Stefan to have a miserable life from you. You and I both know that you still care. You just want revenge because Stefan did the same thing with you and you know Im right -takes a bite out of her banana-

Damon just look at his sister and Stefan comes into the kitchen.

Stefan: good morning!

Stefan see Giselle eating a banana grabs it and throws it away.

Giselle: hey I was eating that!

Stefan: no you werent. you'll going to have a real breakfast. You haven't eaten any human food in days. And that's not good for you, you need human food to help you survive as well.

Giselle: well I was eating human food until you threw it away.

Stefan: you need something better. You're eating scrambled eggs end of discussion.

Giselle: what about poptart I'm craving for pop tart right now? Isnt that healthy.

Stefan: what part of end of discussion don't you understand?

Giselle: -roll eyes- whatever, I'm thirsty. I'm going to the basement and get a blood bag, -to Damon- want one

Damon: sure

Stefan: not to much!

Giselle: -starts walking out and roll eyes- buzz kill!

Damon: -chuckles- wow this kid cracks me up. Hmm, I wonder where she gets it from. Oh right me. -smirks-

Stefan: so she doesn't like the way I'm living, at least I'm a better person than you'll ever be

Damon: oh please just because you eat bunnies for a living and suddenly she's your favorite

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