九: Butterflies

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Junkyu felt unfamiliar as he woke up on the left side bed of Jihoon's room, ie the bed Jihoon chose to sleep on. He looked for the owner of the room only to be met with silence. Jihoon wasn't in the room. After a quick adjustment to the morning light, Junkyu understood why- Jihoon was taking a shower. He loved taking morning showers.

Junkyu sat up. He tried hard to remember how he ended up sleeping on Jihoon's bed. Last night, they were talking. At one point, he sat on Jihoon's bed as the elder gave him some space. Maybe he fell asleep just like that? Did Jihoon move? Or were they tangled up all night on the same bed?

Junkyu could not recall a tiny, but important detail from the night. When he felt sleepy after talking for a long time, he did stand up to go back to the right side bed, but Jihoon- he pulled Junkyu by the arm, asking, 'Why don't you sleep here tonight?' Junkyu was too sleepy to protest. To feel that Jihoon had not moved, he rather put an arm around Junkyu in his sleep.

Jihoon walked out of the shower when Junkyu was all the way to the closet, looking for a nice outfit for the day. He turned back at the sound, asking, "Jihoon, did we sleep on the same bed last night?"

The elder was quite flustered at his direct question. He thought about lying but changed his mind last moment, "Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, I- I should go get ready, we'll be late otherwise." Junkyu said. Jihoon nodded, in fact, he didn't wanna prolong the topic either. Why he didn't wanna let Junkyu go last night was a question with no answer for the time being, and he found it best to keep shut about it.

They finished breakfast made by Jihoon in a bit, and headed out on time. Jihoon could have gone to his uni first, but like most of the days, he walked Junkyu to the café first. Of course not only because he wished to see Junkyu in the white shirt, his tiny waist glorified with the proper tying of a blue apron. Yet he left after Junkyu had finished changing, leaving behind the worries of attending the first class late.

He did get a cup of coffee from Junkyu for free. Good for him, he found an excuse. Well, a lame one cause he wasn't a fan of coffee.

Jihoon managed to hurry and attend the class just in time. His senior cum friend Hyunsuk kept a seat for him. Jihoon said a little thank you as he took the seat. Hyunsuk tsked, "Where were you? Why do you keep being late these days?"

"Sorry." Jihoon said, "I dropped Junkyu at the café first."

"Seriously?" Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, "He's no kid, Jihoon. He can go there on his own."

"I know, I know." Jihoon said, "Forget it. What about you?"

"What about me?" Hyunsuk asked. Jihoon smirked, "About the girl you've been talking to? Hm? Last night you told me-"

"Ssh!" Hyunsuk quickly shushed him, "The others can hear!" Jihoon quieted down, but kept smirking. Hyunsuk tried changing the topic twice, and it gave Jihoon the scope to say what he wanted.

"Hey, hyung? Remember you told me about that subject where one studies dreams?"

"Oneirology?" Hyunsuk asked, "Yeah, I'm kinda interested in that."

"Well, does it explain the realtion between dreams and reality?"

"Yeah, it's all about the science of dreaming and-"

"No no no no, not science." Jihoon said, "I mean, like, hypothetically speaking, can you travel through a dream?"

"Tavel through a dream??" Hyunsuk looked ridiculed, "Jihoon ah, dreams are what we perceive from stuff happening around us. It's not- a tool, not a piggyback ride."

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