i. I'm sorry

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Nijirô x Fem reader

— Sad (?)

— Sad (?)

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“  IN RESIDENT OF  Yagami there's a girl named Yagami Y/n 21 years old base on everyone who close to her she was every kind,smart and beautiful.

But no one knows that Y/n was so stupid and selfish when it's come to “LOVE” she basically will do anything for you just to see you happy.

Y/n was working as a nurse on Tokyo Hospital,right now all she do is work,work and work she didn't even eat lunch, dinner make her co workers worried about her.

“ Y/n-san I think you should rest your duty are already done.  ”

She looks up saw Dr. Yamazaki Kento who look worried about her,she respond a tired smile and said.

“ It's fine I'm not that tired Dr.Yamazaki ”
“ No it's already late come on i will drive you home. ”

Both of them are basically best friend since their highschool days and he know the reason why you work all day.

“ Fine let me just get my things  ”

INSIDE OF THE CAR Y/n was quite looking at the view thru the mirror her mind was thinking about him her first love.

“ Stop thinking about him y/n you already know to yourself that he just using you. ”

Kento said while take a glare at you
You look at him smile a bit and said

“ I know kento-san it's just.... I don't know everytime he show up in front of my house I can't help it...you know that he is my first love.... ”

“ I know but that asshole keep using you..look I'm worried about you because i'm your friend no best friend...I can't just watch you get played by him ”

You turn your attention back to the view outside while trying to stop the tears to fall down.........but you can't

“ I....I don't know kento I really don't know what to do.”

IT'S BEEN ONE WEEK since the conversation if you and kento happened.

Right now you taking a rest because kento gives allowed you to have a rest in three days.All you did was watching Netflix on your laptop to distract yourself to think about him.

You stand up to get something to eat you heard someone rang the doorbell of your house. You walk over to it with confuse face write on your face.

As you opened the door you saw......Him
you're first love Nijiro Murakami  the man who makes your heart beat to fast whenever he gives you that's smile of him.

“ Hi, don't you mind if I talk you for a min? ”

He asked you just simply nod as a respond and let him enter inside of your house.As you guys in the living room you let him seat down on the couch while you sat on the other couch.

“ Hmm...so what do you want to talk about? ” You asks as you look at him “ I...I wanted to talk about....us....”

Y/n froze at her position but quickly smile a bit she was nervous all of sudden. He was never talk about them like what's was their relationship was.

Basically Nijiro use her as he knows that you have feelings for him he took advantage of that.

He was in healthy relationship with a girl named Yumiko a lovely girl but everything changed when Yumiko suddenly broke up with him the reason was unknown.

Yumiko didn't tell to him the reason,
So Nijiro got drunk and accidentally y/n show him outside of her house.

Y/n take care of him that time.


Y/n put the towel on his forehead after he changed his clothes to comfortable one.she can't change his pants because that's will be to awkward to her.

As y/n about to stand up go back to the kitchen a hand stop her made her sit again she looks at him he was already looking at her with a tired puff eyes.

“ stay here please.... ” y/n nod as a respond,she can't help it her heart was beating too fast right now then all of the sudden Nijiro got closer to her face.

Y/n didn't know what to do that time so she just close her eyes until a soft lips of Nijiro touched her lips.

It's was like a the world suddenly stop around her she can't believe that her first love took her first kiss.

Y/n can't help but to kiss him back they both stop to take a breath but then Nijiro goes back to sleep.

Y/n smiled touch her lips but then she remembers that Nijiro have a girlfriend her smile drop and wish that he won't remember the kiss.

That day everything changed according to her because the next day Nijiro comes to her house.

With her favorite flowers he give it to her and said that he will drop her to her work
y/n say thank you and they both walk to his car.

Y/n though everything was good but one day she found out that he was still in love to his ex girlfriend Yumiko.

Y/n feel betrayed but she keeps pretend that everything is fine and keep fighting for him.

But y/n slowly realized that he just using her to move on from Yumiko.


“ Look y/n I know I fuck up but honestly try to love you but I really can't...i love her more I hope you forgive me and to everything that I have done to you. ”

Y/n don't know how she going to feel right now as if her world just crash down.

“ I hope you find someone better than me y/n and again I'm sorry. ”

After that he left.....

Again...But this time will be the last.

Y/n didn't notice that tears was already started to fall down to her cheeks.she don't know why all of this happen to her all she ever want was him to love her back.

But looks like Cupid doesn't want them to be together.


Helloo I hope you guys like it! Even tho it's kind cringe 😬 and i apologize if there's a grammar hehehe and if you have any requests just message me byee!!

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