v. Take care love

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Nijiro x Fem reader

- Short Story again and HAPPY NEW YEAR

" Take care of my heart love, iloveyou "

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" Take care of my heart love, iloveyou "

- NIJIRO AND Y/N couldn't believe what the doctor just said to them.

" Is there any other way for him to survive this doc? " Y/n ask the doctor look at her

" I'm sorry miss but There isn't a cure for heart cancer, and the disease is difficult to treat. After treatment, heart cancer often returns and may spread to other parts of the body but there's another solution but it will take to long because we have to find a heart donor."

2 weeks later

- NIJIRO STARTED TO GET weak day by day make y/n worried and afraid,the doctor said they have to found a donor immediately before Nijiro's heart stop.

Nijiro just stay quite on the hospital bed while y/n preparing a fruit for him to eat.
Suddenly a hand hold y/n hand make her stop cutting the apple.

Y/n turn to look at him as he was already looking at her she give him a little smile.

" You can go rest love, i will be fine here... "

" No i won't leave you here Nini " As he heard her calls him that he couldn't help but give her a weak smile.

" It's okay y/n/n,take a rest for a day I promise I'm gonna be alright here hmm? "

Y/n finally agreed to him after Nijiro pleased her to go home and take a rest. As y/n left the hospital Nijiro just look at the window beside him.

- Y/N COULDN'T SLEEP her mind was thinking about what the doctor said to her.

' Miss we have to hurry to find a donor Mr.Murakami heart can stop anytime '

Y/n started to cry her heart out she doesn't want him to die seeing him being weak day by day make her heart sad.

Then an idea come up to her mind all night all she did was to think about her decision.
If Nijiro found it he probably mad at her for being selfish.

- NEXT DAY " Congrats mr.murakami we finally found a heart donor, we are just going to get ready the operation room. "

Nijiro sudden feel happy but he was having bad feeling about it y/n notice it and hold his hand to comfort.

" Hey don't be nervous, everything will be alright love "

Nijiro smile weak and kiss her hand
" Promise me you will be here when I woke up? " y/n look at him for a while then smile

" Of course I will! "

Y/n started to feel bad for lying to him,she never lied to him because he doesn't like someone lying to him.

As the nurse bring him to the operation room y/n look at the doctor besides her.

" Doc could give him this when he wake up? " the doctor looks at her and the letter she make for Nijiro, the doctor agree he feel sorry for the both of them.

" Sure i will , and let's go started "

- TWO BODY INSIDE OF THE OPERATION ROOM unconscious the doctor himself try his best not to do a wrong move or else both if his patient will done in the middle of operating.


Nijiro slowly open his eyes and look around and saw a nurse checking him the nurse notice that he finally wake she quickly call the doctor.

A minutes later the doctor came inside the room he greet him with a smile.

" Well goodmorning Mr.Murakami "

The doctor speak but Nijiro didn't listen to him that much because his mind we're talking about y/n.

He was confuse why she's not there as both of them made a promise.then he think maybe she go left to eat something.

He turn back his attention to the doctor
Who handing him a paper that it's look like a letter.

" Someone special wants me to give you that letter 1 month ago. "

- IT'S  BEEN AN HOUR  since the doctor handed him the letter and he been staring at it he feel nervous to read the letter. He took a breath and open the letter and started to read.

Dear Nijiro

Hello love!,you probably wondering why I'm not there beside you well... First I'm sorry for breaking the promise we both make, Hahahaha you probably will get mad if you read this.... I'm sorry for leaving you there sorry for being selfish but this is all I could do we can't find a donor so i decided that I will give my heart for you...so please take care of my heart love,I love you I promise to watch you up here and will support you! I hope you will achieve your dream love!

Love Y/n

IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS Since he read the letter you give to him he still couldn't move on about you, he still love you so much

Right now he was in sitting beside her grave
He gently put the tulips flower your favorite one. He look up the sky and smiles

“ Hi love it's been a while since I visited you here... I'm sorry for that, did you know? Ehh you probably know it hahahaha like you said you going to watch me up there but still I wanted to tell you everything about what happens to me these year, it's was wonderful love our series is successful! Everyone one love us and supporting us
You know the Funniest thing love? All of my fans are gone crazy if I start to speak English hahaha but still my favorite reaction was still yours I love you y/n ”

He stayed there for 3 hours all he did was talk to her about everything,He really do love her so much.

Nijiro miss everything about y/n her brown eyes that look beautiful, her smile that will make his heart beat go fast and especially her laugh.

“ I promise to take a good care of your heart love , I missed you ”


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