Hetalia: Prussia~ Drunk Bastard *LEMON*

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So much lemons! Sorry for the wait, @Im_The_Heroine_20!

You silently walked to your home. There were tears flooding your eyes from the death of your boyfriend. He died a year ago, but walking home at night made you think of him.

Your hands reached into your back pocket. Your fingers brushed against the plastic of your phone case. You wanted to call your old friends and ask them to go out for a drink with you, like old times. But, they most likely forgot you even exist.

(Prussia POV)

I sat at the bar with my two friends, Antonio and Francis. I heard my phone ring, so I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello, it iz zhe awesome Gilbert," I answered.

"Hey, Gil, it's (y/n), do you remember me?" A very familar voice ringed out.

"How could I forget jou, (y/n)! Vhat have jou been up to?" I asked her, smile widening on my face.

(Y/N) used to hang out with Francis, Antonio and I, but when she got her boyfriend, she stopped hanging out with us. I had the biggest crush on her, and I still do. She is a very awesome girl.

"Not much, Jason(your dead bf) was killed in a shooting," She said, sadness flooding her voice.

"Zhat's terrible!" I replied. I know it's bad, but for some reason I felt relieved.

"Yeah, I've been pretty depressed."

"Vhell, ja, jou vould."

"Well, I was wondering if I could get a drink with you and the guys, like old times."

"Ja, come to zhe old bar! Vhe're here right now!"

"Okay! I'll be there soon!"

She hung up and I smiled. Francis and Antonio looked at me.

"Why are you smiling so big?" Antonio asked.

"(Y/N) iz coming to drink vith uz!" I replied.

"You mean zhe old (Y/N)? Zhe one we used to hang out with?" Francis asked.

"Ja! Now let's vatch for her!" I said.

(Your POV)

I walked to the bar. It was our old place to drink. We'd come here every day, drinking till we passed out. I laughed to myself about the memories.

I opened the door to the bar and looked around for my friends. I saw them in their regular seat. I walked over.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted.

"(Y/N)!" They all said.

(Prussia POV)

I looked at (Y/N). She was the most beautiful frau[1]. She had the biggest smile that made my heart race.

"I've missed you guys. How've you been?" She asked.

"I've been good. Lovino left the 'ouse, so I 'ave it all to myself," Antonio said.

"I've been great. Zhat Arthur guy has been such a hassle," Francis said.

"I've been awesome! Because I am zhe awesome Gilbert!" I said and she giggled.

(Your POV)

I sat by Prussia and drank. My mind was getting a bit foggy after a few drinks. I decided to stop drinking. Gilbert was getting super drunk, so was Francis and Antonio. Francis was trying to dance to the music. Antonio was singing in Spanish. Gilbert was drinking beer after beer. I wondered how he did it.

"Hey, (Y/N), do jou know how awesome jou are? Jou're more awesome zhan me," Gilbert said wrapping his arm around me.

"Jou're also zhe most beautiful frau," Gilbert said and I blushed crimson.

"Gil, you don't mean that, do you?"

"I do. Ich liebe dich[2], (Y/N)."

"Ich liebe dich auch[3], Gilbert."

Gilbert smiled and kissed me. I kissed back. He moved his hands to my waist. He felt along my curves. He pulled away and I already missed his lips.

"Vhe should do zhis somevhere else," He said and smirked.

~Timeskip brought to you by my dirty mind~

Gilbert carried me into his room and sat me on the bed. He locked the door and got on top of me. He moved his lips to my neck, searching for my sweet spot. He found it and abused it. I moaned and he started taking off my shirt.

Once he got of my shirt and bra, he threw them in a corner. He took one of my buds into his mouth and sucked on it, caressing the other. I moaned and blushed.

He switched buds and continued do the same thing. I fidgeted while I was moaning.  He pulled away from my breasts and smirked at me.

I sat up a bit and began removing his shirt. I took it off and threw it somewhere. I began to kiss up and down his chest. He smirked and blushed a bit.

He pushed me back down and took off my pants and underwear. He threw them on the floor and put his head between my legs. He stuck his tongue in my womanhood and licked around. I moaned loudly and grabbed a fistful of his hair in my hand.

He pulled out and took off his pants. He positioned himself at my entrance.

"Um, could you put on a condom?" I asked him, awkwardly.

He reached into a drawer and pulled one out. He put it on his member and positioned himself again.

"Are jou ready?" He asked and I nodded.

He slowly entered me and silent tears fell down my face. He kissed them away and said sweet nothings in German into my ear. I couldn't understand them, but it still made me calm down.

When I finally adjusted, I told him to move. He began thrusting in and out, which made me moan loudly. He began going a bit faster, which made me feel a knot in my lower abdomen.

I ignored it and he continued. He went a bit faster and I released the knot onto his manhood. He released a little bit later. After a few weak thrusts, he pulled out and laid by me.

"Zhat vhas awesome," He said and kissed my cheek, "Ich liebe dich, (Y/N)."

"Ich liebe dich auch, Gil," With that, we fell fast asleep.

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