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"Undercover." I simply state to Rosco as I jump on the counter. He turns back to me, toast halfway to his mouth. "What did you say?" I lean in elbows on knees, "Under. Cover. As in I'm going to get close to him then shred his heart into millions of pieces. Metaphorically then physically." He wipes off his hands then turns back to smile at me. "You are my girl."

I smile. "So can I do it?" He nods and yells for a meeting. I go to get Amanda as Keith and Jack stumble in the kitchen. I grab her out of bed and bounce back to the kitchen promising fruit loops. I set her on a stool and grab a bowl as I pass Rosco talking over the plan to the boys. I slam the fridge door shut and turn around. I shiver inwardly as I watch Jack drink from the milk carton. Men.

That by far is one of my biggest pet peeves, drinking out of the carton, nasty, right after it is putting cereal in before the milk. It's just not right. I slide my pocket knife out of my robe and take it off. I slowly walk around to the back of the boys like I'm listening in. Then before anyone knows what's happening I throw his neck to the slide a push my blade against his skin.

Everybody freezes. I snatch the milk out of his hand and put it on the counter. I yank him by his hair until his ear is next to my mouth. "If you ever do that again I'll slit your throat, got it." He slowly but surely nods against the knife. "Thank you." I retract the blade and stand up. Keith and Rosco double over with laughter as Missy walks slowly down the stairs. "What'd I miss?"

I take a towel and wipe around the lip of the milk before I pour it. "Jack was drinking out of the milk carton." She snorts, "Bad Idea Jackie boy." He storms off to his room and I give Amanda her cereal. "Bad sport huh?" Keith says. I begin to make breakfast for everyone. French Toast for Missy, plain toast for Rosco, and pancakes for Keith. 20 minutes later we're all around the table finishing up our breakfast and the meeting.

"If your going undercover you need to plan out your backstory and the new look you want. You also need to figure out the whole point of assassination, like where and how you're gonna kill the boy." Missy finishes explaining. I already thought most of this through. "Missy?" I ask unsurely. "Would you be willing to give me the new look and cover story? I feel like it would work more coming from you." She smiles and puts a hand to her heart.

"I'd be honored to. Meet me upstairs in a couple minutes." She goes upstairs faster than ever, which is still a kinda slow waddle for a pregnant woman. I clean up then hop up the stairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and widen my eyes at the sight of my room. Every inch of my vanity is covered in every shade of makeup possible. On top of my dresser is hundreds of jewels on top of silvers and golds. In the corner is several racks of different new clothes, each outfit more unique than the last. And shoes, so many shoes, soo pretty.

In the bathroom the smells of all the lotions and perfumes overtake me until I almost scream at the mass of hair. Until I realize it's extensions and dyes. "Wow.", I whisper in awe. "I know right I always freaked out in the beginning, this was the best part." She throws a robe at me. "Put this on and come sit down.", She gestures to the chair. She yells at me from the other room as I undress. "Did you take a shower this morning?" Ugh, such a mom thing to do. I smell beneath the neckline of my shirt before slipping it over my head. "Uh, yeah?" It comes out more as a question than an answer. She snorts, "Well whether that was a yes or a no you're taking another one before we get started."

I roll my eyes and walk out of my closet. I sit down in the chair. She takes off my glasses and she looks at my hair, pulling it out of it's tangled bun. "I've always loved your hair and it's platinum blonde color." She ruffles it once then moves to my face staring at me through the mirror. "Close your eyes." I close them. She stretches the corners. "Kay open. Now pucker your lips." I pucker them. "Kay. Relax your face." 2 minutes later she digs at my nails and teeth and for some reason smells at the base of my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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