The New Guy

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I wait at Jenga Cafe in the tourist trap of the city. I throw a quarter into the tip jar and throw a smile over my shoulder at the ugly crooked-nosed cashier. I go outside and sit under the table umbrella's shade. Cold coffee in hand I sit facing the Sound. I wait there eyes closed, feet propped up listening to the distant wails of foghorns and splashed water in the distance.

After twenty minutes a soft tap on my shoulder shakes me from my thoughts. I go for my waist when Rosco pushes my feet from the opposing chair. He gives me a warm smile and I relax. Rosco and the gang are the only ones I have now, but I guess that makes us family. "Good evening, Keelie." He pauses looking around briefly. "Finished with work?" I smile. "Oh Rosco, our poor Russian bastard didn't know what hit him!"

We both laugh ironically. "Good job Kee," he looks at his rusted old pocket watch. "We better get going Missy's cooking ribs tonight." We both laugh, the whole family is vegetarian because of the whole already killing the meat process everyday. Yeah, let's just say it's not fun to eat a hamburger once you realize what the innocent has gone through. We get up and he pushes me along.

"Come on Kee I got someone for 'ya to meet."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I jump up the broken steps to the ripped screen door of our old rundown farmhouse. It may not look like much but rusted nails and chipped cream paint on the outside, but you'll never guess what's on the inside.

I go to the padlock and type in 2445 then I walk inside. In front of me is the polished dark hardwood floors with a sparkling edged mirror on the wall in front of the table. I run my finger down the edge of the picture of eight year old me with a slightly younger Missy and Rosco. I smile, that was the day of my first kill. I'm about too go change when I hear i high-pitched squeal, "Ooh my Kk's finally home!" A small woman waddles at me with one hand in oven mit the other filled with a spatula. Her apron not fitting completely over her baby bump.

I hug the full head smaller woman continuously chattering away like a squirrel. I roll my eyes as Rosco walks away. She looks at up at me with her big brown eyes her tiny nose barely making a presence on her face if not for the dozens of freckles and her bull nose ring. Her splotchy tan skin compliments her and her pink dress. She pulls me into the hightech sleek black kitchen where everyone else waits.

I pick up little Amanda, bury scrawny preteen Richie in my arms, hug my best friend Violet, "We'll talk later Kk," she whispers in my ear. I smile and throw around hugs and chatter throughout dinner that lasts for two hours. Finally I realize when Rosco and Keith leave open the door that I'm still in my baithing suit. I yawn and Missy looks sharply at me. my eyes go wide what'd I do? "Uhm. . .sorry? I think I'm gonna go upstairs and go to bed, long day." Her eyes soften, "Good night Keelie." She hugs me good night.

I run up the polished wood stairs and turn right walking all the way to the end of the hall where I type in another code on the wall and a spiraling wooden staircase come down. I jog up the stairs and shove the door with my shoulder twice before it whines open. I kick the door shut behind me and walk to my dresser. I hastily take off my jewelry and drop it in my dark wood jewelry box. I do a double take at the clock, midnight, already? I still hear the faint chatter downstairs and roll my eyes. Can they ever shut their mouths?

I look back to my dresser and smile at the black and white framed photo of my mother and I. I smile at the photo, the last one we'd ever take together. I press two fingers to my lips then to my mother. "I love you mom." I throw my sweater over my shoulder and into the corner where all my clothes should be. Huh, they're not there. Missy must be washing them. I slam the door to the bathroom and slip off my bathing suit as I blare the radio. I step into the shower singing along to 'Clarity'.
"High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends
A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again..."
* * *
I walk out of the bathroom still humming. I set my glasses on the bedside table and rummage through my drawers to find something to wear. I blow stringy hair angrily out of my face. Then I smile as something on my bed catches my eye. Yay for me I didn't lift a finger and poof!, clothes. I throw on my undergarments and a pair of black soccer shorts, I throw a baby blue sweatshirt on.

I throw the mounds of clothes anyway in my dresser drawers before I finally jump on to my bed. I'm dozing off when Violet walks in, her chestnut hair slowly falling out of her small bun. She lays next to me on the bed and we start talking about anything and everything you could imagine two girls ever think of. We're still talking a hour and a half later when a tall bulky man with slick black hair walks into my room.

I flip out my knife, what's this stranger doing in my room? I stare daggers in his back as he runs hands through his hair. "Who the hell are you?" I stand up. He turns back hands put mockingly in the air. "Jack?", He says like it's a question. "Jack," I say. "Okay so Jack why are you in my room?" "Oohhh." His face shows recognition, "So you're Keelie, the girl whose room I've been 'borrowing'."
I smirk driving my knife closer, "Well Jack, This girl Keelie is now home so exit my room before I cut off your fingers." Then unexpectedly he twists both me and him. He has my arm drawn at an awkward angle behind my back, "Then I guess my welcome is over stayed yeah?" He let's go of my arm and I run my blade down the length of his forearm. He bellows out a angry grunt. I open the door for him and usher him out. "Sorry new guy but I don't want fresh blood on my floor, Missy just cleaned it." And with that I proceed to slam the door in his face.

I look at Violet and sit next to her. "Wow some weirdo huh?" She murmurs something incomprehensible as she drifts away. "Yeah," she said at the last minute, "some new guy."

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