Chapter 1 - Paislee is found

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Clint, and Nat were on a mission together, when they encountered a girl who seemed to be in some sort of pain. They informed the others, "guys we just now encountered a girl who seems to be in some sort of pain, Bruce get the lab ready we're bringing her with us." Everyone copied, and as Bruce prepared the lab, Clint, and Nat approached the girl. She saw them, "Pappa," she seemed scared, "It's okay," Clint soothed, "We're here to help you," The girl was visibly shaking, Nat looked at Clint, "What happened," Nat asked, the girl looked up, "I-I-can't say, m-my dad threatned to hurt me more if......." Nat looked at Clint, as Clint tended to the girl, Nat called Rhodey, and told him there was more to the 'lost girl,' then they were seeing. When Nat returned, Clint had the now calm but still crying girl in his arms, they made their way to the quinnjet. Once there Nat got a call from Rhodey with some questions, she put it on speaker so he could talk directly to the girl. "Hey my name is Rhodey, I work with the government," the girl nodded, Nat told Rhodey, "she's still scared," Rhodey was understanding, and as the girl sat on Clint's lap, she answered some questions. "What's your name," Rhodey asked, "Paislee Grace Strucker," The team looked at eachother as Rhodey asked, "how old are you," "10," Paislee looked at Nat, scared, Nat put a reassuring hand on Paislee's arm. Rhodey asked, "so Paislee does daddy know where you are right now," "n-no," there was a pause, then Paislee continued, "I ran away because he would always beat me, even when I did nothing wrong." There was another pause then Rhodey said, "We will have people at the compound waiting for you guys, and we'll go from there." Nat thanked Rhodey, and hung up, Paislee looked scared, Steve said, "It'll be okay we'll figure something out." Then they all introduced themselves, and everyone noticed that Paislee started becoming less, and less scared. When they arrived at the compound, there were vans, and cars parked in the driveway. Paislee walked off the jet, but when she saw the vans, and cars, she got scared. Clint took one hand, and Nat took the other, inside the compound Rhodey was waiting. When he saw Paislee, he was kind to her, "hello Paislee," he said, "I'm Rhodey, remember talking to me on the phone?" Paislee nodded, and then someone came over, "Sir we have reason to believe her father is here," Paislee scream, "NO," Clint, and Nat immediately took her upstairs, not long after they heard his voice, "PAISLEE!" Then they heard, "Aaron Strucker,""yes," Strucker replied, "your under arrest for abuse," back with Clint, Nat, and Paislee, they were trying to console Paislee. Then Steve appeared, "they want to see you downstairs," they all went downstairs, Paislee in Clint's arms. The chief of CPS asked, "is anyone willing to adopt, or be her legal guardian," without hesitation Clint said, "yes, I'll adopt her," Then they gave him the paperwork to sign, and they left, Paislee was still shaken by everything, so while Nat consoled her, Clint called Laura, and told her they had a new addition to the family. When he returned, Paislee was calm, "where's my mommy," she asked, everyone looked at each other, they knew Strucker was single. Clint broke the silence, "mommy is at home right now, but we can go see her later if you want to." Paislee nodded, and it was settled, they'd go the next day.

Paislee Grace Barton (Clint Barton's adopted daughter)Where stories live. Discover now