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"What is your apartment number, Ms. Smith?" The receptionist asks.

"Uhm.. number 205." I tell her.

"Okay, come with me. I'll show you where your apartment is." She says and I follow her.

This is my first day in my new apartment. I decided to move out from my parent's house because I've always wanted to live here in New York. So when I got this job, I immediately accepted it.

"This is your apartment, Ms. Smith. Number 205." She informs me.

"Oh yeah, thank you."

"No problem." She says then walks away.

I unlock the apartment's door and walk in. It's nice, much nicer than I thought, there is a bedroom, a kitchen, a little living room and of course a bathroom. Although it isn't too big, there is more than enough space for me to put all of my belongings in here.

My things are already here so I unpack the boxes and begin to organize them. Luckily, it's not much so it's just took about a half and an hour to do it. After make sure everything is where it's belong, I take a shower and end up wearing a tank top and a pair of leggings. After I finished dressing up, I make my way to the kitchen but my phone's ring preventing me from to do so.

"Hey girl!" Max, my boyfriend greets me.

"Hey Max!"

"How's it going, babe?" He asks.

"Great, I really like in here. The apartment is nice."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. But I'm already missed you now." He tries to sound as sad as possible.

"It hasn't been a day Max." I tell him, a little bit annoyed. He can be so dramatic sometimes.

"I know, but still. And I'm planning to visit your place this weekend, is it okay?"

"Yeah of course." I say.

"So, what are you doing now?"

"I just finished my shower, and planning to make food for dinner but then you're calling me." I explain.

"Who is that?" I ask him when I hear someone's calling his name through the phone.

"That's Tyler. I'm in his house now to watch a football match with some friends."

"Oh." I respond.

"Sorry babe, I got to go, the game has started. See you soon, night!"

"Night." I say.

After he hung up the phone, I cancel the plan to make dinner and go straight to bed. My activities today make me feel so tired. So I just need a few minutes lay on the bed before I completely asleep.


I'm woken up by something noisy outside my room, I'm trying to brush it off and back to sleep. But the voice becomes louder and soon I realize the voice is someone knocking at my door.

Or maybe pounding at my door.

Who is that? Does she/he have to do this at this hour? I'm reluctantly get off from my bed and walk to the door. When I unlock the door and open it, my jaw drops to see a tall tattooed guy standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"What?! What did you just say?" He says, bending down his head slightly so he can hear me better, I can smell the liquor in his breath.

"I'm asking you, who the hell are you?"

Instead of answering me, he pushes me and walks in to my apartment.

"Hey, you can't just go in here! It's my apartment, and I don't know you at all." I raise my voice.

"Oh come on, just stop it! I'm not in the mood to deal with your stupidnes." He says through his teeth.

"What?! I'm not stupid." I almost yelling at him.

"So stop acting like you don't know me." He says and walks to the kitchen.

Who is he? What the hell is this?

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