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After he said a few more thank yous, I let Harry to sleep on the couch so I got up then go to my room. I lie down on my bed and set the alarm on my phone. I need to go to the store this morning, and now is 3 o'clock so I still have pretty much time to sleep. When I close my eyes, my body shivering from the temperature, the air is so cold tonight. The duvet wrapped around my body doesn't help much, I begin to wonder about Harry. Is he cold? Or maybe he is trembling now. I stood up and grab a blanket from the cabinet. When I reach the couch, I see Harry's body curling on the couch, his arms wrapped around his own body.

"Harry..Harry.." I call him while poking his long leg. But he doesn't move. He fall asleep so quickly, I don't even get the chance to close my eyes in peace but here he is sleeping so calmly. I'm about to walk back to my room with the blanket still in my hand but his position telling me that he's cold too. So instead bring back the blanket back, I cover his body with it.


My phone's annoying ring waked me up, it's not my usual alarm's ring. When I check my phone, 'Max' is written as the caller id.

"Hello." I greet him, my voice raspy because my throat's dry.

"Hey, Sandra. Are you just waking up?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just wanna tell you that I can't visit you tomorrow, sorry." He let out a sigh.

"Why?" I feel a little bit disappointed because I actually wanted to go walking around this area with him.

"It's just I'm not feeling too well." He says between his cough.

"Are you sick?"

"Yes but not bad, just the weather lately wasn't the greatest, right?" He chuckles.

"Yeah, I know. Just try to get some rest and don't do too much activities, okay?"

"Hmm, bye babe. Sorry for disturbing your sleep." He laughs.

"No probs. Get well soon, Max. Bye!" I hung up the call then got off from the bed and walk towards the door.

When I open the door, my nostrils is greeted by a delicious smell. I see Harry sits on the couch watching TV with a plate in his hand. Hmm, just two nights in here he begins to act like it's his own home. The closed door's voice makes him turning his head.

"Good morning!" He says. I just glance at him not replying his greet and make my way straight to the kitchen. I see a plate with pancakes on it. When I sit on the chair beside the counter, Harry joining me and sits next to me. Still with his plate.

"Ah yes, that's for you." He says when I'm just staring at the plate not sure what to do.

"For me?" I eyeing him suspiciously.

"Yeah, why?" He asks, arching one of his eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing." I shrugged. I begin to slice the pancake and bring it to my mouth.

"Harry, you didn't put anything in it, right? You know... like.." I say before it reaches my mouth.

"Poison?" He asks and I nod.

"No, God. Why are so distrustful?" His eyebrows knotted.

"No, I'm not distrustful. I just keep vigilant." Not so long after I said the words he bursts into laughter.

"Oh shit, you what?" He says between laughs.

"What so funny with being vigilant? I mean we don't even know each other for a week. It's normal." I say, annoyed.

"Nothing, that's great really, it's needed actually for the world nowadays. You know bad people's everywhere." He pats my back while nodding his head. I just rolling my eyes and grab the fork, continuing my breakfast.

"You know Sandra, I didn't put poison or something in it but I did use expired flour to make this pancakes." He gazes at me, waiting for my reaction.

"What?!" I turn my head to him, and he bursts into laughter again.

"Oh God, you have to see your face." He laughs so hard, his hand holding his belly.

"Enough, Harry." I say and stand up from the chair going back to my room. I change my clothes to go to the store.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to make fun of you." Harry says when I'm back in the living room.

"Hmm.." I just nodding my head.

"Where are you going anyway?"

"Store." I look at him.


"I go now, Harry. If you want to take a shower, I have an extra towel in the bathroom. I won't be long bye!" I say and walk to the door.

"Bye and Sandra thank you for the blanket." His finger pointing to the couch. "And be careful."

"Yup." I reply. And when I close the door I hear he shouts 'Don't forget to keep vigilant.' I can't help but smile.

When I reach the store, I park my car and rush inside. It's so cold out there. At the store I just buy things like toothpaste, eggs, juice and few other things. After purchasing the items, I stop by at a bakery shop and buy a tart then drive back home.

"I'm home!" I say while closing the door and bring the bag in. After dropping the bag on the floor, I look up and see something that makes me scream.

"Ahhh, oh my God! Harry! What are you doing?!!"

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