[ VII ]

91 7 3

I'm just staring at Max, he is looking at me waiting for me to speak but nothing comes out from my mouth. My eyes move to Harry who has the exact opposite expression from mine, he looks so calm, I even can almost see a hint of smile on his face. Shit, it seems like I have to face all of this by myself. I'm thinking so hard, trying to find an excuse but right now my head feels so numb.

"Did you hear me Sandra?" Max asks when I don't say anything. My heart's beating so fast as it would jump out from my ribs. I take a deep breath and trying to form a sentence.

"Uh, Max it's Harry. He was the owner of the apartment before me." I say, Harry moves his gaze at me and arching one of his eyebrow. I mentally scream at him to follow the scenario.

"Oh really? I thought the prior was a girl too, you said that her name was something like Ana or Hannah..." Max says, his face full of confusion. My body goes rigid when I hear his respond, what should I say now?

"I'm her brother, Hannah's brother." Harry says suddenly. My head and Max's turn to him instantly. "I'm here to get her things that she left."

"Oh." Is the only word Max says but I still can see the suspicion in his eyes.

"Harry, this is Max." I awkwardly say when everyone is in silent.

"Her boyfriend." Max adds.

"Yeah, my boyfriend." I try my best to smile and everyone back in silent. "Okay guys let's come in." I clap my hands like an idiot.

Max walks in first followed by me then Harry, when I step on the doorway Harry grabs my arm and whispers, "Don't worry Sandra, I'll handle this. You look like you just had a heart attack, you know." Then he walks past me with a smirk plastered on his face.

We walk to the living room then sitting on the couch than again no one of us say a word, Max just looking at Harry and I's plates on the table.

"Do you want cake too, Max?" I ask him the ridiculous question. He looks up at me and shakes his head no.

"Why did you come here? You said that you're sick." I ask him trying to make the tension goes away.

"Can we talk for a minute, Sandra?" He ignores my question and stands up, his head gesturing to my room.

"Yeah sure." I get up from the couch and walk to the bathroom, my heartbeat starting to increase again.

"So.. Is it true?" He asks once the door closed.


"Is it true that he just came to get a few things?" Yes. No. Yes. I'm so sorry Max, I have to lie to you. It's impossible to say that I was in the middle of make out session with him when you knocked the door.

"Yes, what else?" I try to sound confident but failed, it sounded more like a stupid shriek.

"So why doesn't he leave yet?"

"Uhm, he's waiting for a friend to pick him up." I grin, waiting for the next question but he just smiled and extended his arm to hug me.

"I trust you with all of my heart Sandra, please don't waste it." He says and my guilt grew much bigger but I can't do anything, I just promise to myself that I won't do this mistake for the second time. We both pull away from the hug and walk back to the living room, when we step out, Harry snaps his head up and stands to his feet.

"My friend is already here, so I have to go now. Thanks for the cake." He says and smiles, although it's just a flat smile. I feel a little bit confused because he said that his friend would pick him up tomorrow morning, but since Max is here I can't ask him much so I guess I will deal with that later. Or maybe he has told his friend to come now instead of tomorrow.

"No problem, Harry." I say and walk him to the door.

"Please go to the parking lot when you have chance." He whispers when we reach the door.

"For what?"

"Good bye, Sandra." He doesn't reply, just walk away leaving me with the unanswered question.

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