Chapter 13

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The plan we had thought up was majorly flawed. No one had stopped to think through the punishment we could go through if we were caught. That was until we reached the doors and were standing face to face with a young woman who was threatening to turn us in. No one, not one person out of the five of us had thought that maybe we needed to figure out how to get into the kitchen before barging in. 

"If you don't tell me why you broke in right now I will go get the guards." The woman before me sputtered angrily as her face flushed bright red. 

"Listen. We need to be in here for the ball. We just have to cut through the kitchen and we'll be out of your hair." I tried reasoning with her. "We're sent by Adira to stop Edgar from invading. If you can give me a day's time I'll bring you the authentic letters to read, but please I'm begging you to find favor in us and let us save your kingdom and mine." I stared at her, hoping as hard as I could that she would hear me out. 

She looked me over head to toe examining the cloak I was wearing to cover my face and conceal who I was. "That's leather from the North, reserved for royalty. Who are you? A thief?" The woman accused me, sticking her finger in my chest. 

I lifted the hood off of my head and her face dropped. "You're Edgar's niece! You're the runaway princess!" The woman yelled. I slapped my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. 

"Hush I can't have anyone knowing that, they'll send me back." I took my hand off her mouth and grabbed her arm, pulling her into a corner behind the stoves. "Give me this one chance and I'll show you who I really am and that you can trust me. And if I am to prove you wrong and you can have me executed and take my place as heiress to the throne." I was holding her hands in both of mine subconsciously squeezing them tighter with every word. When I picked up on the fact I dropped her hands and wrung mine in front of me as I pleaded with her. 

She gave me one more look over before letting out a long sigh. "I accept your plea, but the moment you step out of line I will have your head on a platter." She said sharply. 

She took my hand and led back to the middle of the kitchen where the others were blending in nicely. "Through that door and down the hallway is the stairs that lead to the catwalks above the ballroom, no guards wander those halls and no one but the staff knows about this. Not even Edgar or the family line." She pointed at a small black door that was almost too thin to be noticeable. The golden handle shone under the lamps and fires of the kitchen giving a strong hue to the knob. "I'll let you into the kitchen through the door that you came in forty five minutes before the ball begins. I'll walk you through to the stairs and from there it is up to you. Remember princess, I'll have your head." She turned quickly and left the kitchen falling in quickly with the crowd of the people entering and exiting almost like she disappeared. 

"Way to handle that." Greyson whispered in my ear. I spun around and came face to face with him. 

"Thank you. I have a way with words." I whispered back before smoothly passing by him and heading for the door. 

I walked down the small stone path that led from the kitchen back onto the street we had come from. I turned left and stopped in front of the small store we agreed to meet at. One by one the small party we had gathered to go scouting stepped out from the alley and turned to stand near the shop. Once the five of us had all made it out we walked in pairs, trying to keep attention away from ourselves, all heading in different directions but going back to the same place. 

Greyson and I went first, stepping into the store to stay out of sight while Adrienne and Jax took a left turn down the street where they would stop and mingle for a moment or two before turning around and heading back to our main base. 

Greyson kept a hand on my lower back to give the appearance that we were a married couple. My eyes scanned the small wooden shelves lined with small nick knacks from jewelry made with all sorts of gems and stones to small house decorations. As we made our way to the back of the store a small silver chained bracelet caught my eye. It had a gleaming blue stone on the hanging off of it, small enough to go unnoticed, but beautiful enough to cry for attention. I stopped walking and picked it up from its spot to look at it closer. Greyson felt I had stopped and turned to look at what I was. He looked the small bracelet over before gently taking it from my hands and leading me to the vendor. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking around to see if anyone had noticed us. 

"I'm buying you a present. Plus we really should make an appearance so no one thinks we're stealing." He whispered back as we neared the small wooden counter. 

The old woman behind it smiled at us kindly as Greyson set the jewelry down and pulled a coin bag from his pocket. 

"How much?" He asked. "I'm buying my wife an anniversary gift. Five years." He smiled, lying through his teeth and taking three pieces of silver out of the bag. 

"Oh no dear," the old woman started. "It's on me." She pushed his hand away, encouraging him to put his money away.  

"Thank you so much ma'am." Greyson smiled taking my hand and leading me out of the store. 

"Greyson," I gasped once we were standing outside the door. "We can't just rob that old woman." I frowned looking up at him, as he led me down the street. 

"I paid her angel." He said the new nickname quietly, smiling as he showed me his empty hand. "I set them down on the counter before we left. I'm sure she'll find them soon." 

We walked through the streets as the sun went down, casting colors so gorgeous no man would ever be able to replicate them across the expanse of the sky. Greyson and I said nothing, preferring to walk in silence, enjoying the beauty of the art that was sunsets. 

We were the last two to return home, walking in as the last few rays of the sun flitted across the sky eventually burning out. The rest of our friends had gathered for dinner. 

For once in a very long time, I felt like I truly knew what home was for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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