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Everything was cold, so cold, so cold. She felt so sluggish and slow. She tried to move but found that she couldn't. Panicked, her eyes snapped open and she tried to look around, but her head, her arms, her legs, her feet, they were all frozen in a block of solid ice.

Rachel began to shiver, her teeth chattering, wanting to rub her arms. After a minute of shivering and Rachel thinking she'd get hypothermia, the ice began to thaw. At first, the edges, turning into that odd substance again. Then her legs, her arms, her neck, and her face.

Sighing in relief, she realized she was still on the Venture Star, in the cryo-tube. Looking around, she tried to find a button or something that could help her get out, but there was none. She then noticed that she was strapped down, allowing her to only move a little. If there was a button, she couldn't push it.

Slowly, the odd substance began to drain from the tube, effectively drying her off in the process. She was pulled out of the cryo-tube and quickly released from the straps, one of the examiners helping her sit back up.

She pulled off the mask, breathing in the first semi-fresh air she'd had in five years, but then the chemical smells ruined the experience. Sighing, she thanked the examiner and pushed off the bed, floating over to her locker. 

"People, you have been in cryo for five years, nine months, and twenty-two days. You will be hungry, you will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the sacks provided for your convenience. The staff thanks you in advance." At the mention of food, Rachel's stomach rumbled angrily. Ignoring it, she grabbed her cane and bag out of her locker and held onto her mask, just in case.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder, and she used the locker handle to turn around, ready to fight, but it was only Norm. Just Norm. "You don't look any older," She joked. 

"Nor do you," He replied back. "You're looking good for old age." Rachel laughed. Both she and Norm were "Nerds" but they were both fun to be around, once you got to know them.


An hour or so later, they were on the Valkyrie, one of the smaller shuttles set for Pandora since the Venture Star was only set for deep space. Soon the shuttle undocked, heading for one of the moons of Polyphemus, Pandora. 

"Have you ever wondered about Polyphemus?" Rachel questioned curiously in Na'vi. "Or the other moons? And what could live there?"

"All the time," He admitted. "I wish we knew, but for now, let's stick with Pandora." She did not respond, though he knew she agreed. Maybe one day... we can explore.

As they flew into Pandora's atmosphere, Rachel looked out the window, gazing in awe at the beautiful planet before her eyes. The pictures didn't do it justice. There were trees and cliffs and clouds and waterfalls and so, so much more.

Then, as they passed the beautiful forests and seas of Pandora, then came the human colony, pumping jet-black smoke and an awful smell she swore she could smell from the ship. She twitched her nose in disgust, wanting to be out there, in the forest and seas and mountains.

Hell's Gate was an appropriate name for it.

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