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Rachel sat silently at a table next to Grace eating oatmeal and watching the woman argue heatedly with another idiot scientist. "Scientists are supposed to know things, aren't they? You, clearly, are an exception."

Rachel choked on her food as she began chortling with laughter. Grace gave her a look, yet she could see a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. It was silent for a minute or two, before Trudy, dressed in her pilot outfit, approached.

"Sully," She called, and I looked up. "Jake." She clarified. Raising an eyebrow, Rachel began to eat her oatmeal again. "Colonel wants to see you in the armor bay." Rachel's mind flashed immediately to what she had seen a couple of hours prior. Jake, who sat in his wheelchair at the end of the table, followed Trudy back out of the cafeteria. 

"Grace, I don't think Jake is going for introductions. I think he's going to spy for Quaritch." She warned, worried. Grace nodded, her eyes flashing angrily.

"We'll keep an eye on him, and even relocate if we have to," Grace said. Seeing the expression on Rachel's face, she added, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." She rubbed Rachel's back reassuringly, reminding her of a mother she had never known.

Grace stood up, moving to put her plate on the counter at the back. "We're going to go get linked up and ready. If we have to, we'll go without Jake." Rachel nodded, following Grace slowly as they headed out of the cafeteria and to the bio lab. 

Norm joined them a minute later, slowing his pace to walk with Rachel. "Our first journey out into Pandora... Aren't you excited?" Rachel grinned, nodding vigorously.

"All the plants and trees we'll get to see... Real trees. Not that stuff they destroyed back ho- at Earth." She corrected herself quickly. This was her home now. At least, for the next ten years. 

Jake joined them just a moment before they walked into the Bio Lab, and Grace demanded, "What did Atilla want?" 

Jake shrugged. "Just some marines comparin' tattoos. Why?" Grace turned and gave him a stern, scorching, and calculating look. If she was in Jake's spot, she would literally be shaking with fear. But he met her gaze with a defiant one, and Rachel was beginning to wonder if Jake had some sort of death wish, even though she wouldn't let that happen. Though she was pissed at Jake - even though she knew it was illogical to be - he was her last surviving family. She had to make sure he stayed alive.

"Yeah, well, listen to me, Marine," Grace spat, not believing him, her red curls bouncing. "You're driving an Avatar now. That means you're in my world, got it?" 

"Yessir," Jake replied, giving a little away. Rachel narrowed her eyes at him, and he gave her a cheeky smile. Rolling her eyes, she followed Grace into the link room.

"That son of a bitch has screwed up this program enough." Grace waved her arms at the link room around them. All this - it exits so we can go out there and build a bridge of trust with these people, but thanks to Quaritch and his thugs, the Na'vi won't even talk to us anymore."

"Then how is this supposed to work?" Jake demanded, looking annoyed.

"We have two new faces." She turned to Norm and Rachel. "Rachel, your Avatar looks more Na'vi than any of ours. Your eyes are strange yet they might interpret it as a sign from Eywa. You both are fluent and passive, they won't see you as aggressive. The Omaticaya clan may give you both a chance."

"Wait," Jake interrupted, furrowing his eyebrows, confused. "What do you mean her Avatar looks more Na'vi than any of ours?"


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to check out my other stories The Winter of The Nameless and Electric Death if you have time!

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