Chapter 1: Beacon falls

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As a couple is driving down the road coming back from a concert both speaking about a concert the guy quickly looks back at the road and sees a guy on the road hits him by accident and skids across the road the guy runs out there and sees if he is okay he glances and sees a ring the guy wakes up with increasing speed gets behind him and bites into his neck. As the woman gets out of the car "there's no signal!! Canton!! As his body hits the ground with two huge punctures in his neck she screams and tries to run someone flying picks her up off the ground flying away from as you hear bites and crunching noises
It starts with Nathan and Benny it's late at night 11:30 as Nate gets suspicious with what is outside his house he goes outside with his inhaler and baseball bat as him and Benny both scream at each other
Nathan: What is wrong with you Benny!
Benny: you weren't answering your phone.
Nathan: just because it's the last school night doesn't mean you can show up unannounced like a freaking superhero.
Benny: it's not why I'm here my dad got a call about a dead body out in the woods and he hasn't gotten a search party out yet so you wanna go look at it?
Nathan: that's kinda weird and disturbing but yeah why not nothing else is going tonight. As they both go out to see the dead body Benny's dad is out and about by himself looking he spots Benny's jeep
Randal: alright Ben and Nathan I know your there I saw the keep and you two are really loud talkers come out.
Benny: okay you can make your way back I'll take care of this, Uh dad Scotty isn't here just me.
Randall: uh huh where is he?
Benny: just me.
Randall: alright and tomorrow we're gonna have a talk about how stupid that was going out at night when a serial killer is on the loose.
Benny: yeah sure.
As Scott waits it out he notices the dead body mutilated as he spots a wolf a beastly creature come out and bite him on the side but it doesn't affect him he runs out in the middle of the road feeling woozy and distraught he almost gets hit as he makes it to a hospital and passes out.
Nathan and his twin sister In the living room already first day of school late as usual the news shows another dead couple found in the river with there heads decapitated then we cut to Ethan getting ready to walk to school and then Benny catching up to him along with Rory and Sarah Benny: so is Scott talking to you at all. Sarah: no he hasn't been answering his phone. Ethan: his uncle died he's going through a lot right now they we're really close he said he wanted to be alone for the summer. Sarah: we'll be should've just told me that. Ethan: he didn't want to make things more awkward than what they already were. Sarah: he should be the one telling me this not you.
We cut to Scott on the old sterling estate property

instead of going to school he goes here to check out the cave down by the shaft notices all kind of claw marks old dried up blood and markings of an old time one says vampyre spelled differently then we cut to Benny,Ethan,Rory,Sarah,Erica and Jord...

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instead of going to school he goes here to check out the cave down by the shaft notices all kind of claw marks old dried up blood and markings of an old time one says vampyre spelled differently then we cut to Benny,Ethan,Rory,Sarah,Erica and Jordan in history and the new kid comes in his name is stefan valorant 16 years old Italian/ Latin American moved here under critical circumstances he looks at Elena William and just smiles and goes to sit by her 5th period rolls around they're now in chemistry class and Elena's new partner is supposed to be Scott but he's still not there at school so the teacher assigns Stefan to be her lab partner and she says "hi I'm Elena" Stefan: I know we have history together first period I mean. Elena: right the school day ends with Elena walking home through the grave yard but she sits by her parents grave and writes in her journal as to what happened today she writes " I met this guy with green hazel eyes with light brown hair and his stout shoulders and pearling white teeth and strong chin and big arms I noticed he wears a ring on his right pointer finger on his right hand." She hears a crow in the distance and alot of fog come out of nowhere with more crows surrounding her as a man in the distance just standing there in the fog she couldn't make it out who it was it was just so foggy so she runs trips and falls and runs into Stefan who is also at the graveyard Elena: we're you following me? Stefan: No I just saw you fell wanted to make sure you were alright. Elena: uh huh and all of a sudden you're just here after I just ran from some really big crows and a lot of fog. Stefan: um no I'm visiting I have family here. Elena: oh I'm sorry I'm just a mess I'm elena. Stefan: Uhmm I know we're lab partners and I'm Stefan and you already know that. Elena: right sorry? Stefan: did you hurt yourself?
Elena: what? As she looks at her leg a big gash is in her leg not to big it's bleeding a lot though.

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