Chapter 4: full moon

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As Stefan struggles more and more everyday to hold onto his humanity after his best friend was killed as Damon comes out
Damon: sorry about Lexi but just so you know Jesse and Dwight are planning on doing the ritual a week from now so yeah.
As Damon sets down his drink that has blood in it
Stefan: yeah sure.
As Damon walks off 
We cut to the school a new history teacher by the name of Alaric saltzman he introduces himself
Alaric: hey everyone I'm your new history teacher Alaric saltzman it's a mouth full I know saltzman is of German origins my family immigrated  here in 1755 to Texas I however was born and raised in Boston now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead  great grandfather I will never be able to thank enough you'll probably wanna pronounce Al-ar-ic but it's Alaric ok so you can call me Rick. As a week go by we learn Alarics secret that he is secretly a vampire hunter who is obsessed with killing the vampire that killed his wife as we cut to Ethan in his room doing research on the ritual and vampires his mom comes in his room dropping off clothes
Ethan: hey mom you ever like,see things like things that aren't there.
Samantha: Are we,um talking about drugs? As Ethan chuckles
Ethan: No like a vision or strange images that just appear?
Samantha: no I don't think so honey.
Ethan: okay...
Samantha: well there was this one time I used to watch you sleep when you were a baby one night I had this image of you and you were all grown up and you were strong and smart and decent and I knew then that you were going to do great things one day.
Ethan kinda smirks as they both get emotional
Ethan: thanks mom.
Samantha: but you do know that if you ever touch drugs that your father and I will have to kill you. As she sarcastically says
Ethan kinda just exclaims
Ethan: got it! Okay...
As Sarah enters the room
Samantha: oh! Looks who's here.
Sarah: hey I uh brought that book,the one you said you wanted to borrow.
Ethan: yeah! the book,right.
Samantha: wow,isn't that nice.
Ethan: thank you.
Samantha: the kids can't wait for you to babysit again.
Ethan: Mom.
Samantha: guess you made quite the impression.
Ethan: Mom.
Samantha: okay,well I guess I'll leave you two alone, you know there's milk and cookies in the kitchen if you feel like, okay.
Ethan: that was humiliating.
As Sarah sighs like she's really tired and weakened
Ethan: you feeling okay?
Sarah: yeah I'm just really hungry I might head into town later for a bite.
Ethan: ah! Another rat hunt, heh heh. As he shudders
Ethan: I don't think I can do that.
Sarah: I know right it's soo gross! And the hunger is just getting stronger a fledging has 28 days to drink human blood or there mortal body dies.
Ethan: really? Is that true?
Sarah: I'll know In about a week but it won't matter much if we can't stop Jesse and the others but I found this book,at the library that might help believe it or not,not everything is on the net.
Ethan: let's see.
As Ethan reads "history of beacon falls 1720."
Sarah: the town of beacon falls was actually once known as blacks church founded in 1649 by reverend Horace black, Black's disciples preyed upon the nearby townspeople until the night of a lunar eclipse when an angry mob trapped them all in their place of worship and burned it to the ground 219 people died and their remains buried in an unmarked grave where underneath the church a tomb where once all 26 people in 1720 once stood tears later the town was founded and reborn as beacon falls. As Ethan comes out of psychic state as he shudders

Sarah: what was that another vision?
Ethan: yeah it just stopped I feel like there's something missing there's more something important I need you to touch me again.
Sarah: this better not be another line.
Ethan: just please? As she reaches her hand into his
Ethan gets another vision of the man's image in the book and he gets another of Jesse as he comes out of it again
Ethan: okay,um the book left out one huge detail reverend black is Jesse.
Sarah: that's why 219 is the target!
Ethan: yeah and this cubile animus thing this ritual and blood included along with Dwight and Damon is gonna help him get it. As he hear sounding in his window as Rory is at his window
Rory: he dudes is it a bird is it a plane no it's super Rory. As he hands start to sizzle burn he yelps
Rory: ow! What the heck.
Sarah: you have to be invited in genius!
Rory: Jesse doesn't tell us anything so can I come in?
Ethan: yes but as long as you promise no blood sucking okay?
Rory: dude my mouth on your neck ughh! As Rory claims in he trips and falls
Sarah: Rory we need you to help us figure out what Jesse and Dwight and Damon are planning.
Ethan: uh, yeah he's not a high school kid he's a cult leader from over 300 years ago and if-
Rory: no way! Wait till I tell him!
Ethan: Rory! No! He already knows okay? And it's not cool unless we stop him a lot of people could die including us.
Rory: whoa, stinks not being immortal.
Sarah: his plan has something to do with a prophecy maybe you could check his library?
Ethan: yeah we need details fast, okay? And find out what the cubile animus thing is for.
Rory: okay that was a let down it's just some crusty old box but Dwight's happy so...
Ethan's mom: Ethan! Dinners coming in.
Ethan: um... she can't see you,okay? You gotta go now!
Samantha: Ethan? Oh!
Sarah: I was just leaving do you need me to babysit on Friday?
Samantha: Um,yeah sure that'd be great wow you've got a really strong grip for a little thing young thing. As Rory tries flying out the window to try and balancing his flying
Rory: whoa Ah.. Uh...Ah...whoa! As he hits the ground
The next morning arrives as Dwight Jesse and his crew of vamps start walking into the school
As Ethan and Benny watch the video file from Rory in the video he shows a book
Rory: an angels nest shall see the earth soul for soul the black army's rebirth neath a swallowed moon the dead take route the barren orchard bears the devils fruit. Whoa best metal lyrics ever. As he starts to lip sync the book lyrics with a metal beat
Benny: I hate poetry! It never makes any sense! What angels nest.
Ethan: shh cubile animus nest of souls they found it by the angel statue in the cemetery,remember?
Benny: oh, seed the earth?
Ethan: the box was buried in the ground like a seed I guess when all of the vampires were supposedly burned under the church inside that tomb.
Benny: okay,The black army?
Ethan: Quiet! Easy it's reverend black's followers.
Benny: wow so this is why you always get better marks than me in English huh?
Ethan: yeah that and I don't call the teacher fart to his face.
Benny: point taken there's a second video file on the drive.
It shows a new movie coming out that Dwight plans as a cover up massacre for him opening up the tombs without Damon's and jesse's knowledge
Ethan: wait what did the poem say about the swallowed moon?
Benny: I dunno?
As Ethan is typing
Ethan: that's it tonight is the lunar eclipse and there going to be over 200 people at that screening 219 souls.
Benny: no don't say it do not say it.
Sarah: hey what'd I miss?
Benny: the absolute worst news yet.
Ethan: we have to go see dusk 3?
As we cut to Stefan in his house with his brother leaving a glass full of blood leaving it there as bait as Stefan can't control himself he drinks every drop of blood in that bottle as he gulps it down as the next day rolls around the beacon falls founders day gala is here as Stefan pulls up to the hockland mansion as Elena gets into her dress along with everyone else Stefan tries to pull it together as he is at the bottom of the stair way he takes a good look at her as the surprise on his face as he looks to see how beautiful she is as he takes her by the hand as they all take the dance floor together as the founders dance goes to plan Damon arrives late the look on his face is jealously as he starts to fall for Elena as Stefan stares intensely he smells the blood as it starts to rush to the surface
Elena: Stefan you okay?
Stefan: yeah I just need some air!
As he runs upstairs to the bathroom he can't control himself as he punches the glass mirror as a founders girl approaches him he looks at her with his vampire face he grabs her and takes her outside
As they are by his car
Stefan: I don't hurt people I don't do that I'm the good brother.
As the girl amber looks upon him saddened
Amber: do you wanna hurt me?
Stefan: I don't know my brain is telling me no but my body is telling me yes that I want to kill you I want to rip into your skin and I'm gonna feed on your blood under your skin pulsating flowing your curated artery if you puncture it just right you can control the blood flow takes practice but it doesn't have to make a mess.
Amber: what's stopping you?
Stefan: if I do this if I give in there's no going back!
Amber: then don't.
As Stefan looks at her surprised
Stefan: I just want one taste that's all I need is just one taste.
As he bites into her neck
As he shows restraint he backs away knowing it's wrong he compels her
Stefan: run get away from me you run like hell Go!!
As she runs into the woods screaming as Stefan speeds to her
Amber: you said for me to run?
Stefan: I changed my mind.
As she screams more Damon comes out of nowhere and stops him
Damon: hey little brother it's me it's just me calm down let's get you cleaned up okay you're not well.
As Stefan attacks Damon punching him into a tree Bonnie stops him by giving him a witchy mind grain
As Stefan falls to the floor Damon speeds to Stefan grabs him and get him outta there takes him to the valorant boarding house puts him in the cellar days go by Elena comes and visits him time to time
Time goes by Elena tries to get him to eat but he refuses
Elena: I'm not going to let you give up on yourself and keep taking the blame when it isn't your fault now drink.
Stefan: no get out I don't want it!
Elena: Stefan you have to drink.
As Stefan speed rushes to Elena and screams
Stefan: I said get out!!
As Elena takes a stand
Elena: No!
As he just stares and goes to sit back down she leaves the cellar as he notices the door is slightly open he leaves his daylight ring on the floor and makes his exit as we cut to Elena and Damon talking
Damon: ugh god you're still here?
Elena: we're you expecting anything else?
As Damon sits down with a bottle of bourbon
Elena: so how was the errand?
Damon: Fidel although I think I witnessed a teacher having an essential crisis Stefan eat yet?
Elena: thought you didn't care?
Damon: shock up to my more curiosity.
Elena: I think he's getting there but he's got a lot of guilt he has to deal with it doesn't help that you spend the last 289 years punishing him for Katherine getting caught.
Damon: wait so this is my fault now?
Elena: no it's nobodies fault Damon I'm just saying you're not exactly innocent you made it your life's mission to make him miserable and terrorize him for eternity Damon. As Damon gets up shocked and surprised and offended
Damon: let me ask you a question in all this important soul searching and cleansing of the demons of Stefan's past did you ever manage to get the rest of the story?
Elena: he said there was more.
Damon: yea that's an understatement.
Elena: Damon? Damon tell me?
Damon: he left me by myself at the hands of those hunters and in that moment I realize how selfish most people can be people say how selfless my brother is and caring and kind and sweet but once he was turned completely different person I realize that in that moment I had made a promise and eternity is of misery for him we are bonded by those who we share blood with but doesn't mean we have to like it?
Elena: that's why he said he wanted to die he said that he would rather die than drink human blood I understand why now.
Damon: his choice if he's stupid enough to make it so be it.
Elena: don't do that don't pretend like you don't care.
Damon: where you going?
As she goes down stairs he sees that he's gone without his daylight ring and it's almost sunrise as she looks for clues and details to where he might be she realizes the day he turned into a vampire the docks she rushes over there with his ring
As he stares out into the Clearwater's springs getting flashbacks and the memories start to rush back through his head starts to hurt as echoes start to pop in his head telling the voices to go away
As Elena arrives
Elena: Stefan? Damon told me the rest of the story I thought I might find you here.
Stefan: I should've died that night just like I had chosen.
Elena:. But you didn't you had no choice in the matter but if you die now it's not gonna change what happened.
Stefan: every single person that has been hurt every single life that has been lost it's been because of me.
Elena: the night that my parents died I blew off family night so I can go to some party ended up getting stranded and they had to come pick me up that's why we ended up in the car on that bridge that night and that's why they died our actions is what set things in motion but we have to live with that.
Stefan: I made a choice Elena because of that choice a lot of people were hurt.
Elena: you also made a choice to stop to reject the person the blood made you into you made a choice to be good Stefan.
Stefan: please don't do that.
Elena: how about the person that jumped in the water to save the family whose car had driven off the bridge.
Stefan: please don't make this all okay.
Elena: that's the person who saved my life.
Stefan: you don't understand Elena.
Elena: then tell me?
Stefan: it hurts me it hurts me knowing what I've done and that pain that pain is with me all the time and everyday I think that if just give myself over to the blood I can make that pain stop it would be that easy and everyday I fight that and I am so terrified that one day I'm not going to want to fight that anymore Elena and the next time I hurt somebody it could be you.
Elena: there will be no next time.
Stefan: you don't know that.
Elena: maybe I don't but what I do know is that you can take this throw it in the quarry and let the sun rise or you can take this ring and put it on and keep fighting it's your choice. As she walks away beginning to cry as Stefan holds the ring in his hands as he grips as he begins to turn around as he thinks about throwing it into the Clearwater's spring but he thinks for a moment he puts it on as he goes in to kiss Elena and comfort her
As the full moon is ahead Ethan Benny and Sarah prepare for the war Dwight is about to start with beacon falls as they get all their weapons together Ethan approaches his sister
Ethan: Jane we'll be back before you know it okay.
Benny: if we don't get sucked dry!
Jane: Wait what!
Sarah: nothing Benny just hopes he doesn't cry during the movie because he's a wuss!
Benny: nice there really cute anyway see you grandma!
Benny's grandma: oh, wait I have something for you boys.
Benny: oh no grandma we've really gotta go I already ate I don't think we really need any... decorative knives.
Benny's grandma: if you're going to be battling the bloodsuckers you're gonna need these.
Ethan: whoa!
Benny: wh... where'd you get those?
Benny's grandma: spend almost a century in this town you pick up a few things oh! And this I booked marked a few spells for you now be careful they don't always do what you want them to when you haven't practiced.
Jane: are... are you a witch?
Benny's grandma: oh no not a witch honey I'm an earth's priestess very different and much more fun. As she uses her magic to bring Jane's picture to life
Jane: Benny's grandma rocks!!
Benny:'re...uh... how?
Benny's grandma: I didn't want to tell you before you were ready thought it might freak you out but there's a reason you're drawn to the unexplained you have the makings of a first rate at hand warlock sorcerer and Ethan here he's a psychic and a seer that's his path.
Benny: I'm a warlock awesome!!
Ethan: wait a seer?
Benny's grandma: well you do get visions don't you they mostly start around puberty.
Benny: grandma!
Benny's grandma: oh fine here take my keys and remember evil is always at a disadvantage the earth is good you're fighting on the right side.
Benny: alright shall we?
Benny's grandma: and if you scratch my car I'll turn you into a toad. As she smirks
As they drive off
Ethan: I think the cubile animus works as a kind of soul vacuum to not only resurrect the vampires but to give them they're consciousness back to fully process what's happening to them Jesse manages to capture 219 souls tonight but Dwight wants to just resurrect one Katherine and Damon wants to only resurrect one also Katherine if kat isn't in there we're all screwed but then I don't know trade them to bring back his followers.
Sarah: soul for soul it's so evil can't believe my first kiss was with him.
Ethan: he was your first kiss wow! Talk about impression.
Sarah: I don't know I guess I just wanted my first kiss to be memorable?
Benny: grandma failed to mention that the book isn't even written in English.
Ethan: of course duh it's magic all of it is Latin to its natural language of its origin like you with girls stay away from each other.
Benny: ha ha very funny. As crowds are chattering to get in the theatre
Sarah: well this is it me and Erica waited a whole year for this advanced screening.
Benny: wow that's really lame.
Sarah: just read your magic book dork.
Ethan: hey if things go sideways you got David or Scott on speed dial right?
Sarah: I hope so.
Benny: I don't know tonight is the full moon which means a lot of broken bones and screams and pain and razor sharp teeth and claws and all that stuff but David does have more of a lock on it than Scott no surprise there but I have him on speed dial.
Ethan: alright good we're gonna need him the bouncer over there looks like one of em think he recognizes us?
Sarah: it's okay I think I know another way in call Stef tell him we made it here and see if he can make it if he's over this whole human blood high thing.
Ethan: got it. As they start to get out of the car walking towards the back as Ethan tries to pry the door open with a crowbar but it doesn't budge
Sarah: allow me. As she rips the door off the henges
Sarah: let's get this party started.
Benny: hey guys if I'm reading this correctly there a spell here that can make all the vampires here just vanish.
Ethan: mhm including Sarah you dimwit.
Benny: can't know till you try fera bat sententium neophoetus- as the book disappears
As Ethan exclaims and groans in frustration
As we cut to Jesse giving a speech with Dwight's intentions
Jesse: it's finally time to get revenge for our ancestors.
Erica: this is so boring when do we get some dusker blood I'm starving?
Jesse: patience mhm souls first blood later our 219 guest are here and they're souls are ours for the taking you know what to do. As Sarah started spying but Jesse feels someone's presence as she speeds off he starts to catch a scent but can't quietly catch who it is as Ethan sneaks into the utility room to catch whoever on camera to get the weapons ready he puts two wooden stakes in his grapple holster a large metal three gapped blade on his right wrist a gun with wooden bullets in his gun holster and vervain grenades and vervain grenade launcher and a buckshot that shoots wooden stakes as Benny is waiting in position at the snack booth as the employee ask him if he wants food
Benny: No,I uh meh what the heck give me an extra large jumbo bucket of popcorn with extra salt extra butter and extra popcorn life's short right? As his cell rings as he gets a message vervain water patched in Plan B ready as Erica introduces the movie and screening and the ticket winner and Jesse just drains the life out of her
As Damon enters the snack bar behind Benny he scares him by surprise
Damon: what are you doing here?
Benny: Ahhh! Stop don't do that?
Damon: do what?
Benny: that thing with your eyebrow and the just appearing out of thin air don't do that.
Damon: did you know I was gonna be here?
Benny: no not really nor did I care.
Damon: maybe you did that's why you're startled I frighten you don't I anyway you know where Stefan is him and Elena were supposed to meet half way through woods but never showed might happen to know where they were?
Benny: no I don't know where they are.
Damon: mhm ok well let me know if you find em tell 'em I'll still be waiting like where I'm supposed to be.
As Ethan comes out of the utility room he comes to one of the seats and watches him drain one of the girls on stage and can't take it anymore
Jesse: one down 218 to go?
Ethan: fire!
Jesse: stay in your seats there's no need to panic! As the vampires launches at the civilians draining the life out of them as Dwight watches from afar as he kills one of the students there feeds on him till he rips his head off
Dwight: Jesse? Jesse!! What the hell are you doing you're gonna lead them here and if you Ever think you'll prevent me from getting Katherine out you better rethink your methods.
Jesse: that's the thing you only want Katherine out I want all of them out they serve purpose what does Katherine do run and survive huh? Can't depend on her during a fight a war which is what I wanna start with the founding families of this town. As Dwight grabs Jesse and chokes him
Dwight: did you ever stop to think what they'll do when they catch you huh they'll torture till you talk when you talk word gets around and when word gets around that's when it's dangerous and when it's dangerous that's when the originals gets drawn to town you freaking IDIOT!!!
Jesse: wait who? As Dwight groans in frustration and rage he throws Jesse to the other side of the room as we cut to David waiting by the phone sweaty and more sweat coming down his face he was shot with a sliver wolfsbane bullet as his body is trying to heal itself his body is rejecting the wolfsbane as Scott is beginning to shift into a wolf and David can't stop him as David tries to leave he falls down and passes out as Scott gets free from the chains and he breaks through the cell doors he runs through the woods like a maniac as we cut back to the theatre with Sarah holding off the other vampires from trying to kill people as Ethan stabs one of the vampires in the back with a wooden stake into their heart as he shoots another one in the eye with a wooden bullet
Vampire: ow my eye!
Ethan: sorry dude new at this. As he shoots him again in the heart as his whole body burns up in ashes as we cut to Benny
Benny: here plug me in! As the girl at the counter plugs in a cord that connects to high sensitive high voltage stick hotter than the surface of the sun
Benny: these are much better than batteries, Oh! Evil you are toast you shall be!! As he burns on wolf the vampires with the lightsaber as he stabs one of them with a vervain laced dagger
Benny: use the force vintage Star Wars T shirt that is So hot. As he kisses her
Benny: keep that shoot at anything with fangs!
As we cut to Ethan hiding behind one of the chairs as he pulls one of the daggers out of sock holster
Vampire: what a knife big fracking deal!
Ethan: fracking you a galactica fan?
Vampire: totally season three is the bomb man?
Ethan: season four is the bomb and this is no knife it's a dagger. As he sliced open his chest he disappears into ashes
Ethan: thank you Benny's grandma!
As Ethan runs into Rory
Rory: Ethan hey! Whoa! Watch the jacket?
Ethan: sorry.
Rory: shouldn't you be going after Jesse and his uh box thing.
Ethan: I'm trying a little busy here! As Ethan shoots a vampire down with wooden bullets
Rory: whoa! That is so cool!
Ethan: Now go! And Ror lay off the humans.
Rory: I'll quit I swear do you think they make a patch for vampires?
Ethan: No? As he hissed at him
Ethan: whoa?
Rory: gotcha!
As Jesse makes a run for it as Dwight is waiting by the tomb as Sarah stabs a vampire as he lays dying
Erica: that's not a very nice way to treat your family.
Sarah: this will never be my family don't you realize this is wrong this is not who you're supposed to be!
Erica: this is who I wanted to be my whole life I have been pushed around bullied laughed at never again, I really don't wanna hurt you Sarah but you leave me no choice! As she tries to restrain Sarah but Sarah has the upper hand
Sarah: I am not giving up on you!
Durk: hey! Let her go.
Sarah: over my dead body! As he speed rushes towards her as Erica releases from her restraints as she whispers in his ear "she's all yours honey." As he smirks as Benny comes running full force at him from behind
Benny: freedom!! As he punches him he smirks
Durk: a brave geek still just a geek.
Ethan: stay right there I mean it!
Durk: yeah or what? As he throws the dagger in one of the vampires chest as she vaporizes as durk's face is surprised
Durk: okay now you're both dead!
As Ethan pulls out another dagger as he releases a vervain grenade it blows up in his face as David shows up at the theater weak and losing blood fast he tries to heal he kills two vampires as he heals very slowly he goes to save Ethan and Sarah he just falls on the ground from being so weak as Scott enters the theater slaughtering vampires left and right he bites durk on the neck as he is just slaughtering him as Ethan and Sarah just run as he is carrying Benny as Benny seems to be delusional
Ethan: Sarah hurry we only have 8 minutes till the moon hits it's Apex?
Sarah: take the car I'm so weak my hunger is getting stronger find Stefan just please I don't wanna hurt you or Benny!
Ethan: come on you can make it I know you can?
Sarah: just go now! As he gets into the car as the drive off as he arrives at his house
Ethan just walks to the tree in his visions
Ethan: one big tree?
Dwight: it's funny how they name streets after what they tore down to build them this used to be an orchard one of my favorite spots before your idiot ancestors burned my friends my family alive now I'm gonna use this opportunity to free them but now I realize I only have to free one person Katherine all I need is the blood of a burrow the hunter course your family was one of the ones responsible putting her down there to rot.
Ethan: yeah? I'd say they're first mistake was not finishing the job properly.
Jesse: Dwight give me the damn box! Now I need it to build my army?
Dwight: you really think I trusted you with this information you never wanted to free Katherine.
Jesse: yeah because you would have been distracted by her you and Damon were distracted the whole damn time trying to free her while I wanted to start a war with the council so the vampires can rise. As Dwight quickly speeds over there and shoves him off the hill as Sarah attacks Dwight as he has her pinned against a tree and as Scott in his true wolf form attacks Jesse bites him on the neck and arm he just brutalized Jesse as he seems to still be alive as Scott approaches the scene with blood everywhere as he quickly pans over to Dwight as Dwight seems afraid that he would wolf out tonight he throws Sarah to the side
Dwight: come on wolf come on! As Scott lounges at him as they have an epic fight as Ethan and Jesse fight it out Jesse gets the upper hand on Ethan Sarah tries to help but is thrown against a wall as Ethan puts a wooden stake in his back as he screams in pain
As we cut to Stefan and Damon and Elena and Bonnie along with her grandmother and waiting for Dwight to get back with the blood
Damon: I'm not waiting any longer!
Stefan: then don't we don't do this at all anyway?
Damon: like I said on our agreement as soon as I get Katherine we're gone for good.
Stefan: yeah what if Dwight wants to take her somewhere else you can't fight him by yourself?
Damon: watch me? As we see Ethan shoot a tranq dart into Dwight as he falls down all bloody and tired Scott punches him out cold as Scott bites Jesse again as he almost gets his hands on the cubile animus as Ethan quickly grabs it
Ethan: you can have the box but not what's inside you wrecked their premier now you deal with them? As he releases the souls from the box as the start to incinerate Jesse from the inside out completely alliterating him from ashes to ashes
Benny: can't believe you liked Jesse but dated Dwight? As Bonnie and her grams attempt to open the tomb without the hunters blood as the tomb opens Damon runs in looking for Katherine as he is steadily yelling her name as Anna grabs Elena by her arm and drags her in as Stefan runs after her when he hears her screaming
Damon: Katherine Katherine!! As Stefan runs across Damon
Stefan: Damon have you seen Elena?
Damon: she was supposed to be here right here?
Stefan: Damon!! Where is Elena?
Damon: I don't know where you're little girlfriend is I'm trying to find mine and she isn't here she's not here!!!!
Anna: she was never here damon in 1924 I saw her thought I didn't recognize her she never cared Damon. As they all leave the tomb as grams begins to close it as Ethan and Sarah and Benny run to the tomb site as Ethan sees
Ethan: so was she released?
Stefan: no she was never there she fooled us all.
As Damon just sits there all broken and sad Elena comforts him by hugging him he does not let go
ELIJAH: interesting?
As we cut to a hospital with a man with scarring on his face it is revealed to be David's uncle Peter lightwood he has been in a coma for 6 years due to a fire there hasn't been much of a signal that he is still here as the doctors walk away he gently moved his lips and moved his pinky and lightly says
Peter: I will kill you all!
Conclusion on season 1
Just a disclaimer I do not own some of these characters these are just my interpretations on what the characters from my favorite shows would be like if I was in charge for instance characters like Damon Stefan and Elena from tvd I renamed them so it wouldn't be like I stole their character origins like other characters Ethan Benny Sarah and Erica and Rory from mbav I loved this show as a kid was so mad when they canceled it but this is just my own interpretation and also Scott and Peter from teen wolf are just my own interpretation David is an original character he wasn't originally gonna be part of this story I was gonna have him appear in one episode each season I have planned but thought it would be a great idea to have him apart of this so this is just a disclaimer for everyone wondering. And yes characters such as the originals will be part of this but will be very different

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