Chapter 2: bloodlust

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As on the news story reports of bodies drained of blood as the council rounds of the sheriff Benny's dad the mayor and his wife and the news reporter and a few deputies the founding families of this town
Sheriff brackett: we found a young girl dead this morning in the woods her body was mutilated it wasn't drained surprisingly but we do know the vampires are back who could've done this a wild animal maybe. Mayor Lockwood: maybe just say it was another animal attack. Deputy: sir we found more bodies deep in the woods same as this one but it was mutilated as in torn to pieces claw marks in multiple places on the bodies same as teeth marks but these teeth marks are more grounded and more big like something came after them was more huge than any vampire like a beast. As a huge form of a wolf is watching them from a far it's Tom Riley with blood around his mouth with a beast look he killed those people in the woods
The next day comes around Sarah is looking for Scott through the woods she thinks to herself "do they think I don't know what going on" as she sees Benny and Rory asleep against a tree she wakes them up Benny: what are you doing? Sarah: better question what the hell are you guys doing waking Scott up I know what he is and if Jessie or Dwight finds out they will kill him or use him for his blood or wolf venom.
Benny: calm down we have this under control he didn't get out and he's trying to keep his rage and hunger under control.
Sarah: I'm a fledgling vampire even I don't have it under control we need to get him help his father or someone that knows this whole werewolf thing than I do cause only thing I relate to is the hunger.
Benny: his dad helped out with the chains and wolfsbane to diminish his strength and power.
Sarah: do you have anymore there was a report on more dead bodies that were mutilated it wasn't by a vampire it was from a wolf.
Benny: impossible he was here the whole night Sarah! It couldn't be he was here he transitioned into a wolf here it wasn't him it was another I swear!
Sarah: he's the wolf we know about unless we find the other one he's a dead man
We cut to Scott waking up in the chamber with Benny and Sarah keeping an eye on him to make sure he still wasn't a wolf
Scott: oh man! That hurts like a bitch how long was I out?
Benny: almost a day when you were in wolf form you were sleep after that for 2 hours.
Scott: how's my dad, my mom?
Sarah: we took care of it.
Scott: thank you.
As he smiles generously
Benny: what do we do now?
Scott: I find something to sustain my condition my dad knows how.
Sarah: and if you don't.
Scott: I dunno I keep hope alive I guess. As we cut to Jesse black a vampire with a bunch of other vampires as Dwight justice approaches him is the cubule animoose ready? He says yes
We see Tom Riley Scott's other cousin he's an omega  werewolf being used for his wolf venom he's in soo much pain but when an omega wants out he gets out as he notices there's a party with a bunch of college kids he can't control his hunger or his appetite for humans he breaks free he also hears his cousin scott and his friends
We cut to there perspective 3 hours earlier we see Ethan walking home from school we see Sarah sneak up behind him as a joke he gets scared but his mom sees them from outside the window concerned as they walk in we see Benny already at the table
Benny: guys I have something to tell you? It's Rory he hasn't answered his phone all day he didn't show up for school.
Ethan: he went to that college senior party?
Sarah: wait the senior party the one where Jessie and his vamps are gonna be at at Jessie's house.
Benny: oh shit? As they all run to get Scott and warn him about the party they pull up to the house and sneak in through the back while Sarah distracts Erica and Jessie from them getting in
As Ethan and Benny grab Rory whilst Scott goes to find his cousin as Scott finds him chained beaten and bruised with wolfsbane in his system using his venom as a loophole cure for a werewolf bite with the original witch's magic book he rips the chains off
Scott: I'm getting you outta here buddy come on! He drags Tom out of the cell and through out the house from underground
As Ethan and Benny find Rory
Rory: Ayo guys wassup you came to this wicked party glad you came it's not the same without you. Ethan: rory this is a college senior party your a junior In high school you don't belong here we don't belong here.
Rory: but I wanted to have fun with you guys that's why I invited you guys where's Scott he's supposed to be here. As they take Rory upstairs to see if they can get out through a window as they approach the stairs they hear Dwight talking with Jesse and the other vamps
Jesse: alright guys so here's the plan I grab Sarah she finally feeds making her finally immortal as no longer a fledgling we stake stefan and Damon you feed on the rest of the humans out there and we will have our army and revenge on this hell hole of a town we're all hungry the moon is full let's eat.
Ethan: we have to move and leave fast!
As the door opens as gord leaves the room with blood around his mouth as Erica looks like he was bitten but it heals as she walks out the room as he looks at her and goes
Durk: finally your awake you're in transition. As he smiles he takes her to the living room where everybody else is as Ethan and Benny take Rory to the door
Ethan: it's locked. As they speed walk to the back door they're stopped by durk 
Durk: whoa whoa where you girls going you're just in time for dinner.
Ethan:we'll shit!
As Jesse catches Sarah and what she is up to he drags her to the living room where everyone is and as Scott watches them from a distance trying to figure out a power play with Stefan sneaking up behind him
Stefan: so what's your game plan your just gonna go all guns and blazing in these vamps all of them are atleast 5x your age they're all 5-6 hundred years older than you they're too strong.
Scott: I didn't say anything about me my cousin here is hungry for vampire flesh so you better get out of here while you still can. As Stefan speeds out of there
We cut to Jesse
Jesse: so these are the idiots you've been hanging with.
Dwight: what's the commotion out here ah Sarah dully noted she's responsible for the wolf escape Tom is gone his chains are broken he was being pumped up with wolfsbane he could've got out by himself there's just no way. As Dwight gets back with Jesse and durk
Dwight: alright I'm going to count to three you're going to tell me the truth on who let my special wolf out of his cage or I will let Erica feed on your special little friend and I heard fledglings can't stop feeding until they're victim is dead so what's it gonna be gentlemen you're gonna tell me or say bye to your friend. As they hesitate
Dwight: huh? So nothing okay Erica go ahead feed on him until he dies. As she hears blood pumping through the veins in his neck and throughout his body as her vampire face grows like a demon
Sarah: Erica No!
As she starts to feed on Rory she's killing him ethan stabs her in the leg and shoulder Stefan shows back up and pushes Dwight out of the way
Dwight: Stefan you wont ruin what I have planned for tonight not now not when I'm close to bringing her back.
Stefan: bring who back?
Damon: step back little bro leave this yo the big boys.
Dwight: he didn't tell you did he wow this is just great.
Stefan: tell me what?
Dwight: we plan on bringing Katherine back.
Stefan: but she died.
Damon: did she did she really they stuck her underneath the church to burn it down but Emily spelled the tomb to protect the rest of the vampires down there including her.
Stefan: with that many vampires roaming beacon falls will be a slaughter house Damon you can't!!
Damon: oh brother I can and I will the only one I can trust and count on with this is me you made sure of that many years ago Stefan when you left keep, Elena out of this you know if you wanna keep her alive because if she starts to snoop and realize what me and you are I will snap and shatter her spine before she can even blink and you know I will.
Stefan: why are you doing this?
Damon: because I love her and I would do anything to bring Katherine back unlike you she's never left my mind she's always been there for me.
Stefan: I'm sorry Damon but I can't let you do this.
Damon: I'm sorry did you say you weren't going to let me I'm 5x stronger than you stefan what did I say if you tried to get in my way what'd I say?
Stefan: I don't care.
As Damon launches at Stefan throwing him out of a window as Ethan takes out his crossbow and kills two vamps and shoots Damon in the shoulder and throws a vervain grenade into the air it stuns the vampires a vampire repellent
As Dwight feeds Rory his blood as he heals from the bite he snaps his neck he dies with vampire blood in his system as Ethan Benny and Sarah run out the door as Scott let out Tom killing vampires as he bites gord on the arm
Dwight: ouuu that is one nasty bite. As he smirks
Gord: you gonna heal me or what I'll die if I don't that cure.
Dwight: dammit just cause you get bite you're now my problem jesse get me a witch to bind wolf blood with the venom so you can cure him.
Jesse: she's right here.
Dwight: hello Bonnie I need a favor from you to help me catch a wolf cause see I need as much wolf venom I need not only to protect my guys but to make as many miracle cures as needed for the war I'm about to start.
Bonnie: what war?
Dwight: the one I just started.
As months go by of Stefan and Elena dating for 3 whole months as Damon starts to get a little too comfortable with his brother being happy in a relationship and he isn't so he goes after one of Elena's friends erica he compels her to do whatever he wants as he starts to feed on her and erases her memories Stefan realizes what he does and makes a stand vervains him and puts him in his families cellar but little does he know he formed an aberration in her mind when he compelled her as a sort of mind control but Elena starts to get suspicious of Stefan's after time when they're not together as Damon influences Erica to unlock the door she does he tries to attack and feed on her she escapes him not knowing what's going on as she gets back to the school she forgets where she was as Damon escapes without his daylight ring he burns he goes somewhere without any sun as Stefan realizes Damon has escaped but then Elena realizes what Stefan really is a vampire she rushes over to the valorant boarding house
Elena: what are you?
Stefan: you know I'm a vampire.
Elena: no you can't be get way from me get away!
Stefan: I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Elena I promise I wouldn't dare lay hand in your direction just please trust me.
As she is frightened by his existence
Elena: if you mean that if you really mean me no harm then you'll let me go home please!
Stefan: okay? As he lets her go without her being harmed as he looks saddened as we cut to Damon it's night time he's weak and hungry as a girl looks over and tries to help he says "come closer." As he looks up he goes for a bite to neck draining her of blood as he kills her she and friends as he goes over and he drains all of them killing all of them
As Damon goes to burn up the bodies he finds a phone and calls Stefan
Damon: I want my ring!
Stefan: where are you?
Damon: I'm at the sizzler had a buffet where's my ring.
Stefan: I don't have it what have you done.
Damon: Nooo what have you done you're the one who locked me up and starved so whatever I've done whoever I sucked dry is on you buddy.
Stefan: how many animal attacks is this town gonna believe huh?
Damon: I know how to cover my tracks Stefan where's my ring?
Stefan: I gave it to Zach to hide probably shouldn't have killed him.
Damon: ahh you almost got me where is it?
Stefan: I'll get it back I just need time.
Damon: what you fedx it to Rome where is it I want my ring Stefan! Or my next stop is Elena's.
Stefan: I already want you dead don't give me another reason to make that happen.
Damon: don't give me another reason to rip you apart.
Stefan: yea That gonna be before or after you get your ring back huh?
Damon: just get it. As Damon goes and walks over as one of them is still alive Jane burrows Ethan sister is one of them
Damon: you just don't wanna die do you?
As the next day rolls around Elena text Stefan and says "meet me at the grill alone don't tell anyone." He agrees as they meet at the grill the town hangout spot
Stefan: so what do you want to know.
Elena: only reason I asked you here is to learn and understand what you are ?
Stefan: ask me any question you want give me a day to explain it to you.
Elena: I've seen so much vampire lore I heard about the garlic thing but you can consume it correct.
Stefan: yes
Elena: what about holy water?
Stefan: drinkable
Elena: mirror effect?
Stefan: myth
Elena: why doesn't the sun affect you?
Stefan: we have daylight rings that protect us.
Elena:so Damon and all the recent attacks that was him and not you?
Stefan: yes he chooses to drink human blood and kill as his way to survive I don't I drink animal blood it keeps me alive and stable just not as strong as him he can be very powerful.
Elena: yet you knew he was hurting Erica.
Stefan: she doesn't remember what was happening to her he put some mind control on her as a sort of mind compulsion she didn't even know it was happening to her.
Elena: and that makes it okay?
Stefan: no Elena none of this makes it okay come on let's go we gotta get out of here anyway.
As we cut to Damon stuck at the house without his daylight ring as he gives Stefan a call but no answer
Damon: Stefan I'm getting really bored and impatient I don't do bored and impatient bring me my ring! Oh don't get blood on the couch please. As he goes over to the girl he nearly drained
As he looks at her neck
Damon: ohhhh I got you good didn't I? As he realizes he needs to set up a plan to get the founders council  the vampire council off his back
So he feeds Vicky his blood
Damon: I'm soo gonna regret this go on drink up there you go there you go drink it all up.
FLASHBACK:1720 to a young 17 year old stefan valorant as he sees a young woman get out of a carriage he looks remarkably like Elena
Stefan: hello ms Katherine. As another man comes out of the carriage it is Dwight harolt as he greets her out of the carriage he smiles
Present day
Elena: where are we?
Stefan: I wanted to bring you here to help you realize how dangerous it can be.
Elena: you got me out here in the middle of nowhere.
Stefan: this didn't used to be nowhere used to be my home.
Elena: wow it looks so...
Stefan: old because it is.
Elena: wait how long were you?
Stefan: I have been 17 years old since 1720.
Elena: oh my god.
Stefan: you said you wanted to know I'm not gonna hold anything back almost 2 centuries before the valorant boarding house was built this was my families home damon and I we were both born here the valorant brothers the best of friends
FLASHBACK: as stefan and Damon come running out the door with a football
Stefan: wait where did you learn this game?
Damon: a camp outside of Atlanta one of the officers picked it up at Harvard catch.
Stefan: wait wait what are the rules. As ms Katherine approaches
Katherine: who needs rules mind if I join you?
Stefan: uh you could get hurt my brother likes to play rough.
Katherine: somehow I think that you play rougher. As he giggles and takes the ball from his hands
Damon: why are you standing there taut is a girl who clearly wants to be chased if you don't do it I will. As he speeds off with Stefan shading him as well
Elena: you knew Katherine in 1720 Damon made it seem like...
Stefan: Damon was trying to make you think I was still heartbroken he saw that I was happy with you and he wanted to ruin it.
Elena: all because you loved a woman 289 years ago.
Stefan: she wasn't just any girl
As Stefan is chasing Katherine around in the yard
Katherine: Ha I win what's my prize?
Damon: what would you like it to be.
Stefan: they extended your leave.
Damon: I was simply having too much fun to return to battle.
Stefan: your commitment to the quadruple alliance is inspiring. As they both lean in for a hug
Katherine: well this works out wonderfully for me.
Damon: how's that ms Katherine?

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