Chapter 3 Prophecy: blood in the water

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The scene cuts to a flashback to when Jesse and Sarah were dating for awhile Dwight only wanted Jesse to be around Sarah just to see what she knows cause she was a founding family legacy member they started to date he started to develop feelings he asked Dwight if he could turn her Dwight as usual says no and ask him to kill her entire family including her Jesse exclaims "why?" Dwight responds "because it's bad for business for a vampire to fall in love with a human it never works out she wouldn't last as a vampire." So Jesse does exactly that he feeds her his blood kills her as she is transition she wakes up to her family being slaughtered and drained of blood as for her brother Gabriel on the ground neck bleeding her father his neck ripped open along with his insides her mother her head was no longer on her body torn to pieces along with her aunt and grandmother Sarah: No Noooo Why! Why would you do this to me? Jesse: I wanted to be with you forever i couldn't do that with your family in the way family makes you weak. As her brother Gabriel wakes up Gabriel: what happened to me my head hurts ow! Jesse: he's in transitions you and your brother will feed on blood like it or not he forces Gabriel to feed on his dead fathers corpse he's officially a vampire as Jesse leaves with blood all over him 42 hours later we see Ethan working out for next weeks football game as he goes for a quick swim he feels something at his feet he jumps he gets out of the water terrified of what was at his feet

 As her brother Gabriel wakes up Gabriel: what happened to me my head hurts ow! Jesse: he's in transitions you and your brother will feed on blood like it or not he forces Gabriel to feed on his dead fathers corpse he's officially a vampire as Jes...

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TITLE CARD: The dark moon diaries
2 nights earlier Erica is seen walking home alone as she is nervous about something following her
Sarah: hey! As Erica seemed spooked
Erica: hey where have you been you don't text me anymore what's going on are you and jesse still on the outs.
Sarah: im sorry my life is just really complicated right now.
Erica: I missed hanging out with you we barely hangout since you've started dating Jesse.
Sarah: he's not really my boyfriend anymore.
Erica: well good thing we have that special little night planned for the screening.
Sarah: I don't know if I'll be going anymore.
Erica: oh wow! I see well I'll see you around then.
Sarah: Erica wait okay it is because of Jesse but it's not how you think?
Jesse: well speak of the devil. As Dwight appears behind Erica grabbing her he lets her go durk comes up
Durk: hello again?
Erica: hello again.
Jesse: your not avoiding me are you?
Erica: oh she's avoiding a lot of people.
Jess: oh come on what are you afraid of?
Sarah: I just need a few more days okay?
Jesse: Tic Toc times up.
Sarah: Jesse you said I had a choice.
Jesse: the rest of you go on ahead Sarah and I need to have a little talk.
Sarah: you said it was up to me?
Jesse: it is but hey sometimes you need a little push? As she smacks him as he smirks
Jesse: come on Sarah can't you feel it your body knows what it wants.
Sarah: ha lucky for me I think with my brain.
Jesse: your not going anywhere.
As she kicks him back
Jesse: why fight it Sarah your the one who said you like vampires.
Sarah: I never said I wanted to be one. As she kicks him down
Jesse: you shouldn't have done that. In a disoriented voice he throws her up and far and lands on Ethan's house as Ethan hears something he opens the door it's Sarah
Ethan: Sarah what are you doing here?
Sarah: it's Jesse he went nuts I think it's Dwight getting in his head.
Ethan: okay well just stay here for the night I'll call Benny we can just have a sleepover my sister has been wanting a sleepover with not only her being the only girl anyway so I'll have to see what my mom says okay?
As Ethan calls his mom and ask if Sarah can stay the night she'll be up in jane's room she says yes he calls Benny and Scott over they come over to discuss what kind of plan they need to have over the next few days as Sarah goes to the bathroom to call Erica to convince her to leave Jesse's mansion but she won't comply as Benny ordered a pizza 15 minutes ago as the pizza delivery guy finally arrives
Benny: come on in bro it's gonna taste so much better cause it's free I'm just dying for a bite.
Wes: so am I as the vampire smirks
As Benny and Ethan yelp scott uses his super hearing to hear what's going on same with Sarah
Ethan: he's just playing a game you know?
Wes: yeah a game whoever tells me where Sarah is first spends less time screaming!
Sarah: can I play too.
Wes: Jesse got tired of waiting so he sent me to come pick you up.
Sarah: guess you are just the delivery boy after all.
Wes: ha at least I know whose side I am fledging.
Benny: can I just grab a bite and you can do all your vampire trash talking.
Ethan: Benny?
Benny: what I wanna have a blast meal I ordered a Italianio delux
Ethan: right Italiano delux. He whispers to Benny "I have my vervain glove and a syringe you throw the pizza on him while I make contact with him and throw him while Scott and Sarah go to town on this guy 3...2..1. As Benny throws the pizza on him and Ethan grabs his hand with his vervain glove and throws him against the wall
As Sarah uppercuts Wes he growls and jumps at her as Scott punches him in the throat he takes his claws out and starts scratching up his face and throws against another wall as Sarah gets a few punches in Wes punches her and throws her in the kitchen against Ethan's mom's silverware as Scott bites him on the arm he yelps as Sarah picks up a fork and lunges it in his forehead as Scott runs out the back waiting for a backup plan as Sarah runs upstairs as Ethan looks in the peephole he lets Sarah in
Ethan: where's Scott?
Sarah: ran out the back waiting for my signal.
Ethan: signal what signal?
As Wes takes the fork out of his head he smells human blood as he heals and roars and jumps up
Sarah: what do you have for weapons?
Ethan: look in that corner of my closet there's a hollow patch there should be a duffel bag full of weapons or we could use my weighted bo staff and make a stake out of it.
As wes punches a hole through Ethan's door Sarah grabs a stake and stabs Wes hand
Wes: damn you Sarah. He takes the stake out of his hand he peeks in there gone as Benny and Ethan and Jane run out Wes appears out of thin air hissing at them as Scott bites him on the neck again he shoves him and Sarah pins him down staking wes over and over and over
Benny: okay she might be a lousy babysitter but that was the bomb.
As she looks up and smirks 
THE NEXT DAY: Sarah seems to have left and
As Ethan and Benny follow the vampires around they follow them into a graveyard they hide behind a bush watching what they are doing as Benny is packing vervain in his bag vampire repellent
Benny: they have daylight rings hoodies and sunglasses why a hood I mean it's a look if you're a... Sarah appears as they both yelp
Ethan: hey Sarah what are you doing here?
Sarah: same as you I'm following them I just wished I knew what they were up to.
Benny: we'll according to Rory there after something called the Cuban animals.
Sarah: Cuban animals you mean cubile animus Jesse mentioned it before I think it's Latin or something.
Benny: we'll according to the web the cubile animus is Latin for nest of souls able to resurrect old rotted bodies that are kind of in a desiccated state.
Ethan: the tomb vampires I've read something about that in my dads journal about 289 years ago there a band of vampires including Dwight that were exposed they were put in a tomb under a church you don't think they're trying to bring 'em back do you?
Sarah: when it comes to Dwight I don't doubt it?
Benny: well we got a lot of anti vampire repellant vervain- as he spills it on Sarah she yelps
Sarah: owwwww what the heck!
As Sarah speeds them away as durk goes over and picks up a scent as they are walking down a street Ethan: some speed you got there.
Sarah: so these visions they happen often?
Ethan: kind of yeah but they really started popping off when you showed up it happens when we touch here.
Sarah: nice try Casanova.
Benny: well can't blame a player for trying maybe  I get visions too.
Ethan: cut it out you don't get visions.
Sarah: I see that hand again I'll consider it a snack.
Ethan: right but when I had that vision all I saw really was a bunch of symbols related to resurrections and witchy stuff and a grave headstone that's related to that tomb it said 219.
Sarah: Dwight wouldn't tell me he'd only tell a real vampire.
Benny: none of them are stupid enough to just tell us.
Ethan: well one of them is.
Benny: and I have his number.  As he call Gabriel Sarah's brother he tells them all the details in Dwight's plan
Later that day Dwight and Jesse are planning that surprise party
Dwight: get our guest ready it's time to feast. As they open they door to music playing and everyone partying as they go to a secret door with a cell in a room it's Scott's cousin chained up and being drained of the wolf venom in his fangs as tonight is the full moon
Dwight: be careful with this one he's strong tonight's a full moon need as many miracle cures as you can get out of him. As they go back it's seem that Rory and Erica are at the party as durk is seen with Erica as Ethan and Sarah and Benny and Scott and Elena are seen at Ethan's house hanging out
Sarah: whatever you guys do don't invite a vampire into your house.
Elena: yea I got that from Damon.
Sarah: did he hurt you.
Elena: only my feelings you know Damon being Damon.
Sarah: that's what I'm afraid of okay I'm gonna go grab Erica from that party and take her home.
Elena: party?
Sarah: yea some frat party that I told Erica not to go to she went anyway.
Elena: which one?
Sarah: the one that Dwight is throwing that's why I'm going to go get her now just stay put.
As Rory is calling as Sarah leaves
Benny: should I answer?
Ethan: mhm why not.
Rory: hey Benny wassup!
Benny: wazzuhhh.
Rory: wassup!
Ethan: you guys are lame that's wassup.
Rory: if I'm so lame how come I'm chilaxing ag the most slamming party in town.
Ethan: was there an after party after the big game tonight.
Rory: no dude a real party at this huge mansion there's seniors here juniors including the girls hey beautiful like what you see guys this party is off the hook.
Benny: how'd you get in?
Rory: this guy in gamer town ask me if I wanted to come yeah Benny your dusker babe is here she is looking fine look at the senior babe she's dancing with.
Ethan: Rory some of those seniors aren't from the drama club are they?
Rory: we'll yeah some of them and check This there's gonna be a buffet at midnight sorry gotta go.
Benny: don't say it cause if you say it we'll hav ego go find that doofus and I for certainly don't want to crash a vampire dinner party so.
Ethan: come on Rory's our friend.
Benny: ugh fine we'll go but I'm not walking.
Ethan: fine pull your grandmas car around and l'll gather as much weapons as I can carry in my duffel bag.
As Benny pulls his grams car around
Benny: alright let's pull this down keep it on the down low.
Ethan: yo what is that?
Benny: oh it's my grandma's tanning bed she likes working a tan I watched her come out of there once it's not pretty.
Ethan: remember 5th grade when we dressed up as Jedi's.
Benny: I'll get my dad's toolkit. As they make it into a sunlight wielder weapon to use against vampires
As Benny is driving down the road they see Sarah
Ethan: excuse me m'lady do you know where the vampire party's at?
Sarah: okay I'm acting crazy cause I got bit and I was turned what's your excuse.
Later they pull up on the side of the road not too close to Jesse's mansion
Sarah: stay here I'll be right back.
Ethan: no way were coming with you?
Sarah: stay in the car I'll be back as soon as I can with Erica and your friend okay?
Ethan: come on we're a te- as she hisses at him
Ethan: got it!
Stay in the car so that works for me.
As she leaves
Ethan: come on.
Benny: hey easy with the shirt. As Scott sneaks in through the back locating his cousin David to this mansion as Damon shows up without Stefan realizing it Stefan speeds in the door
Jesse: Stefan, Stefan valorant your kind of a hero around these parts an interesting lad I might say huh boys?
Damon: yes he's come to stay and enjoy the party.
Stefan: hey Jesse shut up I'm only here it make sure that my brother behaves and to make sure it's legit.
As Stefan spots Sarah
Stefan: where's your bathroom?
Jesse: upstairs first door on the right.
Stefan: Sarah what are you doing here?
Sarah: they have Erica I'm trying to find her but she won't pick up her phone I'm worried they might've you know.
Stefan: yeah don't worry we'll find her anybody else here with you?
Sarah: yea they're waiting in the car outside.
Stefan: Car? Red 55 Chevy convertible?
Sarah: yeah why?
Stefan: I looked in it it looked pretty empty when I got here.
Sarah: so either they're both idiots and got in without anyone noticing or-
Stefan: someone saw the car and took em we have an hour till the moon is full so we split up you find Erica and I'll get the boys.
Benny: dude we're finally at a senior party.
Ethan: you wanna dance don't you?
Benny: just one I swear! As the start to dance as they walk up the steps Rory runs into them
Rory: hey guys wassup?
Ethan: ah Rory come on we gotta go.
Rory: no way man we have to stay this way we all can have fun together and we're finally someplace where we don't get counted out as dorks or weird and I want this for us I invited you guys and Scott I don't know where he is though.
Benny: dude we got him let's get outta while we still can.
Ethan: we can't go without Sarah.
We cut to Sarah still searching
Dwight appears Behind her
Dwight: hey Sarah! Come upstairs something i wanna show you.
Benny: what is she doing?
Ethan: I wanna know what they're up to?
Dwight: be patient mhm soon we will have our revenge against this town and the founding families until do what we do best and feed is all that matters the humans here will be turned by tonight we're all hungry the moon is full let's eat.
Ethan: we have to get out of here and fast.
As we cut to a door with durk coming out of it with blood on his mouth and Erica coming out of it she's looks out of her mind and confused and very hungry
Durk: come on it'll only get better form here.
As Scott is looking for his cousin he finds him in a cellar chained up the room is boarded up from the windows form him being exposed from the moon and is extracting wolf venom from his teeth to make miracle cures
Scott: oh David let me get you outta here before the full moon reaches its apex. As he break all the chains and puts him in another room as Dwight comes to check on David he looks as David isn't there anymore Dwight let's put a scream
As Ethan Rory and Benny try getting out of the front door but it's locked they try going out the back as they are stopped by durk
Durk: woah woah where you girls going? Just in time for dinner.
Rory: sweet what's on the menu?
As Benny smacks him up side the head
Ethan: us Rory the menu is us!
Rory: oh!
As Jesse comes out
Jesse: oh look what we've got here.
Sarah: Jesse don't do this please they're my friends.
Jesse: I'm not doing anything you're going to drain every single one of them that's your choice if you wanna live.
Stefan: don't let me do it don't force her I'll do it just let them go!
Sarah: wait no you've done so much to try to keep under control.
Stefan: it's okay Sarah it's okay.
Jesse: hear his heart pumping it's a beat of a whole new world waiting for you a world where you'll never die never grow old one bite and it's yours.
She hesitates Dwight comes rushing out
Dwight: STEFAN!!! You let him out you let him Ouuuutttt.
Stefan: what the hell are you talking about?
Dwight: the wolf you let him free all of a sudden he shows up now the wolf is gone along with venom if he's gone then we're all doomed here's what we're going to do I'm gonna grab you're little girlfriend and your going to feed on her.
Stefan: Elena? You let her go right now you son of a bitch RIGHT NOW!
Dwight: you go out and hunt the wolf and I'll give her to you?
Stefan: that's the thing I didn't let him out one of your lackey's did I didn't.
Dwight: Fine! As Dwight bites into her neck and forces Stefan to feed on her as Stefan gags as Sarah is about to feed on Rory she hesitates
Ethan: Sarah don't! As his eyes turn white he gets a psychic vision of a tree and tombstones
Erica: oh I will do it. As Erica holds in everything to bite Rory
Sarah: Erica no don't.
Rory: girls there's no need to fight over me. As she bites him he's loosing blood fast they both collapse
Sarah: back off I mean it. As we see Stefan struggling to gain back control
Jesse: Sarah seriously where can you go? As Ethan shoots a vervain dart at Jesse we cut to Scott and David
Scott: you alright?
David: no I'm too weak right now all the wolfsbane diminished my strength but it's fading away quickly.
Scott: you think me and you both can wolf out and eradicate these vampires?
David: I can try. As they both turn into wolves
They break through the wall behind them
As they let out a loud wolf roar
As that gives Ethan and Benny an advantage to escape they run out the door
Benny: we're dead we're soo dead.
As they make it to the car and try to drive off
As Stefan gets back his strength and shoves Jesse into a wall and takes Elena and speeds her out of there
And Sarah runs out and tries to get into the car with Ethan and Benny they drive off we cut to Scott and David killing most of the vampires defending each other
David: Scott get out of here!
Scott: not without you!
David: just go I got this. As Scott jumps out the window David fights the rest of the vampires off while escaping himself
As Elena gets home safely with her neck wound bleeding she falls asleep slowly
We cut to Stefan at home struggling to keep his inner demons under control as Damon walks in to Stefan screaming and throwing things
Damon: what the hell are you doing?
Stefan: you knew that was going to happen didn't you DIDN'T YOU!!!!
Damon: okay maybe a little yes we were gonna feed it was a mansion full of vampires with humans what did you expect at a vampire dinner party okay?
Stefan: you knew that and you dragged me there I warned you that I couldn't ever get near human blood especially Elena's!
Damon: okay that was a understatement I didn't know they had Elena okay what does it matter you're stronger now?
Stefan: you don't get it she'll never trust me or you now that she knows everything I love her Damon don't you see what you did was wrong everything I fought for to keep under wraps and under control you just undid everything I've fought for.
Damon: I'll get Katherine and we'll be out if your hair by the next full moon is in like a month so I'll be outta here til then.
The next couple days
As Stefan is still having a hard time controlling his bloodlust since the party he hears a distinctive noise throughout the house a very loud whooshing sound coming up at super speed pushes onto the ground pinning him it's another vampire
Stefan realizes who it is
Stefan: Lexi?
Lexi: Hi!
Stefan: what are you doing here?
Lexi: how can you even ask that? As she hugs him
Stefan: I missed you!
Lexi: can't forget your best friends birthday happy 306th birthday!
Lexi: look I don't know okay if some freak shot at me with wooden bullets id bail under 60 and why is a news reporter hunting vampires?
Stefan: I don't know don't know who knows about us  could be others hey do me a favor while you're here please be careful!
Lexi: ughhh why stay I'm headed to New York for the weekend Bon Jovi in the garden wanted dead or alive it's our theme song it'll be a blast.
Stefan: hey do you think he'll actually remember us because that was a pretty crazy weekend?
Lexi: we can make him remember us come on let's go I mean what's keeping you here.
Stefan: I told you her name is Elena. As Lexi picks up Katherine's picture
Lexi: we'll let's hope she's better than the last girl you got all spring over.
Stefan: you didn't even know Katherine.
Lexi: cause if I did I'd kick her ass little bitch speaking of where's Damon?
Stefan: somewhere inflicting misery on someone.
Lexi: uh huh?
Stefan: hey you gonna be okay here alone I got some things I gotta take care of?
Lexi: we'll it's not exactly like I can go anywhere and you and Damon thus far are the only ones I know of that have these swiftly daylight rings I have a moon ring from "75" trade ya.
Stefan: doesn't work that way and you know it.
Lexi: ughhh yeahhh.
Stefan: hey lex.
Lexi: mhmm.
Stefan: I'm really glad that you came here.
Lexi: okay what are we doing for your birthday it's not everyday that a guy turns 306 years old!
Stefan: ughhh really?
Lexi: ohh yeahh.
Damon: look what the cat dragged in!
Stefan: leave me alone Damon!
Lexi: seems like I've barged in a little family drama squabble what he do this time I'll kick his ass for you.
Stefan: as much as I would love to see that no I'm a little more than mad at him.
Lexi: what did you do Damon?
Damon: I might've maybe dragged him to a vampire dinner party and he was in contact with human blood and he was forced to feed on the girl he's with slash love.
Lexi: you what!
She whooshes over there and shoves him against the wall
Stefan: okay Lexi that's enough. As she lets go and walks away
Damon: well I see she hasn't changed a bit?
Stefan: yeah she still isn't the biggest Damon fan she never was to be honest.
Damon: duly noted not only the fact that we all have known each other for 200+ years.
Stefan: you Did force me to turn.
Damon: point taken.
Stefan: and then left me after we both enlisted for world war 2?
Damon: another point.
Stefan: you killed uncle Zach.
Damon: okay you win the game.
Much later we see Lexi sleep in Stefan's bed
As we see Damon try to sneak up on Lexi he lays there too
Damon: boo!
Lexi: ughhh.
As she scoots away from him sitting up
Damon: hello Lexi what an unexpected surprise with the whole throwing across the room thing impressive for an older vampire your age.
Lexi: unexpected surprise I think the wrong brother went back to highschool? 
Damon: what are you here for?
Lexi: Stefan's Bday.
Damon: awww you mean you didn't come all this way to see me?
Lexi: mhm that's it damon after 2 centuries and a half I finally realize death means nothing without you Do me!
Damon: why are you so mean to me?
Lexi: have you met you you're not a nice person.
Damon: well cause I'm a vampire?
Lexi: but you're only the bad parts.
Damon: teach me to be good? As she whooshes over to his side grabbing him by the neck choking him
Lexi: I'm older and that mean stronger!
Damon: I'm sorry?
Lexi: don't ruin my time with Stefan cause I'll hurt you and you know I can do it!
Damon: yeah?
She lets go of his neck he's trying to catch his breath she walks away
As Stefan leaves to take care of business Elena pulls up to the valorant boarding house as Lexi hops out the shower she walks through the living room as Elena enters the home with the door opened
As Elena jumps up surprised
Elena: oh I didn't realize anyone else was home.
Lexi: you- I'm Lexi Stefan's not here at the moment I can leave a message?
As she goes upstairs to Stefan getting dressed
Lexi: are you out of your mind.
Stefan: what are you talking about ?
Lexi: I just met Elena.
As she picks up Katherine's picture
Lexi: you have some serious explaining to do.
Lexi: you have some serious emotional damage.
Stefan: no it's not what you think alright she's not Katherine.
Lexi: then they're related because they can be twins.
Stefan: I don't know.
Lexi: you don't know or you didn't find out.
Stefan: no maybe I don't wanna know I have no desire to tie Elena to Katherine.
As Lexi looks at him thinking yea right
Stefan: okay yes the resemblance is what drew me in but that's it Katherine and Elena may look the same on the outside but I'm the inside they are completely different.
Lexi: oh so Elena's not some raging bitch then huh?
Stefan: No,no Elena is warm and she's kind and she's caring and she's selfless and it's real and honestly when I'm around her I completely forget what I am.
Lexi: Oh my god you're in love with her.
Stefan: Yea,Yeah I am.
Lexi: wow.
As Lexi pulls out her bag filled with blood bags
As she takes a big sip
Stefan can hardly restrain himself as he tries to separate himself from the room Damon enters the room
Damon: there's a party at the grill you'll love it tacky wait staff all of Stefan's friends.
Stefan: yea I don't want a birthday party.
Damon: we'll the party is not for you it's a party party live a little it's a party you can come if you like.
As Damon leaves the room
Stefan: you know the party is set up right it's Damon he's gonna try something.
Lexi: so what we are going.
As they get to the grill Elena shows up and him and Elena talk about Lexi
Elena: so Lexi is she A-
Stefan: yes a very old one matter of fact.
Elena: so you too never-
Stefan: no no we are just friends nothing more good Friends as a matter of fact she's the one who helped me through my blood phase.
Elena: you're still kinda going through it with you feeding on me.
Stefan: yeah I'm really sorry about I have been restraining myself when I'm around you I can still smell the blood a bit.
Elena: are you okay?
Stefan: yeah I'll be fine.
As Elena walks away to talk to Lexi
Lexi: the famous Elena?
Elena: towel girl.
Lexi: good one I've been called worse.
Elena: I've never seen Stefan drunk he always seems soo-
Lexi: uptight.
Elena: yea but not with you.
Lexi: we'll that's the benefit of knowing someone for over 200 years you just be yourself.
Elena: he can't be himself around me?
Lexi: well not yet the first step was him telling you the rest comes with time.
Elena: you seem so sure.
Lexi: the love of my life was human he went through what I'm imagining your going through denial,anger,etc but at the end of the day love really does conquer all, are you going to drink that.
Elena: oh go for it.
Elena: I'm scared?
Lexi: but you're here cause your crazy about him I get it okay I mean what's not to love listen take it from someone whose been around along time when it's real you can't walk away.
Elena: hey Lexi it was really nice meeting you.
As she walks away over to Stefan
Lexi: yep I drank yours sorry.
Stefan: thank you.
Lexi: you weren't supposed to be listening, I was feeling epic whatever.
As Damon is outside and attacks a random couple leaves the guy for dead compels the girl to tell the police when they find her to say it's the blonde chick beside him
As Damon walks back inside and sits at the bar Lexi is sitting at
Lexi: what are you really doing here in beacon falls?
Damon: I have a master evil diabolical plan.
As sheriff bracket finds the girl in the alley and her boyfriend dead she tells them what happened as he goes to the bar he goes to where Lexi and Damon are sitting and he injects Lexi with vervain Carrie's her out
Damon: what are you doing.
Sheriff bracket: thanks for the vervain Damon now we'll whose the vampire and who is not.
As he Carrie's her out she resist the vervain and pushes the deputies off and comes for sheriff bracket as he starts shooting her Damon comes out of nowhere and stakes her
Lexi: why?
Damon: it's part of the plan.
As Stefan is holding Elena back as he's fighting his bloodlust for her
Elena: Stefan! Where you going?
Stefan: I'll be back I have to kill him.
Elena: what Stefan no!
Stefan: he killed her he killed Zach he killed tanner he turned Vicky I have to kill him.
Elena: no Stefan you can't do that!
Stefan: why are you constantly trying to save him he's never gonna change whenever you think he is he's never gonna change.
Elena: I'm not trying to save him I'm trying to save you,you'll have no idea what it'll do to you please.
Stefan: wherever I go pain and death follows me Damon follows me No more.
Elena: Stefan please please just talk to me okay just let me be here for you talk to me.
Stefan: No you were right to stay away from me! As Damon is back at the valorant boarding house as he pours a bottle of whiskey
Damon: told you I'd take care of it.
As Stefan goes and punches him over and over and throws him against the wall in anger as he repeatedly beats him over and over and over as Damon pushes him off into the wall Stefan gets back up and shoved Damon into the wall again
Damon: come on I did this for you to get 'em off our trail.
Stefan: you don't anything for anyone but yourself first the party you make me feed on human blood knowing I can't stop then you kill tanner then Zach and turned Vicky made me kill her!
As Stefan stakes Damon in the chest but he misses on purpose
Damon: you missed?
Stefan: oh no you save my life I'm sparing yours we're even.
As he lounges the stake in his chest more
Stefan: and now we're done!
As Stefan walks away as Damon pulls the stake out of his heart

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