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The next morning, I awake and groan. Why the heck is my head hurting? I try to get up, but a strong, muscular arm pulls me back down.

"Just ten more minutes." I hear a deep male voice mumble.

I grab a pillow with my free arm and swat Zander with it. I think he acknowledged that I hit him because he sits up, his curly chestnut hair tossed everywhere and his green eyes shimmering with amusement.

"Pillow Fight!" We whisper-scream, because of our heads hurting, and start hitting each other with pillows. After about ten minutes of fighting, I ask a very important question.

"Did we sleep together? Because I'm in your bed."

His eyes go wide as he tears the blankets off of us, and I sigh with relief when I see that we're both still in our clothes from last night.

"To answer your question, beautiful, no we did not." Zander says with a sad tone to his voice. And for that, I whack him with the pillow once again.

Once I quietly leave his house, he drives me back home. "Thank you for going with me last night, to the party I mean." Zander says, opening my door for me and helping me get out of the vehicle.

"No problem. Thanks for being a good friend." I say and walk to the front doors of my house. Zander gives me a smile, showing his white pearly teeth. Then he gets in his truck and drives away.

Mom and Dad should still be asleep. I quietly tiptoe up the stairs but before I reach my room, Trent comes out of the bathroom. "Where were you last night?" He says, pretending to investigate the way a cop does.

"At Michael's party." I carefully say, opening my bedroom door. "Hey sis, if I were you, I'd stay away from Zander. Nothing but trouble." He says, and proceeds to walk away.

"Were you spying on me?" I inquire, facing him. Trent gives me an amused smile before entering his room.

He opens his door and stares at before taking a deep breath.

"And... um... don't tell mom and dad this, but Sam's kid is mine."

"What? You mean you got my best friend pregnant? That's a joke. Right?"

He looks at me blankly, and hangs his head. He's not joking.

"Wow Trent... I didn't know you had it in you to... do that with Sam."

He chuckled and walked back to his bed, sitting down and staring up at me.

"There's another thing. Sam's missing. I checked around town earlier and she's no where to be found. We need to search for her tomorrow," he smiles sadly and I shut the door, walking softly to my room.

Once I get in my room, I change out of my clothes into a tank top and sweatpants, take some Tylenol, and fall onto my bed. I can't recall when I fell asleep.

The next morning, I'm up cooking pancakes for breakfast when Trent comes down the stairs. "Hurry up. Take a pancake for the road." I say, throwing him a pancake. He catches it, thankful for his catching skills.

He used to play football in middle school but he injured his leg so bad his freshman year that it had to be amputated and he needed a prosthetic. He limps a little, but he's okay.

We are going through town and out of town today looking for any more evidence on Andrea, Hannah, and Sam. We will find the person that's responsible.

First, we duct tape flyers to the trees uptown and downtown. Then, we hack into the diner's security cameras and Michael's house cameras, since that was where the party that Hannah attended was at.

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