[1] Christmas Day

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As all of the children opened up their presents from Granny Relda, Puck noticed something amiss. He had one less present than everyone else in the house, which was particularly odd because he knew that the old lady made a point to give each kid the same number of presents every year. Now, this didn't mean that all of the kids got the same amount of presents overall, as the rule only applies to Granny Relda and Mr. Canis. Ever since Uncle Jake started staying there along with Henry and Veronica, there had been an imbalance with the gifts. Despite his indignance and jealousy, Puck grew to accept it as the new order of things (it helped that Uncle Jake gave him an extra present every year). As the kids took turns tearing through the colorful paper, Puck noticed that as usual, the Grimm girls got a few extra presents. What was out of the ordinary however, is that Granny Relda had given him one less gift than everyone else. His face scrunched up into a frown as he realized this betrayal and he turned to confront the old woman.

"OH!" Relda exclaimed before he could make a snarky comment. "I'm so sorry Puck, your last present won't be getting here until the day after tomorrow. I can't wait for you to get it though, Daphne helped me pick it out." She explained. Puck fell into a contemplative silence before turning to Daphne.

"So, Marshmallow," he began, leaning towards the smaller girl with a mischievous grin dawning on his face. "You know what it is, then?" Daphne giggled and ducked behind Red, who was sitting on the floor next to her. Puck's bright pink fairy wings popped out of his back, and he swooped above her, jabbing his fingers into her sides, causing Daphne to squeal with laughter. "I'll get you to talk one way or another, Marshmallow!" Sabrina stood up and smacked the top of Puck's head with an empty box. He withdrew from Daphne and turned to face her sister; his playful grin ever-present.

"What's the matter 'Brina?" He cackled, noting the irritated expression on her face and the grayish goop clinging to her shirt. "Did you not like the present I gave you?" He asked innocently as he flew out of her reach to avoid getting punched. It was so easy to get her riled up, and it was always entertaining. Puck completely forgot about getting information out of Daphne as he flew away from Sabrina as she chased him with a ceaseless rage.

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