[4] Puck's Present

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"I'll ask again, what were you two doing?" Henry demanded. Puck, who could usually come up with an explanation to anything, was stumbling over his words. Sabrina wasn't much better.

"We were watching a movie and fell asleep, that's all." Sabrina managed to say, somewhat calmly. She was still wrapping her head around the fact that she had been practically cuddling with her archrival and first crush, Puck. Her father glared at the fairy boy but seemed placated enough to leave them alone for now.

Daphne, however, was grinning wider than ever, even though her palm was in her mouth. Once she calmed down, she held out the little green camera to Puck. He took it, raising an eyebrow as he turned it over in his hands.

"What's this, Marshmallow?" he asked, holding it up to his face and looking through the lens. He turned toward Sabrina and pressed the little button on top of the camera, laughing happily as it made a loud click.

"It's your last Christmas present. We picked it up from the store today." Daphne explained, watching the fairy as he took the small photo from the slit. His face scrunched up as he tried to figure out why it was black.

"It will take a second to develop, gasbag. That's how polaroid cameras work." Sabrina commented, rolling her eyes. Puck stuck his tongue out at her.

"I figured the camera thought you were too ugly to take a picture of." He teased. Sabrina threw a couch cushion and it hit him square in the face. Without missing a beat, he threw one back, but she blocked it with another.

Soon, all three children joined the fight while Red watched from afar. If this was any indication, the new year would be a good one.

"Hey," Sabrina began once a truce was called. "Why'd you take a picture of me anyway?" Puck was laying on his back, a pillow resting on his stomach. He waved a hand dismissively but said nothing. Sabrina figured that he was still breathless from the fight, but still frowned at the way he brushed her off. Daphne got up from her seat on the floor and skipped over to Red. The two girls went upstairs together, leaving Sabrina and Puck in the living room floor.

The silence that filled the room was a comfortable one, even when Sabrina started putting the room back the way it was before the fight began. Soon, not a pillow was out of place, aside from the one Puck was still holding onto.

"Today was fun," Puck said suddenly, startling Sabrina. She raised an eyebrow at the statement but said nothing. "We should do stuff like this more often." When she turned to look at him, she found that he was staring at the small picture, but it wasn't the one Puck took of her, rather one that showed both of them asleep on the couch.

"Where'd that come from?" she asked, feeling her face grow hot. Puck shrugged.

"Found it on the floor by the couch. I'm thinking Marshmallow took it." he said. Sabrina sat down next to him, though she attempted to position herself where Puck wouldn't be able to see her bright red face. She couldn't bring herself to be mad at Daphne, the picture came out quite cute after all.

"This is probably the coolest gift I've gotten in a while," Puck commented sometime later. "Now I finally have a way to document all of my awesome pranks." His mischievous grin was back, and he eyed Sabrina in a way she didn't like.

"Whatever you're thinking about doing, forget it. If you pull some vile prank on me and take a picture, I will end you."

Puck achieves a new level of annoying (Puckabrina)Where stories live. Discover now