Casual Affair

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I didn't sleep one bit last night I was to nervous to sleep.

I carefully get out of bed making sure I didn't wake Pete up I was still wearing the same clothes as last night so I decided just to change my shirt I put on one of Pete's sweatshirt I didn't bother with makeup I just fixed my hair up and headed down stairs.

I check my watch it's 7:15 I open the front door and close it I don't bother leaving a note for Pete cause he probably won't get out of bed till 12.

I walk a couple of blocks till I see the Starbucks, I walk in and see Josh sitting in the corner I walk up to him "hey Josh" I say still half asleep "I bought you a coffee" he says in a cheerful voice "thanks why you so perky this morning" I say taking a big gulp of the Coffee "I'm a early person" he says "anyways lets go" I say walking out of the Starbucks.

"How long till we get to the place" Josh says "its three blocks away" I say "so you play any instruments" Josh says out of no where "I played guitar, piano and a little drums" he raises a eyebrow "played" he says "I used to play not much any more once I got with Adam all that went down the drain" he nods we walked for a bit till we got to the music store.

"I will be right over there if you need me" Josh says pointing to the book store own the other side of the road I nod.

I wait for a couple of minutes before a familiar figure is walking in my direction "Hello Jacob you have grown" I say "yeah thanks" he says in a tired tone "I'm going to get straight to the point Adam is planing something big he has been more aggressive lately he is determined to kill Pete and all your friends" he says that's when my breathing starts to pick up "I won't let that happen" I say trying to convince myself that it's going to be okay "Sammy you and me both know that Adam won't stop until he gets what he wants" I nod knowing Jacob was right "do what you need to do Sammy if Adam knew I was talking to you he would most likely kill me just be careful" he says I nod hugging him he slightly smiles and runs off.

Josh appears in front of me "so what happened" he says putting a hand on my shoulder I looked into his eyes worryingly his face went from happy to sad "everyone is in danger" I say "are you over reacting" he says i shake my head "no everyone is in danger you don't know Adam like I do" I shakily say "hey look at me if he makes any threats to you call either me or Tyler and we will go to the police don't tell anyone else yet especially Pete not unless it gets serious" I nod "did you tell Tyler" I say "yeah he crashed at my place last night and wouldn't let me leave the house unless I told him don't worry he won't tell anyone" I nod.

"Let's get you back home just in case Pete wakes up and gets worried where you went" Josh says "ok" is all I could say.

Once we got back to the house I said goodbye to Josh and went inside I walk in and see Pete sitting on the couch I was shocked it's only 10 in the morning "where did you go" he says in a tired voice "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk" I lied he nods his head "anyway why are you awake" I say curiously "I heard you leave and I got worried after a couple of hours I tried to call you but there was no answer" I sigh taking out my phone there was six missed calls from Pete "sorry my phone was on silent" I say placing my phone on the counter "isn't Bronx coming over today" I say sitting down on Pete's lap "Ashlee refuses to let Bronx come over" he says on the verge of tears "look at me Pete" I say he looks at me "its ok to cry" I say hugging him as he crus into my shoulder.

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