Chapter 3

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What was I supposed to do? On the one hand this guy was extremely convincing, but on the other I couldn't leave my family.

"Look, I'm sorry whatever your name is, but I can't leave my family. Not after what just happened with my sister." I replied sadly.

Just last month my younger sister got into a hit and run accident. She was crossing the road heading to the gas station when a car ran the red light and hit her. The collision was head on and the doctors couldn't do anything to save her. The incident was too much for my parents and me leaving would just break them.

"I understand your confliction, I do. Just having a sibling close to you pass away. It's heart breaking. But we need you, all of the Destined need you. Your our only hope for survival." He replied urgently.

I was conflicted. My family needed me, but so did these Destined people. "Would there be a way for my family to possibly come with me?" I asked hopefully.

He seemed to think about this. "I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem. There's plenty of open rooms at main base. I would have to talk to Ron about it though."

"Who's Ron?" I asked.

"Ron is the leader of the Destined. He was one of the first people that started finding us and helping us figure out who we were. Ron lives at base camp and he is the one that says who stays and who goes." He stated informally.

"Oh" was all I could think to say.

"But, Ron is a really nice guy, I don't think he'd have a problem with your family coming to camp." He replied cheerily.

I perked up. Maybe being this all great and powerful Destined wasn't going to turn out as bad as I think.
"What is he doing here!!" My dad fumed when he seen John sitting in the living room. Before my parents got here John was telling me about how the powers develop in Destined and how they are chosen. Supposedly no two sets of powers are alike and, the amount of powers a person can have ranges from 2 to 6. The most a Destined has ever had was 8 and that was Ron. Which is one of the reasons Ron was the leader of the Destined.

"Dad! Hey! This is John, he's come here to talk to us." I replied nervously.

"I know who he is I want to know why he's here in my house!" He raged.

"Mr. Sampson, it's been awhile." John stated calmly.

"Damn straight, and it's too soon if you ask me." My dad spat.

"Luke? What's the problem? What's going on?" My moms voice floated in from the kitchen.

As soon as she walked through the doorway she froze in her tracks. "What are you doing here John?" She wasn't calm but she wasn't fuming like dad was.

"Melony, you have aged a bit since last time we spoke." John smiled cheekily.

"You seemed to make sure of that didn't you John?" My father was shaking he was so enraged.

My brother David walked through the door. "What's going on here? Why is there so much yell..." My brother froze when he seen John, almost walking into our dad. "What are you doing near my sister?!" He all but screamed.

I sat there confused as to why my parents were so mad at him. He has been all but nice since he got here. And he's told me a whole lot more than my parents have.

"David, you've grown up to be a strong young lad. Too bad your powers have gone to waste." John clicked his tongue. "Anyway back to business. Hope here has agreed to come with me to our base camp, so long as you agree to come with her."

My dad spun on me, "You did what?!?!"

"What he says is true dad, what's so bad about it?" I asked obliviously.

By then my dad was fuming. I'm surprised he wasn't steaming. That's when my mom stepped in.

"Luke, I think you need to take a step back," My mom said as she gently began to pull him back, "and John, I thinks it's best if you left. Now."

John seemed to deflate. "Alright, if that's what you deem best, I will talk to you all tomorrow. Goodbye Hope, it really was wonderful seeing you again." With that John lifted himself and floated out the chimney.

That's when my dad spun on me. "How dare you! Letting him in this house! Letting him speak to you! Who knows what he's wormed into your brain!" My dad screamed. I flinched back ready to bolt like I always do when he gets like this.

"Luke, you need to leave. I will handle this." My mom spoke to him calmly, almost as if he was a timebomb ready to go off at any moment. My dad reluctantly stormed off going upstairs where you could hear my parents bedroom door slam. "David, you too."

"But mom! That's not..." My brother began.

"No David, this is something me and your sister need to talk about. Alone." She interrupted him. When my mom was like this there was no arguing with her. My brother, too, pouted his way to his bedroom. This time there wasn't a slam when my brother shut his door.

"I guess I owe you a lot of explaining?" My mom said tiredly.

"Yeah, I guess you do." I replied.

"It was 12 years ago. You were only four. Your father, David and I were on the run. People were after us, because of you. Your powers were just starting to manifest, and a group that goes by the name Stolen, were after you. They could sense the power you were emitting, your father and I could also. That's why we had to hide you." My mother explained.

"Me and your father believed that if we hid you, your powers would disappear, and we wouldn't have to worry about them coming after you anymore. That wasn't the case. They kept coming, that's why we moved so many times. Finally we came here, and it was like a shield for you, it hid your powers. We thought we could finally be a family, happy, powerless, normal most of all." She continued.

"But where does John have to come into any of this?" I asked.

She sighed, "John was the recruiter for the Destined. He came for your father and I to bring us, David, your father, you, and I, into the group. Your father and I refused, we thought he was another one of the people who were trying to use you for wrong. So we fled, this all happened about a year after your powers manifested. David, your father and I all lost touch with our powers to keep you hidden." She finished sadly.

"What powers did you and dad and David have?" I asked cautiously.

"Your father had two, he could transform into an animal of his choice and read minds. I had but one, I could go invisible, and David had four. He had super speed, he could transform into an animal of his choice, he had telekinesis, and he could manipulate animals minds to follow him. But all of that was lost when we were protecting and hiding you."

I felt bad for my family, they went through all of this, just to protect me. "Did Sarah have any powers?" I asked sadly. My mom seemed to flinch at the question.

"Sarah could change her appearance, but that was it." My mom finished quickly.

I looked down sadly. I wonder if her death was my fault. But I didn't want to ask. This day has been stressful enough. "I think I'm just going to go to my room." I said softly. My mom simply nodded and I got up and went upstairs.
Well what do you think? Pretty dramatic day if you ask me. Tootles 😋

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