Chapter 4

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Jared's POV:

"Dad is going to kill us." I told Damon. "He didn't even know you were here, but now he'll definitely know."

Damon just rolled his eyes, "Like I care, he showed how much he actually cared when I left a year ago to stop hinting for her. Its like he was consumed in her and could care less about us." He spat.

"Damon you know that isn't true, dad loves us. He just cares about helping the Destined in general." I responded.

"Believe what you want Jared, but we both know that isn't the truth. Your just too blind to realize it."

"I think that's going to change now." I told him.

That seemed to spark in interest in him because Damon sat up with his attention fully on me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I think we finally found her." I informed Damon.

A few days ago, after me and Damon spray painted Perryville High School, bad idea yes I know, a girl around 5'4 came to our door, she had long brown hair that looked like silk and deep teddy bear brown eyes. Even though she was very petite you could tell she was strong. As soon as I layed eyes on her I knew she was not only our leader, but my mate. My partner for life. Though I'm not sure how well that will go down with dad or Damon.

"What do you mean? How can you know for sure?" By then Damon was already up and out of his seat pacing the living room.

"I mean, the other day, when that girl came to our door, I think she was our leader. The one that dad has been looking for, and I think he thinks so too." I informed him.

"How can you guys be so sure?" He asked me tentatively.

"Because, she emanated power. Not only that...but I felt the pull of a mate. Only Destined can give off that pull." I told him the last part shyly.

"You what?" He uttered, the anger radiating from him was immistakeable. It's not a good thing to piss my brother off. Damon has four powers. Telekenisis, super strength, he can change what he looks like, and how he sounds. The other two aren't that bad, but, the telekenisis and super strength aren't something I'd wanna mess with. To say I was scared was an understatement.

"I think I've found my mate, and I think it might be her." I told him boldly. My two puny powers of speed and agility are nothing compared to his, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna back down to him. He's my brother and just because he's stronger than me and can take control of objects doesn't mean I'm gonna let him control me. My statement seemed to enrage him more because he looked like he was about to punch something. Thank god dad walked in.

"Jared, I finally found her! She's here just a couple of hou..." He stopped talking when he seen Damon and the current situation we were in. "What's he doing here?" He asked.

"I'm right here dad, you don't have to act like I don't exist." Damon replied hotly.

Dad seemed to just ignore him because he asked again, " Why is he here Jared? I mean Hope said you and another boy spray painted her school but I honestly didn't think it was you and Damon for many reasons." My dad jabbered.

Hope, her name was Hope. That seemed to spark something in me because I got all flustered and her name kept repeating in my mind. I couldn't help but to wonder what it would be like to kiss her heart shaped lips. To hold her. "Jared! JARED!" My dad snapped.

"Huh? What did you say? Sorry." I replied after he snapped me out of my daydream.

"I was saying that he shouldn't be here, not after he left. He doesn't deserve to get to know her." He stated.

"Again, right here." Damon waved his hand a little just to prove his point.

My dad just rolled his eyes. "Anyways, tomorrow I'm going to see her again. Jared, if you want to come you can." My dad informed me.

I thought my ears were deceiving me. "YES! I mean, yes that would be great." I stated. My dad looked at me funny and Damon rolled his eyes.

"Now that that's settles, we should get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow. We have to go see Ron, he needs to know a few things. Then we'll go see Hope at 3:30. We'll be up at the crack of dawn." My dad informed us.

"What about me?" Damon asked. "I want to see Hope too."

My dad finally acknowledged that Damon was there, as he turned around and replied: "You aren't going, your staying home with Ron, and that's final. You gave up your choice in seeing her when you left us a year ago." My dad stated calmly.

I stood there speechless, I've never seen my dad so heartless. "Dad, Damon has as much right to see her as I do."

"No," Damon started, "dads right, I don't deserve to see her. I gave that up when I stopped looking too. I'll stay with Ron." And with that Damon turned around and went upstairs, slamming his bedroom door.

I turned on my dad, "That was uncalled for. You knew how much Damon's wanted to find her." I fumed.

"Now is not the time Jared, I've had a long day and I just want to go to sleep." My dad went upstairs and to his bedroom. I followed and went to my own bedroom.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't, not when I knew I was getting to see her. My mate. Just thinking about her gave me butterflies. I closed my eyes and seen her face behind my eyelids and drifted off seeing her smile in my dreams.
Hello my lovelies, what did you think of chapter four? I'm excited to write chapter five because maybe, just maybe Jared will know for sure whether or not Hope is his mate. Peace out!! ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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