Chapter 5

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Destiny's POV

"Well fuck." I said as I looked at a positive pregnancy test.

"Fuck indeed bestie." Nina added as she looked at the other three positive pregnancy test I also took. "I can't believe you're pregnant with that cheating asshole's baby." She said with an annoyed tone.

"Cheating asshole?" I said in confusion and looked at her.

What is she talking about?

"I'm talking about Troy obviously. Did you already erase him from your memory?" She said with a duh tone, making my eyes go wide with realization.

Fuck. I haven't told her yet.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked skeptically and pulled back slightly.

"It's... It's not Troy's." I mumbled out, but the shocked expression she was giving me told me she understood what I said.

"What?! How?!" She yelled and stood up.

"I may or may have not had a one night stand the night I caught Troy cheating on me." I said quietly with an awkward smile.

"WHAT?!" She hurled out, gripping her head in disbelief. "And you're only telling me this now?!" She added in the same tone, flapping her hands in front of us.

"I'm not very proud of that moment. It was a drunk mistake." I said slowly as my fingers got fidgety.

Nina took in a loud breath and sat back down again.

"Okay, but are you sure it's not Troy's? Maybe you two had sex around the same time-"

"I'm sure Nina." I interrupted her. "Troy and I weren't the slightest bit intimate for the last eight months." I said quietly.

"What?! Why?" She asked with an incredulous expression.

"I-" I started, but quickly closed my mouth.

I almost said it.

Nina, of course, saw that little switch and immediately pierced me with a glare.

"Spill it." She demanded sternly.

"It's nothing." I mumbled and tried to get up so I could put some distance between us, but Nina was quick to hold my arm and keep me in my place.

"Des." She warned with a glare.

You can't Destiny. You'll hurt her.

"Destiny!" Nina raised her voice, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Talk to me Des. What's going on? You're honestly making me worry right now." She said and started to gently rub my shoulders.

And when I looked at her eyes, I saw the worry which immediately triggered my tears for some reason. Nina's eyes widened in panic, but she quickly pulled me in a hug, whispering words of comfort. I stayed in her arms until my crying turned into sniffles.

"I'm sorry for being so pushy Des. I didn't think it would be this serious. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She explained as she put some distance between us, gently rubbing my tears away.

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