I needed you pt 1 (Beeduo)

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"Who was that guy, Ran?!" Aimsey yelled. "I-" Ranboo started. "He yelled at me about going and staying in your mansion! Why was he so angry?" Aimsey sputtered. "HE ALMOST KILLED ME!" Aimsey yelled. Ranboo stared at her. "He pushed me off a bridge!" Aimsey exclaimed. "You don't know what he's gone through..." Ranboo stuttered.

"He shouldn't have done that though." Ranboo says. "Who is he?" Aimsey asks. Ranboo stares blankly at her again. They take a breath. "He's my husband."


"Tubbo. He is my husband. Micheal is our child." Ranboo says. Now it was Aimsey's turn to stare. "Holy shit. Really?" She gasped. "Maybe I could knock some sense into him." Ranboo smiled at her. "Yeah... maybe." She says as they head to Snowchester.

They sneak around Tubbo's house and spy. "Where is he?" Aimsey whispers. "I don't know." Ranboo shrugs. They heard a door slam to their side as the nuke factory's door was flung open. Tubbo emerged, sliding his jacket on and looking deeply upset.

They closely follow him and hide behind a building as he walks to a small island. The two could still hear everything. They watched as Tubbo took flowers from the ground on his way over. He stood in front of a medium-sized grave before sitting on his knees. Tubbo placed the flowers on the grave and kissed it lightly.

"Hey Boo! How are you doing? I can't get the revival book yet, and I'm sorry. I really am. The nukes malfunctioned today. I accidentally ruined one of Micheal's old toys. I really miss him. I don't know where you put him. It's... lonely here. I miss you. I miss you so fucking much..." Ranboo's eyes widened as Tubbo started sobbing over the grave.

"B-but I'll get over i-it! I always d-do. I still need to find Tommy too. I'm so stressed without you. I wait for your return. I'll be back again tomorrow. Bye Boo." Tubbo wiped his tears, kissing the grave softly again.

"Oh. Suddenly I feel really bad..." Aimsey said. "It's not your fault. He has just been through some traumatizing stuff. I think me dying was one of his top worries." Ranboo says. "You should talk to him." Aimsey says. "I don't know," Ranboo says. "I'm just the mind." 

Tubbo POV: 

"Mom?" I said, walking into Las Nevadas's main building. Quackity, aka my mom, looked up from some paper work. "Oh! Tubbo! How are you?" Quackity asks. "I need you to get that revive book soon. Please? I'll try myself if it doesn't work." I pleaded. Mom looked at me. "I'm going back again today and tomorrow. I can't promise anything but i'll try." He smiled. 

I smiled back, but deep down I knew... I knew he would never get the revival book. I miss the real Ranboo. The one who would always be by my side. The one who woke up next to me. The one who made me smile. I missed them. 

I walked out of Las Nevadas feeling ten times crummier then when I entered. I looked over and saw Wilbur, he was walking in the building as I was walking out. He gave me a little wave and I returned one two. Before I could close the door I heard Wilbur say "Quackity! Duckling! Love! Please accept me into Las Nevadas! I would die for you." He said more but the world turned quiet. 

Maybe that's my solution.


I'd be with the real Ranboo! I'll... be free. 

I made my way back to Snowchester. This was the only way. Everything was wrong here. My best friend and child are missing. My husband is dead. I can't stay here any longer. I can't bare it. I go into the old house. I look at everything. I take it all in before I grab a sword and plunge it into my stomach...

3rd person POV:

Quackity exited the prison with a smile on his face and blood on his body. He had done it! He had gotten the revive book. The problem now was... who to revive? Dream said it could only be used once more. He had two choices. Bring the man he hated and the man who abused him back to life. Or, his son's sweet dead husband. 

"Anything for Tubbo..." Quackity whispered. He read out the revive spell for Ranboo.

Aimsey's POV:

"Uh, Ran?" I said. Ranboo was glowing. "What the heck?!" They asked, looking at their hands. "I'm being revived..." They say with a smile. "Wait, really!?" I gasped happily. "Yes! I have made sure my soul knows everything! I'll still be your friend! Go outside the prison. That is where I died and-" They got cut off and disappeared. 

I sprinted to the outside of the prison.

3rd person POV: 

Quackity finished it off as Ranboo rose from the water. Not Ghostboo. Ranboo. Quackity laughed. "Your back!" He smiled. Ranboo looked at themselves and started crying of happiness. "Thank you Quackity." Ranboo hugged him as Aimsey appeared. "Ran! Your alive!" She yelled happily and gave them a hug.

Ranboo was smiling ear to ear. "I need to see Tubbo! I missed him so much." Ranboo smiled. Aimsey and Quackity smiled back as the three of them walked towards Showchester. They ran to the nuke factory and opened the doors. The room was dark and quiet. "He must be home-?" Ranboo shrugged. 

They ran over to the house and walked in. The lights were on, but it was almost dead silent. The only noises were the clock making a ticking sound. Quackity went up the ladder. "Tubbo! I have a surprise for-" Quackity's smiled dropped as he looked at the floor.

Tubbo lay their in a pool of blood. A sword went straight through his stomach. His eyes were opened, like he was shocked. "Guys..." Quackity started sobbing.  "What's wrong?" Aimsey asked. "COME UP! COME UP! I-" Quackity cried. Ranboo and Aimsey quickly climbed up and saw what was in front of them.

"Tubbo-?" Ranboo's eyes were wide. 

Tubbo POV:

I was standing in a large field. Birds were chirping and the wind blew the grass lightly. "Ranboo?" I yelled. I don't think I thought this through. "RANBOO?!" Tubbo yelled again. Shit. He yelled his beloved's name until his voice was hoarse. Tubbo fell on his knees and cried. He cried until he heard something in front of him.

"Ranboo?" He asked. "No-? I'm you!" A ghost version of myself looked down at me. "W-what?" I asked. "I see i'm going to the surface now!" He started glowing. "wait what?! You can't replace me!" I growled. "I have no choice." ghost me said as he fully disappeared. Shit. 

3rd person POV: 

"No... oh god no." Ranboo cried as he held Tubbo's corpse in his arms. "Oh my god..." Quackity had his hands on his face as he cried. Aimsey cried too, out of sheer pity. "Why are we crying?" A voice said cheerfully. The trio looked at the window. A ghost version of Tubbo stood their. He was gray and was wearing his old green button up with overalls. He held a basket of flowers and a never ending flow of yellow tears streamed from his eyes. 

Ghost Tubbo looked at the corpse. "Oh it's me! I just met him. He was screaming a name I think. He was sobbing too!" Ghost Tubbo giggled. "Why the fuck are you laughing?!" Quackity shouted. "What name was he yelling?" Aimsey asked. "Rahn... Boob?" Ghost Tubbo looked unsure. "Do you not know who Ranboo is?" Quackity asked. 

"No... but where is Tommy? Also where is dad? I saw him with you, like, a few hours ago?" Ghost Tubbo said in a sassy tone. "He doesn't remember me..." Ranboo's face was steaming with the amount of tears he had. 

"We need to revive him." 

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