When Charlie Is Oblivious, Hearts Get Broken

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TW: Cursing, strip clubs, casino shit in general, angst and fluff

The guards were slacking off today. So much so, Karl and Sapnap slipped in. They walked into the main building and could hear the loud sounds of chatter, gambling, and other stuff. A boy made of slime with a name tag saying 'Charlie' on it, was working the front desk. 

"Oh! Hello!" Charlie smiled and pulled out a piece of paper he looked at it and looked back at the two. "Are you here for gambling, business, or other?" He said happily. "Uhm, other?" Sapnap shrugged. "Charlie?" They heard two voices call out. Karl and Sapnap jumped behind a pillar and looked at who called out the slime's name. "Fundy from Las Nevadas! Tubbo from Snow chester! What is it?" Charlie asked.

"We're looking for dad." Fundy said. "Which one?" Charlie asked. "Wilbur." Tubbo said. "Oh! He's in the main office. I don't know which one he's in though." Charlie said. "Thanks bud." Tubbo said, walking to the elevator with Fundy as they chatted. "Why are you two behind the pillar?" Charlie asked. 

Sapnap blinked. "Do you think we could talk to Quackity?" Karl asked. "Uhhh..." Charlie pulled out a calendar and placed it in front of him. He started muttering the events for today. "He isn't busy right now but those two just went up so he is now. I could show you around while you wait!" Charlie hopped up eagerly. "Sure-?" Sapnap shrugged. 


"Dad?" Tubbo and Fundy knocked at the door. No answer. "I swear to god-" Fundy said. He pushed the door open to an empty room. He shrugged to his brother. "Let's look through the other offices?" Tubbo suggested. The two walked around the offices and couldn't find the two. They even went to their room and found nothing. 

"Shit. I think I know where they are." Tubbo face palmed. 


"And the last building is the strip club! Quackity spends his time here when stressed, I think!" Charlie smiled. They three had been walking for around 10 minutes. Charlie completed the tour without going into any detail so it made sense why it was so short. "So is he in here?" Sapnap asked, eagerly. "Most likely! I need to return to my post! Have fun!" Charlie skipped away. 

They entered and immediately the place was filled with loud music. The two sat down at the bar just as the door slammed open. "YO!" Fundy yelled. Sapnap and Karl flinched, trying not to be spotted in the dark lights. They could hear frightful whispers and murmurs. "Where's my dad?" Fundy asked the nearest person. "I think upstairs." The person said. "Oh my god thats the worst floor what the- oh fuck no." Tubbo's eyes widened. 

"Yeahhhh. We will come back later." The two left and the strip club went back to its normal volume. "What was that about?" Karl asked the bartender. "Those two come in here to get their parents sometimes. That's all I know." She said. "So Wilbur and Quackity hang out together frequently." Sapnap said. Sapnap and Karl adjusted their hood's, still not wanting to be recognized by anyone.

The place went up in volume when two figures walked down the steps. "What's up fuckers!" Quackity cackled at the crowd. Everyone yelled back in full party mode. And would you know it but Wilbur was trailing behind him, hands in his trench coat, smirking. "What yall doing up there?!" Someone laughed. "Fucking!" Someone else joked. Sapnap and Karl cringed at the comment. "Maybe..." Quackity laughed, grabbing Wilbur by the collar and walking to the corner couch right were Karl and Sapnap were. Their eyes widened. 

"goddamn it, I needed this." Quackity sighed, flopping onto the couch. Wilbur lit up a cigarette, took a drag and handed it to Quackity. "I know you did duckling. That's why I dragged you out in the first place." Wilbur chuckled, sitting down next to Quackity. Sapnap cringed at the nickname. What bothered him and Karl were how close they were sitting together. The worst part was Wilbur kissed Quackity and smirked like a fucking idiot afterwards. "I have a sense for these things." Wilbur said.

Quackity looked up at the bar. Sapnap and Karl stopped staring just as Quackity looked up. People soon started thinning out as night got closer, more and more people wanting to gamble. Quackity soon went up to the bar to get a drink for him and Wilbur and stood right next to Sapnap and Karl. "Thanks." Quackity said picking up the drink. 

He accidentally tripped on Sapnap's leg, spilling the drink all over Karl. "Oh my god- I'm so sorry." Quackity exclaimed, getting napkins. "No no, it's fine." Karl responded and quickly covered his mouth. Quackity looked up at him and took off the hood. "What the- KARL?!" Quackity screamed, enraged. 

Luckily everyone didn't pay attention. "What the fuck are you doing here? Heck your not even aloud in here! Get the fuck out!" Quackity yelled. "Wait, Quacks-" Sapnap took off his hood. "You too?! Jesus Christ!" Quackity fumed. "Amor, can you wait here a little while I take care of these two?" Quackity smiled sweetly at Wilbur. He nodded, smirking. Quackity dragged his exes outside. "Now, why are you two here?!" Quackity asked, obviously upset. 

"Quacks we wanted to apologize for-" "Mama!" Tubbo yelled. The three turned around to see Tubbo and Fundy. "Yes? I'm kind of in the middle of something Tubs." Quackity said to Tubbo, patting his head. "I got you the nuke order. I've been waiting all day for a response!" He pouted. 

"I'm sorry. Wilbur took me out today." Quackity turned away from his exes to address his kids. "You could've ignored dad." Fundy said. "I know- but it was hard to refuse!" Quackity shot back. He then realized Karl and Sapnap were still there. 

"Ok you two, uh, can we talk about this later? I'm dealing with something." He said, pointing to the two. "Ok. Bye mama." Tubbo and Fundy said in sync. "How dare you copy me." Tubbo fake gasped as the two walked away. "Oh shut up." Fundy chuckled, lightly elbowing the goat. "What the fuck was that?! Tubbo is your son?" Sapnap said. "Yeah, he is. And Fundy now too cause i'm with Wilbur." Quackity shrugged. 

"W-why didn't you ever tell us?" Karl asked. "The thing is that I did! You guys just never listened to me! I was in on our relationship but you guys treated me like a third wheel! Did you ever stop to ask how I felt?! Atleast Wilbur cared about me more then you guys ever did!" Quackity yelled. "I heard my name?" Wilbur said, as he walked out of the strip club. "Mi amor, don't worry. Go back inside, I'll be back in a minute after I escort these two out of my fucking county. 

Sapnap looked hurt. "Quackity please, we just wanted to say sorry!" Sapnap yelled back. "You listen here! I, until the end of my FUCKING life, will never, EVER, forgive you two. All three of us were supposed to be together through thick and thin! Then you started going on dates without me and slowly started excluding me from everything. The last straw was when you two made an entire fucking country and didn't even ask if I wanted to join! I created Las Nevadas for you two! For us to live in peace and take over the server but no!" Quackity huffed after the ramble. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to my room with my new and BETTER boyfriend. Lets go mi amor." Quackity snarled at the two as he put his communicator up to his mouth. "Sam, come to the strip club and take my exes out of my country." Quackity hissed and left with Wilbur. 

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