The Prince And The Duke (More Butterfly Reign AU)

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George/3rd POV:

George walked down the hall of the enormous palace. He wanted to scope out the map of the castle alone. It was late, around 10 a clock. The only thing that could be heard were iron clanking in the distance of the knights and the light footsteps of George.

He turned to corner, dragging his gloved hand across the snow white marble walls. Something that caught him off guard was on the other side of the hallway a little further down. There was a door open a crack, a thin line of light spilled out of it.

He walked to the door, staying to the wall as he carefully and quietly looked through the crack. George realized whose room it was when he saw Sapnap, Dream's knight and both of their friend, laughing. "Oh shut up for gods sakes." He heard Dream order at Sapnap. He instantly shut up but he was still smirking. "Your making Thes embarrassed." Dream said.

"Sorry." Sapnap squeaked. "I will slap you with my fan." George heard an unfamiliar voice say. "Beau, you know that you would never land a hit on me." Sapnap exclaimed. "Want to test that theory?" He guessed this person, Beau said.

"Guys, no fighting." Dream said, wagging a finger at the pair. "I agree." Theseus said. George inched a little closer, making a small step echo through the hallway. Theseus froze. "Did you hear that?" He asked.

George quickly and quietly ran gracefully to the end of the hall, making it look like he was about to walk down the hallway the door was located. Dream stuck his head out as George pretended to make his way down the hall. "George! What are you doing?" Dream smiled, walking out of the room and towards the duke.

"I'm taking a walk to get a sense of the layout of this castle." George said politely. "You want to hang out with us?" Dream asked. George gulped lightly. Dream's room? Him? Go in? It wasn't Dream's actual room, but even at Dream's actual castle, George had never been in his room.

George and Dream weren't exactly dating, but they were seeing each other. "I-uh, I wouldn't want to intrude." George said, shyly. "Your not intruding! Your our friend!" Dream said, grabbing George's hand and leading him into his room.

"George is joining us now." Dream said, closing the door behind them. "I would love to stay, but I have work to do." Theseus said. "Goodnight Dream and Sapnap." Theseus said as he and Beau left the room, shutting the door lightly behind. "George! How have you been?" Sapnap smiled, hugging his friend. "I've been quite well Sapnap. Thank you." George said, hugging his friend back. "You are staying for a sleep over." Sapnap stated. It looked like there was no way to change his mind.

There was a big fluffy mattress on the other side of the room where Sapnap went and layed down. "You can sleep in my bed if you want." Dream said, holding George's hand. "Just don't have sex or something." Sapnap laughed. Dream glared at him. Dream gave George a shirt and he changed into and crawled into bed next to Dream. "Goodnight George." Dream said, embracing George. "Goodnight Dream." George yawned as they fell asleep.


The next night, a ball was held at the palace. George was standing alone, fanning himself elegantly and poised beautifully. Soon he overheard two women not far from him talking. "Duke George is so unmanly! He acts almost as if he was a woman!" One of the girls said. "It's disgusting. He will never find a wife if he acts that way." The other said.

"I couldn't imagine being associated with him." The first girl said. George felt his cheeks turning red with embarrassment. He couldn't say anything though, he was in public. George couldn't ruin his rep. "Excuse me?" Dream approached the two girls. George cocked a brow at him. "O-oh! Your highness!" One girl gushed. "What-? How do we have the pleasure of making conversation with you?" The other blushed at the handsome prince.

"I was heard you were bad mouthing my friend George. You are making him uncomfortable. Stop it." Dream said sternly. The girls went pale and nodded. "Let's go George." Dream smiled, taking his hand. "O-oh. Uhm. Of course dearest-" He said, George blushed lightly when he realized what he called Dream.

Dream took him right outside into the garden. "I'm sorry you had to deal with them love." Dream said, placing his hand on George's cheek. "It's fine." George said. "May I have this dance." He asked George. "Of course." He responded, taking Dreams hand as he lead them into a dance.


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