Sleeping Curse

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Even though the royals were in the closed cave, their muffled voices could still be heard outside 

Spike: Do you think Belladonna's gone 

A whirring could be heard  

Discord: Yep, there's no trace of her whatsoever 

Sunset Shimmer: Then you might want to step back 

A moment's pause before she continued 

Sunset Shimmer: Okay, ready, one, two, three 

At 'three', Sunset sent most of the stones flying with just one kick, fortunately, the few left at the cave entrance didn't impede the royals, Discord exited the cave while clapping 

Discord praised: Bravo, Ms. Shimmer, you really outdid yourself 

Apple Jewel: That was amazing 

Screwball: Well, Snowbutt McTwinkles, I guess this is goodbye 

The creature lowered in sorrow 

Screwball: Don't worry, I'll come back to see you as often as I can, you'll see 

She giggled when Snowbutt licked her, the royals then trekked the cold for half an hour 

Apple Jewel shivered: Brr, how long till we get there 

Discord: We'll get there when we get there 

Sunset Shimmer: Discord, are you sure we're not lost 

Discord: Of course we're not lost 

He then placed his claw above his eyes and scanned the horizon 

Discord: It's just a little too dark to see anything 

Spike: A little, a little, look at the moon, it's being covered by a shadow 

The royals all looked up to see the shadow of the shadoe demon symbol on the moon, it had reached three-quarters of the way up  

Snow Gem fretted: We're running out of time, we're running out of time 

Sunset Shimmer: Don't worry, Snow Gem, we're going to fix this up in no time 

Just then, they heard a rumbling in the distance, after a few moments, they saw a white cloud heading towards them 

Snow Gem: Oh, no, it's the Windigos 

Sunset Shimmer: Stay behind me, kiddo 

When the white cloud drew closer, silhouettes began to emerge, it took a while for the royals to recognize them as yaks, Discord threw his arms out 

Discord gleefully: Finally, the cavalry has 

When he saw that the yaks were carrying spears, he trailed off 

Discord: Arrived 

The armored yaks then circled the royals and pointed their spears at them 

Discord: Oh, come on, this is the second time we've been surrounded by guards 

Sunset Shimmer: We mean you no harm, we come to you in peace 

Just then, two yaks stood aside while a yak with layered fur of tangelo hues and gold trimmings stepped forward 

Rutherford: Me Prince Rutherford, who you strangers be 

Sunset Shimmer: We are the Canterlot Royals, the sleeping curse did not affect us 

Rutherford scoffed: Then why you wear Earth Bracelets, no one allowed to wear them 

Sunset Shimmer: Please, let us explain, we didn't know what they were until the curse hit 

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