Sleeping Curse

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Discord had never wanted this to happen to his daughter, his only daughter, he did not want her to endure the same fate he had now endured three times, he wanted to keep her from suffering the experience of being turned to stone, Discord fought back tears and closed his eyes to keep from looking at his still daughter 

Belladonna scoffed: Oh, save the weeping, Discord, you went through the same thing yourself 

That did it for Discord, like when he was almost defeated by Nightmare Moon, all the despair and pain inside of him turned into pure rage and hatred, his eyes reopened with a newfound fire in them and he growled 

Discord: That, was a huge mistake 

Belladonna chuckled: Why, because you couldn't save your daughter 

Discord: No, because the only way to get her back 

As he said that, yellow magic glowed on his hands and morphed into energy swords 

Discord: Is by defeating you 

He gave a yell and charged at her, Belladonna flew at him and created an energy sword from her magic, the two clashed in mid-air and dueled with swords, meanwhile, the other royals faced off the other four villainesses, after a few moments, Nightmare Moon shouted 

Nightmare Moon: ATTACK 

The shadow demons soon tackled with the royals, miraculously, Sunset, Spike, and Snow Gem managed to hold them at bay, but whenever Snow Gem trapped the shadow demons in ice, the sirens used their singing to break them free, Sunset noticed this and told her niece 

Sunset Shimmer: Snow Gem, the sirens will only keep breaking the shadow demons out of ice unless we do something 

Snow Gem: I'm on it 

The sirens and Nightmare Moon were watching the battle from the platform, Sonata spoke as she was chewing popcorn 

Sonata Dusk: You gotta admit, this is a cool show 

Aria held up her hoof and looked around the skirmish 

Aria Blaze: Speaking of 'cool', where's Princess Snow Gem 

small voice: I'm right here 

Snow Gem jumped up and froze the sirens in one huge block of ice, Nightmare Moon then appeared before Snow Gem and snarled 

Nightmare Moon: That was a foolish thing to do, young princess, now face my wrath 

Snow Gem whispering: I'm sorry, Grandma Lulu 

She then conjured up a snowy gust of wind that froze NMM's horn 

Nightmare Moon gasped: What 

Snow Gem proceeded to encase NMM in a dome of ice, NMM yelled and pounded at the ice, but the ice would not break, Discord had paused his duel with Belladonna for a moment to look at Snow Gem 

Discord: Wow, I didn't know she could do that 

Belladonna growled and resumed their fight, after about a minute, Spike was starting to lose his strength, and his fire, he began to gasp 

Spike: There are, still too many, of them, what should we do 

Sunset thought for a moment until she got a great idea 

Sunset Shimmer: Why not get rid of them all at once 

Spike and Snow Gem looked at her with confused looks 

Snowy and Spike: Huh 

Sunset Shimmer: Look, just follow my lead 

Sunset then ran to a wall and kicked it, leaving a hole to the outside 

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