Chapter One

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My body becomes paralyzed as the earth reclaims what is rightfully it's. Trees regrow in crumbling buildings while vines cover the outside. I'm unable to move as the world I seem to know disappears into something new and undiscovered. Unburied bodies decay below my feet to fertilize the ground and I can feel my own starting to die. The feeling of my flesh rotting away while I stare into the distance of the new world. Night approaches and a full moon creeps it's way into the sky I can feel a hand on my shoulder. My body stops decaying and is full of life once more. I can move every limb but still cant turn around to face the mystery person.

The hand on my shoulder starts to turn to bones and before they disappear into dust in the wind they whisper into my ear.

"Save me Aaron, return me the favor I granted you." Their voice hoarse as they spoke their last words before turning into ash. Left in silence I begin moving towards the now rising sun only to fall.

My body hits the wooden floor below with a loud thud. Besides a small pain in my elbow I get to my feet and walk out of the small bedroom. Heading down the hall and stairs Zephyrus stops me at the end. His brown hair has yet to turn gray, but there's still worry in his sapphire blue eyes. His lips pressed thin while he holds a tan satchel.

"Would you mind explaining this?" His asks while flipping it open reviling small trinkets. Things from the old world before the war; before the world reclaimed itself.

"It's just things I've picked up from the outside. I thought they were interesting." I shrug before taking the bag from him and head towards the front door.

"You know its forbidden for you to head out there." He sounds like a concerned mother.

"I know; it's because I'm not like any of you," I turn around before continuing, "I'm not a fay, shifter, wolf, or vampire. I don't hold any magic what so ever. I'm just abnormal; a myth to some."

Zephyrus walks slowly towards me and places both of his hands on my shoulders before responding. "You're not a myth or abnormal. You're my son and my family; you are all I have left right now."

"I know,"

As I leave the house I can hear him yell to be safe. In this world I'm nothing but a myth to others that don't know. The boogieman told to children to behave themselves. The only thing that can be supernatural about me is that I can't remember how I came to be. Zephyrus would tell me many times that he found a small infant in the woods around an old human graveyard. I always thought that it was strange he named me after one of them from their tombstone. That is until he finally told me what I am; human. There's nothing special about me, which I guess is why I wanted to learn more about them.

Beyond the districts and their fences I feel normal and safe; like myself.

"Aaron!" a voice brings me out of my thoughts and back to my reality. Roman runs up to me as I exit the fairy district. Avoiding the glares and whispers from others I meet him half way.

"Hey, how are you this morning?" I ask as we give one another a quick hug.

"Tired," he yawns out before continuing, "Looks like the fay still don't trust you. How many years has it been now?"

Roman waves at a few fairies still glaring at me. His smile causes them to redirect their eyes somewhere else.

"No because I'm the boogieman remember. You're the only one that is at my level of normal." My response sounds a little depressed. I've always wanted to fit in, but with no one else like me it's hard.

"Actually, I'm five hundred years old. I'm also immortal and, well, a druid." He shrugs as we begin walking down the dirt road before us.

"Right, but you're still a beginner."

Chronicles of Descent: Journey to NowhereWhere stories live. Discover now