Notes (Chapter 3)

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"What did you say?" Kit asked "Alright, time's up!" The officer shouted "Right. See you tomrrow, Kit!" You said walking out "Bye..." He said turning around in his cell.

The police officer tapped your shoulder "That kid's trouble. You shouldn't be hanging out with someone like him, Mx. Winters." He said figeting his badge "He's not. He's completly innocent!" You said backing away from him "And how do you know that?" He adjusting his belt "Kit, isn't capable of those crimes. That man wouldn't kill a fly let alone sevral women including his wife who he loved more than anything in this world." You said "You are aware he married a black woman, right?"

"Your point?" You said your hands turning into fists "Well, it's wrong. It's illegal for a reason!" He said raising his voice at you "It's not wrong! You know I don't know why i'm arguing wth somebody like you?!" You said turning away "What do you mean by 'somebody like you', huh?" he said slipping of his cuffs
"Motherfucker-" whisperd to your self as you felt the cold metal hit your wrists.

You spent the night in jail for "Harrassing a officer" which was a lie. When you were realeased and decided to just vist him while you were there as it would be the last day you would see him before he went on trial. "Kit?" you whispered as if he had a hang over "Y/N! Why are you wearing the same chlothes as yesterday?" He asked "Long..story!" You said rubbing your neck as it was sore from sleeping in a cell.

After about 25 minutes talking about nonsense with Kit, "Damn, we only have five more minutes..." He said "Okay, you got your story for tomrrow?" You asked "Yea, Alama was abducted by aliens." He said with a sense of innocence "KIT!" You shouted "What? It's the truth!" He shouted back "The court isn't going to take the truth if the truth isn't belivable!"

You grabbed a piece of paper from you pocket along with a pen a wrote a small simple phrase...

"You can't win if you don't play."

You passed the note into his cell.

"What the hell is this supposed to mean?" He asked after he picked to up "You'll see tomrrow."

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