90 each (Chapter 14)

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"Sister Jude?" Sister Eunice had called out as she opened the door "Ahh, I see you found these two? Hmm?" She questions in excitement. "Yes, is it true you sent them for cleaning supplies?"

"Why no, they had just disaperred out of the blue." Jude smirked "I see..." Sister Eunice stared back at the both of you "May I ask where they were?" Jude continued "Well I found them in the broom closet!" Eunice said in a enthuiastic tone.
"Doing what?" Jude gave you both dagger eyes. "They were...commiting adultery..." The second sister finished.

"Oh? It that so?" Jude asked walking towards her collection of whips. You a Kit exhanged worried looks again. "Would you like to pick it out this time, Sister?" Jude asked "Why, Thank you!" Sister Eunice ponited it the one that hurt the most. All of the paitents called it "Ol' Spanky" for some reason. Guess you were about to find out why.

"How many will you give them?" The second Nun questioned again "90 each!" Jude exclaimed '90 each?! Doesn't that seem a little...outragous?'

They ordered you to lean against the desk "Wait!" You spoke "Ths isn't Kit fault...it's mine I forced him to do it do me he refused but..I made him!" You "confessed". KIt gave you a look of 'Dont. you .dare'

"Seems like you... Alright you get both pusishments." Jude cackled "No-" Kit protested "Save it!" Sister Eunice shouted.

"Kit, go stand over there!" Jude demaned "But-" You looked at him with anger "KIT!" you whispered but it sounded as if was a shout. "Alright." He said tired, like he had just given up.

You did the math frankly 90 added with 90 was not a low number. That day you were given 180 whips. Everyone was painful you wanted to burst in tears. But you didn't you keep quiet, you gave a face of satisfation. To make them belive this was heaven insted of hell. In the end Sister Jude asked "Have you learned your lesson?"

"Yep, do bad things...get the most pleasure i've gotten it years." You finsihed "You disguste me. Leave now." You walked out as Kit followed behind. HE closed the door behind you both.

"You didn't have to do that." He sighed "I know." You groaned "It was my fault anyway..." He said grabbing your hand leading toward the room from before.

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