The watcher

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Occurs after the party chapter. Sorry for being gone for so long. The Holiday season and work was kicking my butt.

"Mike" El breathlessly spoke. She could hear the drumming of her heart quickening within her chest.

For years, El and Mike had hated each other. And even though they spent so much time together as of late, El had told herself that this thing between them— well it was just sex. Something that they couldn't deny themselves of because it felt so good.

But in these last few months, El couldn't deny herself completely of the feelings that had snuck upon her so naturally. The effortless way it had been to fall for him.

And she knew deep down that the reason she couldn't accept Troy's apologies and get back together with him wasn't because she was mad at him.

In fact, she realized that she didn't even care anymore about what Troy had done. She didn't care about what Troy did anymore at all.

What consumed her now was something else entirely. It was the pair of dark almost black eyes that she saw in her dreams. The remnants of soft lips against her own. That deep voice that whispered in her ear and made her heart stop.

It was him. Mike Wheeler was the one she wanted.

It wasn't just sex at all.

Mike let out a shaky breath and gulped as he opened his mouth to speak again. El could feel his hands trembling with nerves.

"I have feelings for you, El." Mike confessed. "I've tried to deny them for months: how much I truly care for you, how stupidly excited I get when I know I'm going to see you again, how you make me feel when I'm near you. You're on my mind all the time, El."

"I tried to push these thoughts away, to tell myself that this whole thing between you and I was about sex. But it's not." Mike continued before a sad expression crossed his face "At least... it's not to me. But if you don't feel the same way, that's okay, really. We never said we were going to be something. We never talked—"

Mike's speech was cut off by a pair of familiar soft lips crashing against his own.

El kissed him fiercely and passionately, trying to convey to him without words the way she truly felt about him.

As she pulled gently away, she rested her forehead against his and looked into his eyes. She picked up his hand and held it in her own, squeezing it tightly.

"I want to be with you too." She admitted to him softly. Her golden brown eyes sparkled as she spoke.

Mike exhaled and his expression softened. "You do?"

"Yes." El smiled up at him. A genuine warmth radiated from her skin. She looked so certain.

Mike smiled back at her happily before another thought came to him, making him nervous.

"what about your rep?" He frowned. "What are your friends and the people at school going to say when you show up hand in hand with the AV club president of nerds."

El brought her hand up to cup his face and looked at him confidently. "I don't care what anyone else thinks, as long as I'm with you."

"But how about you? What about the party? What will they think?" El raised her brow.

Mike leaned back chuckling. "Well Dustin and Lucas will probably high-five me."

El shoves Mike jokingly but can't help but giggle.

Mike laughs. "Max will want to know every little detail of our relationship as if our lives were like one of her soap operas, but after that, I think she'll be happy for us."

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