Chapter 1

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I came out of the calculus lecture feeling drained and parched. The hot weather in Kano was not forgiving. I really am in need of Mamman Yusrah's chilled kunnun aya but I have to wait for Zainab so that we can go together. Zainab Ahmad Maigoro I wonder where that silly girl went to now, her lectures ended fifteen minutes ago. she's probably talking to one of her million admirers, I chuckled to myself.

Zainab is my favorite person in this world, she is my best friend.

As I sat down under the mango tree close to her department, I noticed her walking in a crowd of people, it was easy to spot her because we both wore our matching brocade boubou with a red bejeweled veil. Though very different in appearance because Zainab is as fair as the moon and I was dark in complexion we are like twins always joined at the hip.

Immediately she noticed me she beamed and came to me. "ke Zainab what did you stop to do? I've been waiting for you for the past twenty minutes"

"hey best friend!! Wallahi it was you that held me up"

"ni kuma (me?), what happened? "

"you know that Auwal Sani in my department, the fine one "

"of course I do there's only one fine Auwal Sani in your department, what does he have to do with me, he asked for your number nai? "i asked a little confused.

"no fa, he wanted your number or Instagram handle. I didn't give him your number I know how you are, you don't like random people with your number, and why will even give him your number while our Bashir has already taken you" she said making Winkey faces

"sha I gave him your Instagram so that he can be seeing what he's missing, you know my best friend is a catch but she's not on his level " she exclaimed dramatically while doing an imaginary hair flip

"wawiyya kawai? (fool), let's go and buy kunnun aya from maman yusrah" I laughed at her dramatics

"like you read my mind, let's go"

We quickly trekked to mamman yusrah's small kiosk, immediately she saw us she beamed and called out

"yar sudan and baturiya!"

"inna wuni mamman yusrah, how have you been and yusrah? It's been ages since we both saw her fa when are you bringing my cute baby for me!" zainab exclaimed

"it's true fa mamman yusrah its been a while since we saw our cute yusrah, bring her this weekend to my room in the hostel when you're coming to plait me and zainab's hair "I said

"kash yar sudan da baturiya, you both know yusrah if I bring her she'll run helter-skelter in that hostel" she replied us

She calls me yar sundan while I'm a pure Hausa woman because she said my dark complexion, pretty face, and long full hair I can easily pass as a Sudanese, I always laugh at the thought. while she calls Zainab baturiya because of zainab's fair skin, hazel eyes and long silky soft hair. Because of zainab's fairness, strange light brown colored eyes and hair some people actually thought she was half-cast! it is lways funny to both of us because Zainab is just a through-and-through Fulani girl.

"it's true she'll do that, but we love her like that please bring her and oh tomorrow is Saturday fa, let me go and wash this my tough hair at the hostel before I give you dirty hair to plait" I replied chuckling a little

"mamman yusrah before we continue talking and forget what we came here for, please we want two bottles of your chilled kunnun aya" Zainab said while making movements of removing the money to pay for the drinks from her purse.

"haba dai my daughters you don't have to pay me for something as small as kunnun aya, here take it for free"

"no mamman yusrah please take the money we will feel guilty for taking the drink for free"

"toh ni dai I won't collect your money"

After we argued a bit, we guiltily collected the drinks and bade our farewell. We trekked to where Zainab parked her car because her family is based in kano she lives at home, not in the hostel on campus. Zainab's family the Maigoros is a well-known family throughout kano . The family is known for its prestige, wealth, and connections. A maigoro was automatically given respect in kano and other states, that was how well known they were.

While, both of my parents are from Bauchi and I am their only child. My father is a well-to-do pharmacist that has made his name because of his career and his attributes, anyone that knows my father knows he is an honest and trustworthy man. Due to my family living in Abuja I stay at the hostel on campus here at Bayero University kano. I and Zainab met in secondary, we attended the same boarding secondary school in Abuja from js1 to ss3, after getting into a huge argument in jss 1 when we first met, we then became un-separable.

We spotted her black Benz with tinted windows parked under the shade we entered and she drove us to my hostel. Upon reaching my room I immediately removed my turban and ribbon and lay on my bed.

"ahhh, I'm so tired today Zainab and it's not like I did anything stressful, it's just the heat of kano that's killing me. La haw la I'm so hungry even mamman yusrah's kunnan aya did not satisfy my hunger fa, yanzu (now) I have to cook and then after cooking I have to wash this hair, wallahi I'm so tired" I whined

"toh Lailah just stay at my house for the weekend, we can go to the saloon on our way home then I'll even wash my own hair too. You don't even have to take your clothes you have enough clothes there from the number of times you've stayed and from the ones I bought for both of us, so please come" Zainab said giving me puppy dog eyes

"oh well, it's better I go with you. let me call mamman yusrah and inform her to come to your house for the plaiting" I said as I wore my ribbon and veil.


so how do you like lailah?

how do you like her relationship with Zainab


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