Ch. 1.5

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It's been a week since I saw Embry. And yet, he's all I can think about. And the more I think about him, the more my heart pains from not being near him. Like that electrical feeling was what kept my heart beating. I sound pathetic. Anyway, I've been getting sick as the days go on. Doctors don't know what it is, they say my vitals and everything are perfectly normal, but I have shooting pains in my heart, a killer migraine 24/7, and I've been getting a major cough lately. It's to the point Dad won't let me go to work, he's even taken off to watch me.
"Hey, girlie, what's wrong?" Trixie asks me as I open up the three-way FaceTime on my laptop.
"I'm going crazy! O-Or having a heart attack." I mumble and the look at me like I have two heads.
"Slow down and explain." Mia gently tells me and I take a deep breath before asking,
"You two remember Embry Call, right?"
"Yeah, shoulder length hair, stopped talking to you a couple months ago." Trix says, confused what he has to do with this.
"He came into the diner with his new friends. H-He wouldn't even look at me." I say and wince from a shooting pain going through my heart at the thought.
"You okay?" Mia asks, worriedly.
"Y-Yeah," I sigh, closing my eyes before speaking again, "but then we made eye contact. A-And my body felt like I was being electrocuted or something. Ever since he's all I can think about but the thought of him is like making my sickness worse. M-My heart hurts and I can feel it breaking at the thought of him ignoring me. T-This isn't normal, this isn't me." I sob out and see through my blurry vision their worried faces. Sadly, the crying sends me into a coughing fit.
"Have you tried texting him? Maybe he'll explain why he stopped talking to you." Trix offers. Just then my phone alerts me that I got a text, I look to see it's from the boy himself.
"He just texted." I inform them and they tell me to read it. "He says that he's sorry for being M.I.A. and that he's hoping we can meet up."
"Do it." Mia says.
"No, 'buts' if you want answers, do it. Tell him to meet you at First Beach." She tells me.
"Why First Beach?" Trix questions.
"She likes the beach." Mia shrugs and I nod in agreement.
"Okay," I say, wiping my tears, "I'm telling him to meet me at First Beach in a hour. I gotta get ready, I look a mess."
"Are you sure your dads gonna let you out?" Trix asks.
"I'll tell him fresh air is what I need, or some shit like that." We say our goodbyes and hang up, I take a quick shower washing my body before French braiding my hair and throwing in a maroon sweater, grey jeans, black combat boots, and my black coat. "Bye, Dad. Be back later." I rush out and he quickly stops me.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"
"I read that fresh air helps. I've been cooped up for three days, it'll be good for me. Plus, I'll be back to cook dinner, promise." I say and he lets me go. I check my watch to see that I have thirty minutes left to meet Embry.

Pulling into the little parking lot, I spot Embry sitting in a log off to the side. Just seeing him causes two things to happen, the electrical feeling is back and the migraine has gone away. I turn the car off before getting out and walking over to him. Once he hears me approaching he quickly turns and stands up just as I stop next to him.
"Hey, Elle." He smiles and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach from not only his smile but the nickname only he calls me.
"Hey, Em."
"Wanna walk?" He asks and I nod.
After we've walked a bit away from the people scattered on the beach, he speaks.
"I just want to start off by saying that I'm so, so sorry, Elle. I can't exactly explain everything now, but I was going through some things."
"Your friends would have been there for you." I say and he gulps, looking out at the water as we stop walking.
"It was better that I didn't drag you guys into it. Sam was helping, he is helping." Embry says and my eyebrows scrunch together displaying my confusion.
"You used to hate Sam."
"That was before I knew him, he really isn't that bad. Sometimes he's a little too serious, but it comes with the job." Embry explains and honestly, I'm even more confused. "Please, Elle, can we start over? Clean slate?"
"What about Jake and Quil?" I question and his face falls, his features show sadness and guilt.
"It's better this way, please, just trust me." He says and I am now the one that feels guilt. I do trust him, I trust him with my life, but how can I be friends with him when he's turned his back on the boys.
"Please, Elle, I'm begging you. I'll explain everything when the time is right, that's just not now." He says, his eyes tearing up as mine do. I should leave him, abandon him as he did us...but I can't. I truly don't know if I can handle that, physically or mentally.
"Promise?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Promise." He says and pulls me into a hug. "I know this is asking a lot of you, but I've waited years to ask you this," he says, pulling out of the hug, "will you be my girlfriend?"
"I-It's just i wanna be all in, no holding back. Also, I think I would've chickened out later." He chuckles and I do too.
"You're lucky I've been crushing on you for a bit, yes, Em, I'll be your girlfriend." I smile and he pulls me into another hug causing me to laugh. "But you're taking me on a date Saturday."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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