Ch. 2.5

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<Super short chapter, I just wanted to have it espérate from the next one>


Dad was pissed. I had cried myself to sleep in Embry's arms but was awoken by dad's yells. I look around to see that Embry is gone, he must've told dad. I get out of bed before descending down the stairs to hear dad and Embry talking in the kitchen.
"Do you know why she went?" Dad grits out.
"No, sir. All I know is she went with the Cullens." He tells my dad and that's when I make myself known.
"Thanks, Embry." Dad says to him before pulling me into his arms as I breakdown again. "It's okay, honey." Dad whispers, rubbing my back. "Thank you again, Embry, but I got it from here."
"Yes, sir." He says to my dad before leaving.
"How did he-"
"Heart attack. We were hunting and I guess his heart just gave out." Dad mutters but I hear him as clear as day. Poor Harry, poor Sue.

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