Love Conquers Everything-Chapter 10 DOOM.

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:) I'm baaack. 


I saw Kirk being dragged out of his car... with a bloodied shirt. And two muscular men dragging him out. I was just in shock. Nothing could explain how I felt. I felt like running over and beating the shit out of them. What could I do, no matter how much I say I hate him, how much I think he's a jerk, he's the only one I love. I still have feeling for him... A lot.

There was a thrift shop by the corner.. I decided to park there and pretend to be normal, and look around. There was a book rack and I headed over there... It gave me a really good angle of that alley... 

They dragged him in a storeroom of some sort. I was enraged. i wanted to punch them so hard.

I couldn't take it anymore. I stormed out the shop and cooled outside...

I was contemplating on whether or not I should go in.... I tapped my foot, closed my eyes.. Shouted even.


Until I removed all the doubts and walked into that creepy storeroom.


I didn't even open the door yet, but I could hear yelling, like interrogation type of things in those CSI:NY episodes when Mac gets super irritated that he bangs the table. yeah, that type of yelling.

I cringed. I was scared. I wanted to save my love, but i could only do so much.

I took deep breaths and opened the door a little. I quietly stepped inside..

It was filled with cargo boxes.. And there was a part of a room that was dimly lit.. WIth a chair in the middle and a guy just sitting beside him and yelling...

I knew the guy sitting on the chair was Kirk.. I spotted a gun in the muscular guy's hand..

I gasped. I covered my mouth in fear that they would know someone else was here....


I took my cover behind one big box. And tried my best to find a good spot to look at the things happening... until I felt tired...


I didn't realize that I fell asleep until a loud noise shook me...

They shot a gun. I froze. Not wanting to look. But I had to...

I turned and saw that Kirk was still on the chair, very much alive... but unconsious.

"OHMYGOD." I said, relieved and scred. I froze again.

Someone must've heard me. 

"CODE RED, SGT. HANDSOME. I REPEAT CODE RED." the muscular guy talked over a radio.

I panicked. I was shaking. It was over. This one chance to save Kirk, I failed. I broke down.. Then i heard a heavy door open.. I looked..

Apparently, that was Sgt, Handsome. o.O 

"Bathroom's occupied. Pink dagger took too long a leak." he said with a very deep and scary voice.

Whew, it was just a restroom code.

"Oh shit. I gotta use the public restrooms, ew." 

"Don't be a wimp, Cap'n Crunch." 

Seriously weird names.... 

When Cap'n Crunch left, Sgt. Handsome just leaned on the wall and lit a cigarette..


Sgt. Handsome dashed out and the heavy metal door just clashed. OUCH.


I saw a chance to save Kirk. THIS WAS IT.

I ran out of my hideout and kneeled infront of his chair. He was clearly unconscious...

"Kirby, baby. It's me Kace. Please wake up" I said...

No response.

I started tapping his face and he slowly opened his eyes...

"Kace? Baby, i'm so sorry. I didn't mea-" He mumbled.

"No, baby it's okay. Baby, please. I'm gonna help you okay? Just stay calm. I love you and I'm gonna get us out of here, baby." I told him, and I kissed him.

"I love you so much." 

Just then, the door swung open..

"Stupid pranks, if i could just-" 

It was Sgt. Handsome.

"And what do you think you're doing?!"

I froze. And held Kirby's hand tightly and clenched my fist.


took me a while to work on this.. hahaa. hopefully, you guys liked it!! :)


OT: WHO WATCHED AI ?! Who thought that Stefano deserved to stay!? MEEEE. He's so frickin sexy. Esp. when he sang CLOSER. DAYUMMM. DAMN SEXY. I voted for him a bajillion times. WTF AMERICA. :( I LOVE YOU STEFANO. <33. you're so cute when you flirt, and you're dance. i dieeeee.


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