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Ever since Amelie took over the role of Adrien's caregiver, he had eaten lunch in the school cafeteria instead of going back home for the break. Not only did that give him more time with Marinette, but he also got extra time with his other friends. And that school day would be no exception.

Adrien and Marinette both grabbed some food and went over to their usual table. Half a minute later, Nino joined them. The only person missing was Alya, and it was for good reason.

"Hey Felix," Alya said, catching up to him in the food line. "Do you want to eat with us today?"

He looked at her, confused. She had never invited him to sit with them before, and he was perfectly happy sitting with Kim, Max, and Nathaniel like every other day. Of course, he wasn't going to give up the opportunity to sit near Marinette. So after a second, he nodded. "I guess so."

"Great. Come on and join us."

With his heart rate increasing, Felix followed Alya over to the table. Once they reached it, she took her seat next to Nino. Felix remained standing, frozen in place when he noticed the seating arrangement. Alya and Nino were on one side, and Marinette and Adrien were on the other side. But Marinette had moved over to make room for him.

"Sit here," Marinette said, gesturing to the seat beside her. "I'm so glad you decided to sit with us today."

He instantly did as he was told. "Uh yeah, thanks for..."

"Sorry, but do you mind moving a little bit closer?" she interrupted.

A blank stare. "Closer?"

"Yeah, to me."

"Uh... uh, y... yeah," he sputtered as he slid a little closer.

"A little more," she said, smiling at him.

Now it felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He slid over so their shoulders were touching.

Marinette smiled brighter. "Thanks."

Felix gazed at her. How was he lucky enough to have such a beautiful girl want to be so close to him? Then without thinking he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her.

She instantly kissed him back. And when he put his arms around her, she did the same to him.

He didn't care that Adrien was right there. In fact, it was better that way because now he would realize that Marinette wasn't going to be his girlfriend anymore.

Yes, those beautiful lips were firmly connected to him now, and they would never leave.

He would keep caressing those lips all the way until...


With a snap he returned to the real world. And this time, Marinette wasn't even phased by his absence. "Thanks again," she said with a smile.

Overtaken by happiness at the sight of her beauty, Felix smiled back. The smile stayed on his face for an entire second until she spoke again.

"Now there's plenty of room for Zoe."

And all of a sudden the high he had been experiencing crashed back down to Earth. Then he glanced over to find Zoe approaching the table.

"Hey everyone," she said. "Thanks for letting me sit with you today."

"You're welcome," Marinette quickly replied. "Here, sit right here next to Felix."

Zoe looked unsure. "You guys seem pretty squished on this side. I'll sit over here next to Alya..."

"No, there's plenty of room!" Marinette insisted. "Besides, Adrien was just about to move and sit next to Nino."

Adrien nearly dropped his fork from surprise. "I was?"

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